
As a Community Trust Endowment Fund recipient and a research partner of the AGE-WELL Networks of Centres of Excellence, the Point of Care Health Technologies Team is responsible for defining its own objectives, purpose and responsibilities and must report back on initiatives and progress annually.

The specific responsibilities of the Point of Care Health Technologies Team are to:

1) Develop and test technologies that will optimize health and create more sustainable healthcare in the face of growing demands

2) Improve the quality of life of people by enhancing care to keep them out of hospitals

3) Open up new business and commercial opportunities in the health technology sector

4) Position SFU and the engaged research model as a national/international leader in health technology innovation and commercialization

5) Report annually on progress in each of objectives. 1-4 to the SFU Associate Vice President of Research and to the AGE-WELL (AW) Network Management Office through the Forum Research Portal reporting tool.