Pages 1–136

Page Number: 47
Footnote Number: 57
Content: 天津市河西区人民委员会,河西区关于动員流入城市农民还乡生产的工作計划(草稿) [Hexi district work draft work plan on mobilizing peasants who flowed into the city to return to villages to produce], December 24, 1957, AC.

Page Number: 124
Footnote Number: 50
Content: Personal diary, AC.

Page Number: 135
Footnote Number: 88
Content: Zhonggong Tianjin shiwei pi-Lin zhengfeng bangongshi, "Nan jiao quwei zhaokai pipan dahui henpi Lin Biao fandang jituan zhuyao chengyuan Chen Boda de fangeming zuixing" [South suburbs party committee convenes a large-scale meeting to ruthlessly criticize the counterrevolutionary crimes of Chen Boda, important member of the Lin Biao anti-party clique] Pi-Lin pi-Kong jianbao 67 (April 17, 1974): 3, AC.[Source coming soon]

3 sources