Longitudinal Marriage Study

We had an overwhelming response to advertisements for couples to participate in our Transition to Marriage Project. Not all of the couples who contacted us were eligible to participate in that study as some were already married, had children, or were not yet engaged. Any couples who were interested in participating were invited to be in the Longitudinal Marriage Study, which follows couples over three years via online questionnaires.

The goal of this project is similar to that of the Transition to Marriage Study: How does the nature and quality of positive behaviours and experiences shape the developmental course of marriage? Learning more about processes of change in marriage will help us target couples who may benefit from intervention, and to develop tools to help couples meet the challenges of marriage.

If you are a participant in this study, we will be contacting you at the end of the project to provide you with a summary of the results, so please keep us updated with your contact information. This summary will also be posted on the website as the information becomes available