Chapter 6: Purifying the City: The Deportation of Political Outcasts during the Cultural Revolution

Page Number: 137
Footnote Number: 1
Content: Wanxian is now called Shunping county. All materials about Ding are from a file on her case from the Heping District Vegetable Foodstuffs Company (Heping qu shucai fushipin gongsi), deportation file 74, AC.[Redaction required: Phase 2 source]

Page Number: 144
Footnote Number: Table 6.1
Content: Source: 刘政同志在市委落实遣返政策和加强对青少年管理教育工作会议上的讲话 [Comrade Liu Zheng's speech at the work meeting on implementing deportation policy and strengthening management and education of youths], April 1, 1972, AC.

Page Number: 146
Footnote Number: 21
Content: For earlier definitions of enemies, see 中央十人小組, 關於反革命分子和其他坏分子的解釋及处理的政策界限的暫行規定 [Provisional regulations on policy boundaries for explaining and handling counterrevolutionary and other bad elements], March 10, 1956, cited in Tianjin gongan ju, "关于变法中央有关划定专政对象界限政策的同志" [Circular distributing party center's policy boundaries delineating targets for the exercise of dictatorship], November 23, 1963, AC.

Page Number: 147
Footnote Number: 24
Content: 中国人民解放军天津市公安局军事管制委员会遣送办公室, 关于贯彻中国人民解放军天津市公安局军事管制委员会“关于文化大革命中被遣送后返津人员的处理办法”若干条文的理解意见(草稿) [Draft opinion on interpreting several clauses of the PLA Tianjin Public Security Bureau Military Control Committee's "On handling people who returned to Tianjin after being deported during the Cultural Revolution"], November 14, 1967, AC.

Page Number: 148
Footnote Number: 25
Content: 天津市革命委員会、天津駐軍支左联絡站、天津警备区,关于建立清理工作指揮部的决定 [Decision on establishing a Headquarters for Sorting Out Work], March 20, 1968, AC.

Page Number: 148
Footnote Number: 26
Content: 关于继续做好在文化大革命中被遣送后返津人員处理工作的通知 [Directive on continuing to do a good job in handling people who returned to Tianjin after being deported during the Cultural Revolution] Jinge [1968] 64 (April 1, 1968), AC.

Page Number: 148
Footnote Number: 27
Content: Deportation file 27, AC.

Page Number: 149
Footnote Number: 28
Content: 以毛主席最新指示为纲,乘胜前进,把“一批三查”运动进行到底——解学恭同志在“一批三查”运动經驗交流大会上的讲話 [Taking Chairman Mao's newest order as the guiding principle, advance on the crest of victory and carry out the "one criticize, three checks" movement to the end -- Comrade Xie Xuegong's speech at the meeting to exchange experiences about the "one criticize, three checks" movement], May 5, 1968, AC.

Page Number: 150
Footnote Number: 31
Content: 天津市第一机械工业局革命委員会,关于已批准遣送,不再遣送重报批示的通知 [Directive on resubmitting orders to no longer deport already approved deportees], June 26, 1969, AC.

Page Number: 151
Footnote Number: 34
Content: 刘政同志在市委落实遣返政策和加强对青少年管理教育工作会议上的讲话 [Comrade Liu Zheng's speech at the work meeting on implementing deportation policy and strengthening management and education of youths], April 1, 1972, AC.

Page Number: 151
Footnote Number: 35
Content: "Some children of ten types and ten types [themselves] are vagrant in Tianjin, doing bad things or staying with relatives and friends and not returning to villages, avoiding being supervised and transformed by the poor and lower-middle peasants;" 南开区清理工作分指挥部,关于继續抓好遣送工作意見的报告 [Report on continuing to firmly grasp deportation work], March 20, 1969, circulated by the Nankai District Revolutionary Committee as Nange [1969] 18 (March 27, 1969), AC.

Page Number: 153
Footnote Number: Table 6.2
Content: Source: Deportation files, AC. [All redacted deportation files will be available on the Grassroots Chinese History Archive, currently under construction]

Page Number: 153
Footnote Number: 38
Content: Deportation file 25, AC.

Page Number: 154
Footnote Number: 39
Content: Deportation file 38, AC.

Page Number: 155
Footnote Number: 40
Content: Deportation file 35, AC.

Page Number: 156
Footnote Number: 41
Content: Deportation file 59, AC.

Page Number: 157
Footnote Number: 42
Content: Deportation file 33, AC.

Page Number: 158
Footnote Number: 43
Content: Deportation file 43, AC. Even though Liu never left Tianjin, his deportation order from 1968 categorizes him as a "deported person" (被遣送人员).

Page Number: 158
Footnote Number: 44
Content: The full text of Notice Number Four is included in关于继续做好在文化大革命中被遣送后返津人員处理工作的通知

Page Number: 159
Footnote Number: 46
Content: The other side of this coin was that deported outcasts freed up some of the most desirable real estate in Tianjin, leading the Tianjin Revolutionary Committee to prohibit "sudden moves" (tuji banjia) and squatting in deportees' vacant homes. 天津市革命委员会,通知 [Directive], 津革 [1969] 99 (June 9, 1969), AC.In 1972, Xinhua reporter Yang Jisheng discovered that the military had taken over some of Tianjin's best real estate. See his 内参引发的军队大搬家, 《炎黄春秋》3 (2001).

Page Number: 160
Footnote Number: 47
Content: As of May 1969, Heping district counted 135 deportees who had returned to Tianjin without permission. Of these, 51 came back to the city because villages refused to accept them, and 61 came back because they were too old or ill to support themselves in villages, or because their native places were in a strategic coastal or border region. 和平区清理工作分指揮部,关于学习贯彻“九大”精神,落实政策,做好遣送工作的安排意见 [Plan on studying and carrying out the spirit of the Ninth Party Congress on implementing policy and doing deportation work well], May 23, 1969, AC.

Page Number: 161
Footnote Number: 50
Content: Deportation file 75, AC. [Redaction required: Phase 2 source]

Page Number: 162
Footnote Number: 52
Content: Deportee file 52, AC.

Page Number: 163
Footnote Number: 54
Content: 天津市革委会核心小组,研究关于处理遣返倒流人员的意见 [Opinion on researching how to handle deportees who flowed back], August 23, 1969, AC.

Page Number: 164
Footnote Number: 55
Content: 天津市革命委员会人民保卫部,天津市落实遣返政策經驗学习参考材料 [Materials for study and reference about experiences of putting repatriation policy on firm footing], July 26, 1972, AC.

Page Number: 164
Footnote Number: 56
Content: 和平区清理工作分指揮部,关于学习贯彻“九大”精神落实政策

Page Number: 165
Footnote Number: 58
Content: 高举“九六”团结、胜利的旗帜 进一步落实党的各項政策——刘政同志六月二十七日在区、局負責人会議上的讲話記录摘要 [Hold aloft the Ninth Party Congress's banner of unity and victory, go a step further in putting all party policies on firm footing -- Summary transcript of Comrade Liu Zheng's talk at a meeting of district and bureau leaders on June 27]. Reprinted by Yi jixie ju renmin baowei zu, July 10, 1969, AC. According to Alexopoulos, similar absurdities took place in the Soviet Union. One woman was disenfranchised after being labeled as "the mother of a deported hooligan;" Alexopoulos, Stalin's Outcasts, 55.

Page Number: 165
Footnote Number: 59
Content: The following paragraphs are from 天津市革命委员会人民保卫部,天津市落实遣返政策經驗学习参考材料, 18-24.

Page Number: 166
Footnote Number: 60
Content: Ibid., 15.

29 citations