Term One
Jump to: Program Benefits | Term 1 Components | Cost
Participation in the Back on Track Program brings several important benefits. You will:
- Receive intensive academic advising and access to specialized non-credit courses designed to assist you in building your academic skills in areas of need identified through personal assessment tools;
- Gain access to online and personal supports, services and resources dedicated to assisting you in achieving success;
- Have the RTW academic standing removed from your permanent record and replaced with EAP, if you successfully complete the program and maintain a satisfactory GPA over both terms; and,
- Continue your university career at SFU without needing to take courses elsewhere and apply for readmission.
Requirements: What do I need to do in Term One of the Back on Track Program?
Before you join
1. Attend an Information Session (1- 1.5 hrs) You can sign up through our New Intake Information page.
2. Check your eligibility for the program.
You are eligible to participate in the program if you were Required to Withdraw (RTW) in the term immediately prior to starting the program. For example, if you were RTW in the Spring term, then you are eligible to participate in the Summer term as your Term One.
Deferrals can be granted depending on your circumstances. If you were RTW in an earlier term and have not taken transferable courses at another post secondary institution, you may still be eligible to join. Please contact the Back on Track office by emailing success@sfu.ca for more information and to check your eligibility.
If this is the second time for you to be Required to Withdraw (PW), you have previously participated in the RTW version of the program, have a hold on your student account for academic or non-academic misconduct or a financial hold, then you do not qualify to participate.
3. Follow the instructions in the Next Steps email that the BOT program office will send to you after you have completed your Information Session. This email will give you access to:
Review and sign the online Student Agreement
Complete the pre-intake form
Book an Intake appointment (1 hr)
Once you have completed your Intake appointment and submitted your Student Agreement, you will need to complete the following components.
Please note that you will not take any courses for credit in Term One.
Group Sessions
- Getting Started Session
- Career Development Session
Individual Components
- Learning Plan Appointment with Learning Specialist
- Term One (BOT 110) Canvas Course
- Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)
- Self-assessment developed specifically for BOT students
Additional Components (if required)
- International Student Session
- English Writing Assessment
The Term One fee is subject to change. The fees are outlined in the RTW Information Session and BOT Program Student Agreement which you will review before you join.
End of Back on Track Term One and Continuation
If you have a passing grade for Term One of BOT, you are eligible to continue on to Term Two. Please note that any holds on your account may impact Term Two enrollment and/or participation.