Biweekly Research Forum for Trainees

Research Forum meetings for Point of Care Health Technologies Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP include trainees and research staff such as undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research associates, research assistants, technicians, and summer students) are conducted biweekly. The Research Forum meetings are our primary venue for research translation, capacity building, communication, and community development.

The Research Forum meetings are an opportunity for us to share our work and expertise, ensuring that our researchers have the crucial knowledge to be successful and generate transformative impact. The meetings help us to build strong connections across our community, including outreach to local stakeholders. The meetings tie in with the activities of the AGE-WELL NCE, Canada's technology and aging network. As a core component of PCHT activity, all HQP are expected to participate, and PCHT Team/Node Leaders are encouraged to attend as well. 

Every other meeting takes place on an alternate campus, and includes members of STAR (Science and Technology for Aging Research) Institute and local AGE-WELL members to encourage networking between these initiatives. 

Four key objectives of the Research Forum Meetings: 

1) Research and knowledge translation and dissemination: a forum for members to share their research and get constructive feedback from a friendly audience. 

2) Training in new research skills through workshops on statistical methods, ethics, machine learning, human subjects, etc. Topics determined based on feedback and current priorities. 

3) Communication of critical information, such as funding opportunities and deadlines. 

4) Networking and connecting: e.g. identifying and planning collaborative opportunities, shared resources, etc. Social activities will let us get to know each other in a less formal setting. 

Photo Gallery of Biweekly PCHT HQP Research Forum