This page contains a list of publications in reverse chronological order, organized by book reviews, theses, and conference presentations.
Book Reviews
1. Cardoso HFV. Children and childhood in bioarchaeology. Patrick Beauchesne, Sabrina C. Agarwal University Press of Florida. 2018. 392 pp. ISBN 978‐0‐8130‐5680‐7. $110.00 (Hardcover). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169: 394-394. (pdf)
2. Cardoso, HFV. Patterns of Growth and Development of the Human Skeleton and Dentition in relation to Environmental Quality. PhD in Anthropology. McMaster University. (pdf)
1. Cardoso, HFV. Sexual Dimorphism in Stature and in Size and Proportions of the Long Bones. MSc in Biological Anthropology. University of Coimbra. (In Portuguese). (pdf)
Conference Presentations
146. Nelson J, Harrington L, Holland E, Cardoso HFV. Exploring the Laws of Developmental Direction Using a Documented Skeletal Collection. AABA
145. Tran CNH, Garcia C, Valente MJ, Berna F, Cardoso HFV, Yang, D. Minimizing contamination while collecting sediment samples from human burials for DNA analysis. AABA
144. Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Whether it is call race, ancestry, or affinity, there are clear theoretical, methodological, and ethical arguments to stop using typological concepts of human variation in biological anthropology. CABA
143. Tran CNH, Garcia C, Valente MJ, Berna F, Cardoso HFV, Yang, D. Exploring sample collection in the recovery of human DNA from burial sediments. CABA
142. Cervantes M, Albanese A, Cardoso HFV. The Application of CT Rendered Images For Evaluation Of Traits Associated With Ancestry Estimation In Children. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
141. Doucette R, Cervantes M, Cardoso HFV. Intra- and Inter-observer error assessment of a new metric method for estimating the sex of juvenile remains, using both a dry-bone collection and CT scan images. CABA
140. Sierra-Serrano E, Albanese A, Cardoso HFV. Investigating Reproducibility of a Skeletal Age Estimation Method on Two Samples with Remarkably Different Demographic Profiles. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
139. Meyers J, Adolphi N, Cardoso HFV. Sociodemographic composition of a modern juvenile post-mortem CT collection: Examining trends in body size, manner of death, and demographic parameters. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
138. Nelson JS, Harrington L, Holland E & Cardoso, HFV. The effects of early life stress on limb proportions in 19th century Bologna, Italy. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology.
137. Figura K, Nichols K, Spake L, Blackbird D, Kennedy D, Holland E, Reder D, Albanese J, Yang D, Cardoso HFV, Yellowhorn E. From home to the Brandon Indian Residential School: Addressing the colonial legacy of displaced Indigenous children through GIS and archives (1936-1952). CAA 53rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association:Virtual Conference, May 5-9, 2021. Poster
136. Nichols K, Spake L, Kennedy D, Holland E, Reder D, Albanese J, Yang D, Figura K, Blackbird D, Cardoso HFV, Yellowhorn E. Working for Sioux Valley Dakota Nation: Finding missing Indigenous children to foster restorative justice, repatriation, and reconciliation through forensic anthropology and archaeology at the Brandon Residential School. CAA 53rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association:Virtual Conference, May 5-9, 2021. Podium.
135. Figura K, Wong E, Huculak M, Cardoso HFV. Documenting Graves in 3D: A Practical Comparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structured Light Scanning Forensic Archaeology SIG: 1st Annual Virtual Poster Conference, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. Poster.
134. Gooderham E, Matias A, Liberato M, Santos H, Walshaw S, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Did population health change significantly during the Medieval Islamic to the Christian transition? A study of child growth and social change in Medieval Santarem. EMBIO – Early Medieval Bioanthropology, University of Coimbra.
133. Gooderham E, Cardoso HFV. Separating the illness from the individual: using bioarchaeology of disability to understand how marginalization due to Tuberculosis impacted life. Virtual Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology.
132. Kennedy D, Nichols K, Holland E, Albanese J, Reder D, Yang D, Cardoso HFV, Yellowhorn E. Addressing the legacy of residential school cemeteries: Exploring the important role of a Community Liaison. Virtual Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology.
131. Spake L, Meyers M, Blau S, Cardoso HFV, Lottering N. Anthropological measurement protocol for post-cranial bones in post-mortem computed tomography using thin slab maximum intensity projection. The International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging Annual Meeting (Virtual).
130. Gooderham E, Nelson J, Meyers J, Holland E, Harrington L, Cardoso HFV. A comparison of femoral development; does diaphyseal growth and cortical development tell the same story? Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Banff, Alberta.
129. Spake L, Hoppa RD, Cardoso HFV. Lack of biological mortality bias in the timing of dental development in a sample of contemporary children. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Banff, Alberta.
128. Figura K, Nichols K, Spake L, Cardoso HFV. The Brandon Residential School: An exploration of Indigenous children’s movement across the Prairie Provinces. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Banff, Alberta.
127. Meyers J, Spake L, Gooderham E, Cervantes M, Figura K, Smith D, Duncan M, Cardoso HFV. Early mortality and developmental stress reflected in fluctuating asymmetry of crown dimensions of deciduous dentition. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Banff, Alberta.
126. Cardoso HFV. Contentious bones. Colonialism, repatriation, reconciliation, and biological anthropology in an era of historical accounting (In Portuguese). Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association, Lisbon. (pdf)
125. Meyers J, Gooderham E, Marinho L, Nahal H, Nichols K, O’Neil D, Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Severe skeletal lesions associated with a documented case of juvenile leukemia. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Cleveland, OH.
124. Nelson J, Harrington L, Holland E, Cardoso HFV. Do teeth forming in different early life periods show differential discrepancy with known age? Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Cleveland, OH. (pdf)
123. Cardoso HFV, Primeau C, Humphrey L, Harrington L, Holland E, Rios L, Hoogland M, Spake L, Nelson J, Gooderham E. Geographic variation in long bone growth and age estimation of juvenile skeletal remains. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Cleveland, OH. (pdf)
122. Marinho L, Galloway A, Robinovitch SN, Sparrey CJ, Cardoso HFV. Thermogravimetric analysis of the compositional changes of juvenile pig ribs during the early postmortem interval in a buried environment. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Baltimore, MD. (pdf)
121. Nahal H, Marinho L, Sparrey C, Cardoso HFV. Assessing the Impact of High versus Low Velocity Thoracic Trauma: A Study of Experimental Rib Fracturing using Juvenile Pigs (Sus scrofa). Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Baltimore, MD.
120. Spake L, Meyers J, Cardoso HFV. Reliability of dental development scoring methods across 2D and 3D CT visualization techniques. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario. (pdf)
119. Lamer L, Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Testing Methods for Juvenile Sex Estimation Using Long Bone Metaphyseal and Diaphyseal Measurements. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario.
118. Nichols K, Meyers J, Gooderham E, Cardoso HFV. Growth Disparities as a Measure of Stress Experienced at the Brandon Residential School. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario.
117. Shaver S, Figura K, Gooderham E, Bishop B, Chervenka K, Garcia CT, Valente MJ, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Data after the fact? Field photography to post hoc hard data. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario.
116. Nahal H, Marinho L, Sparrey C, Cardoso HFV. Assessing the Impact of High versus Low Velocity Thoracic Trauma: A Study of Experimental Rib Fracturing using Juvenile Pigs (Sus scrofa). Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario.
115. Gooderham E, Matias A, Walshaw S, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. A comparative growth study in Medieval Islamic and Christian Portugal: linear and appositional growth as markers of the social environment. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario.
114. Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Evaluating the use of the Maresh long bone data for age estimation of juvenile skeletal remains in forensic contexts. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX.
113. Cardoso HFV, Harrington L, Nelson J, Holland E, Tanganelli V, Belcastro M. Are Social Inequalities Embodied as Growth Disparities in Children? Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX.
112. Gooderham E, Matias A, Walshaw S, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. A comparative growth study between children from the medieval Islamic and medieval late Christian Periods in Santarém, Portugal. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX.
111. Albanese J, Dagdag A, Skalic C, Cardoso HFV. An assessment of ancestry and sex estimation using Fordisc 3.1. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
110. Cardoso HFV, Spake L, Rios L, Albanese J. Testing the reliability of ancestry-specific juvenile age estimation methods using the diaphyseal length of the humerus. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA. (pdf)
109. Marinho L, Fisk S, Cardoso HFV. The Relative Compositional Changes of Buried Juvenile Porcine Ribs and Ulnae in the Early Postmortem Interval. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA. (pdf)
108. Marinho L, Galloway A, Robinovich S, Sparrey C, Cardoso HFV. Biomechanics and Composition of Juvenile Pig Ribs in Relation to the Postmortem Interval in a Subaerial Environment. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA. (link)
107. Fisk S, Berna F, Merrett D, Cardoso HFV. The Differential Effects of Environmental Factors on Immature and Mature Bone Degradation: A Controlled Experiment Using Pig (Sus scrofa) Skeletal Remains. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA. (pdf)
106. Cardoso HFV, Albanese J. Multi‐observer agreement in morphological assessments of Phenice’s pubic traits for sex estimation from human skeletal remains. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada.
105. Meyers J, Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Sex Differences in Secular Change in Height and Weight among Affluent Portuguese School Children from 1913 to 2012. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada. (link)
104. Spake L, Meyers J, Fisk S, Gooderham E, Marinho L, O’Neil D, Nahal H, Cardoso HFV. Early mortality and developmental stress reflected in crown dimensions of the deciduous and permanent dentitions. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada. (pdf)
103. Gooderham E, Matias A, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. A comparative study of child growth and health in Medieval Santarém, Portugal. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada.
102. Vanderbyl G, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Exploring Socioeconomic Status and Structural Violence in Identified Human Skeletal Collections: A Study on the Lisbon Identified Collection. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada.
101. Marinho L, Sparrey C, Cardoso HFV. Changes in fracture morphology over the early postmortem interval of buried juvenile pig ribs. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada. (link)
100. Fisk S, Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. A new protocol to quantify water, collagen and mineral content in bone material. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada. (pdf)
99. Fisk S, Cardoso HFV. The Differential Effects of Environmental Factors on Immature and Mature Bone Weathering: A Preliminary Analysis Using Pig (Sus scrofa) Remains. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada. (pdf)
98. Nelson J, Holland E, Harrington L, Cardoso HFV. An Examination of Long Bone Length for Age in Children from Late 19th Century Bologna, Italy. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Edmonton, Canada.
97. Marinho L, Galloway A, Robinovitch SN, Sparrey CJ, Cardoso HFV. Biomechanics and composition of buried juvenile pig ribs in relation to the post‐mortem interval. Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS), Toronto, Canada. (pdf)
96. Cardoso HFV, Vanderbyl G, Rios L, Albanese J. The Embodiment of Social Inequality after Death: Ethical, Legal and Political Issues about Amassing Human Skeletal Reference Collections from Cadaver and Cemetery Sources. EASA Medical Anthropology Network 2017 meeting, Lisbon. (pdf)
95. Spake L, Ferreira MT, Wasterlian S, Cardoso HFV. A Comparative Growth Analysis of African Child Slaves in 15th to 17th Century Portugal. Annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. New Orleans. (pdf)
94. Halliday J, Andrade M, Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. Assessing Age Related Changes in the Strength of Relationship for Dental, Skeletal, and Chronological Age using Bivariate Correlations. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
93. Gooderham E, Marinho L, Spake L, Fisk S, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. Severe Skeletal Lesions and Loss of Bone Mass in a Child Associated with a Case of Spinal Tuberculosis and Prolonged Immobilization. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
92. Tarle L, Nicholas G, Cardoso HFV. Museum Ethics and the Display of Archaeological Human Remains. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
91. Marinho, L, Fisk S, Spake L, Cardoso HFV. The Effects of Bilateral Asymmetry in Long Bone Length on Juvenile Age Predictions. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
90. Fisk S, Spake L, Marinho L, Gooderham E, Cardoso HFV. The Use of Dental and Skeletal Indicators to Predict the Age of Menarche from Juvenile Human Skeletal Remains. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
89. Cardoso HFV, Abrantes HFV, Spake L, Rios L. A Test of Juvenile Age Estimation Methods Based on the Diaphyseal Length of the Long Bones. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
88. Spake L, Gooderham E, Fisk S, Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. Growth status of survivors and non-survivors of skeletal tuberculosis: The relevance of records of child admissions to the Sant’Ana Sanitarium, Portugal (1904-1953) for health studies of archaeological populations. 43rd Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology, Peterborough. (pdf)
87. Cardoso HFV. An examination of early stress, longevity, growth and childhood socioeconomic circumstances in a modern juvenile skeletal sample from Portugal. Podium presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta. (pdf)
86. Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Are we using the appropriate reference samples to develop juvenile age estimation methods for a forensic context in developed nations? Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta. (pdf)
85. Spake L, Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. Socioeconomic status and fatal accidents in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Poster. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
84. Vandergugten J, Humphrey L, Cardoso HFV. Small but significant: Age-at-death estimation from the developing epiphyses and metaphyses of the six long bones. Poster. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
83. McCuaig M, Albanese J, Humphrey L, Cardoso HFV. Cranial growth as an indicator of age in juvenile skeletal remains. Poster. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. (pdf)
82. Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. Comparison between Perimortem Blunt Force Trauma identified in Bone during an Autopsy and during an Anthropological Examination of 21 Skeletonized Remains Several Years after Death. Poster presentation. 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. (pdf)
81. Cardoso HFV. Modern juvenile skeletal reference collections: a review of the known, poorly-known and unknown. Oral presentation. XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Antropologia Fisica, Madrid.
80. Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Is Mortality Bias a Significant Factor when Studying Past Child Health and Growth? Oral presentation. 43rd Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology, Winnipeg.
79. Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. A retrospective analysis of blunt force skeletal trauma in fall‐related deaths. Poster presentation. 43rd Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology, Winnipeg.
78. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L, Vandergugten J, Simon EL, Spake L, McCuaig M, and Albanese J. Can we improve the reliability of sex estimations in archaeological populations by using non‐population specific metric methods? Poster presentation. 43rd Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology, Winnipeg.
77. Carneiro JL, Caldas IM, Pereira ML, Pérez-Mongiovi D, Afonso A, and Cardoso HFV. Differences in third molar mineralization according to socioeconomic status. Poster presentation. International Centre for Oral Health Inequalities Research and Policy Launch Conference, London, UK.
76. Carneiro JL, Caldas IM, Afonso A, Cardoso HFV. Attainment of complete tooth formation in different socioeconomic groups: Are different standards needed? Poster presentation. IV Congresso Ibérico de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Porto, Portugal.
75. Simon L, Cardoso HFV. Preliminary Testing of Facial Approximation Methods for Finding the Pronasale in Children. Poster presentation. Society for American Archaeology meetings, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)
74. AlQahtani SJ, Cardoso HFV, Liversidge HM. New drawing for tooth development and eruption of one year olds. Poster presentation. SSHB Symposium on Age Estimation, Oxford, UK.
73. Cardoso HFV, Spake L, Liversidge H. A Reappraisal of Developing Permanent Tooth Length as an Estimate of Age in Human Immature Skeletal Remains. Poster presentation. SSHB Symposium on Age Estimation, Oxford, UK.
72. Andrade M, Cardoso HFV. The Use of Panel Data Models for Ageing Living Individuals from Longitudinal Data of Dental and Skeletal Maturation. Oral presentation. ITISE - International work-conference on Time Series, Granada.
71. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L, Santos A. A retrospective analysis of blunt force trauma in 22 cases of known circumstances of death. Poster presentation. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, AL.
70. Amoroso A, Garcia S, Cardoso HFV. Testing the predictions of the developmental origins of adult health and disease (DOHaD) hypothesis on an identified human skeletal collection II: Age at death and femur length. Poster presentation. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, AL.
69. Coelho L, Cardoso HFV. Timing of Blunt Force Injuries in Long Bones: The Effects of the Environment, PMI Length, and Human Surrogate Model. Poster presentation. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
68. Assis S, Marinho L, Toso A, Abrantes J, Cardoso HFV. A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of Observer Error in the Consistency of Age-at-Death Estimates Based on the Pubic Symphysis. Poster presentation. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
67. Tuttosi P, Cardoso HFV. An Assessment of Sexual Dimorphism and Sex Estimation using Cervical Dental Measurements in a Northwest Coast population. Western Bioarchaeology Group annual meeting “Identity” University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
66. Cardoso HFV, Santos A, Magalhães T, Caldas I, Andrade M, Puentes K, Marinho L, Assis S, Toso A. Building new identified skeletal reference collections for forensic purposes: The experience of the BoneMedLegResearch Project in Porto, Portugal. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Toronto, Ontario.
65. Franco F, Coelho P, Cardoso HFV. “Assessing the reliability of facial approximations: A test using four human skulls from the Lisbon collection (MUHNAC, Lisbon). 12nd National Meeting of Legal Medicine, Porto, Portugal.
64. Marinho L, Toso A, Assis S, Puentes K, Abrantes A, Santos A, Magalhães T, Caldas I, Andrade M, Cardoso HFV. Secular change in sexual dimorphism of adult skulls in two modern Portuguese collections: Comparative analysis and forensic implications”. Poster presentation. 12nd National Meeting of Legal Medicine, Porto, Portugal.
63. Andrade M, Cardoso HFV. “The problem of age determination in living individuals”. 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece.
62. Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. “BoneMedLeg: Two new collections of identified human skeletons being amassed in Porto (Portugal) for forensic purposes”. Oral presentation. 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Manchester, UK.
61. Campanacho V, Cardoso HFV. “The importance of identified human skeletal collections to understand bone degeneration in adults and its association with age”. Oral presentation. 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Manchester, UK.
60. Abrantes J, Humphrey L, Cardoso HFV. “Can we accurately estimate the age of non-adult human skeletal remains from measurements of the long bones? A test of published regression equations”. Poster presentation. 5th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Association of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology, Verín, Ourense, Spain.
59. Campanacho V, Cardoso HFV, Santos AL. “Preauricular sulcus, occupation and age in a sample of Portuguese males from the 19th and 20th centuries”. Poster presentation. I BioAnthropological Meeting: a multidisciplinary approach, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
58. Abrantes J, Humphrey L, Cardoso HFV. “Age estimation of non-adult human skeletal remains: Testing regression formulas from measurements of the long bones”. Oral presentation. I BioAnthropological Meeting: a multidisciplinary approach. University of Coimbra.
57. Puentes K, Cardoso HFV. “On the effects of preservation, blade angle and intra- and inter-individual differences on the Identification of tool class characteristics retained on human costal cartilage in cut marks analysis”. Poster presentation. American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting, Washington, DC.
56. Carneiro J, Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. Afonso A. “Dental age estimation: Applying Demirjian’s method to a sample of the Portuguese population”. Poster presentation. National Meeting of Legal Medicine, Évora.
55. Abrantes J, Cardoso HFV. “Intra- and inter-observer error associated with radiographic osteometry of juveniles”. Poster presentation. National Meeting of Legal Medicine, Évora.
54. Marinho L, Santos A, Magalhães T, Caldas I, Andrade M, Puentes K, Cardoso HFV. BoneMedLeg: amassing two collections of identified human skeletons”. Poster presentation. National Meeting of Legal Medicine, Évora.
53. Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. “Testing the realiability of stature estimation during the identification process of skeletal remains”. Poster presentation. National Meeting of Legal Medicine, Évora.
52. Marinho L, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. “Circumstances vs cause of death: potentials and pitfalls of trauma analysis of human skeletal remains”. Poster presentation. III Jornadas de Paleopatologia, University of Coimbra.
51. Campanacho V, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. “Social status and cause of death in a sample of males from the Lisbon and Coimbra identified skeletal collections (19th-20th centuries)”. Oral presentation. III Jornadas de Paleopatologia, University of Coimbra.
50. Wilson LAB, Cardoso HFV, Humphrey LT. “A geometric morphometric approach to sex determination using the juvenile ilium”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Mammalogical Society, Kanagawa, Japan.
49. Puentes K, Cardoso HFV. “Cut Mark Analysis on Human Cartilage”. Poster presentation. National Meeting of the Medico-Legal Offices’ Experts, Coimbra.
48. Póvoas L, Lopes CL, Melo I, Correia AI, Alves J, Cardoso HFV, Galopim de Carvalho AM. “Moving forward and back at the National Museum of Natural History: lessons from the 1926 Act”. Oral presentation. XI Annual Meeting – UMAC 2011 – the International Committee of ICOM for University Museums and Collections, Science Museum, Lisbon.
47. Alves MJ, Cardoso HFV, Cartaxana MA, Carvalho D, Correia AM, Granadeiro JP, Ramalhinho G. “Starting from zero: building up internationally relevant zoological and anthropological collections at the Museu Nacional de História Natural, University of Lisbon”. Poster presentation. XI Annual Meeting – UMAC 2011 – the International Committee of ICOM for University Museums and Collections, Science Museum, Lisbon.
46. Puentes K, Santos A, Cardoso HFV. “Similarity in cut marks using different knives at different penetrating angles: an experimental study”. Poster presentation. 9th Triennial Meeting of the IAFS, 9th Triennial Meeting of the WPMO and the 5th Meeting of the MAFS, Funchal.
45. Cardoso HFV, Gomes J. “Estimating stature from human skeletal remains: Does it matter whether we are estimating living or cadaver stature?”. Poster presentation. 9th Triennial Meeting of the IAFS, 9th Triennial Meeting of the WPMO and the 5th Meeting of the MAFS, Funchal.
44. Simões R, Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. “Talon cusp prevalence in a Portuguese population forensic point a view”. Poster presentation. 9th Triennial Meeting of the IAFS, 9th Triennial Meeting of the WPMO and the 5th Meeting of the MAFS, Funchal.
43. Simões R, Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. “Prevalence of missing anterior teeth in a Portuguese Population and its usefulness in Bite Mark Analysis”. Poster presentation. 9th Triennial Meeting of the IAFS, 9th Triennial Meeting of the WPMO and the 5th Meeting of the MAFS, Funchal.
42. Simões R, Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. “The forensic implications of anterior teeth features and traits in an Azorean Population”. Poster presentation. 9th Triennial Meeting of the IAFS, 9th Triennial Meeting of the WPMO and the 5th Meeting of the MAFS, Funchal.
41. Campanacho V, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. “Influence of occupational activity on the rate of degenerative change of the pubic symphysis in a sample of 19th-20th century Portuguese male individuals”. Poster presentation. 80th Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
40. Campanacho V, Cardoso HFV, Santos Al. “The influence of skeletal robusticity on the rate of degenerative change of the pubic symphysis”. Poster presentation. II Jornadas de Paleopatologia, University of Coimbra.
39. Conceição ELN, Garcia S, Padez C, Cardoso HFV. “Changes in female stature from 1966 to 1982: preliminary results using Portuguese data”. Poster presentation. Anthropology and Health Meeting, University of Coimbra, Coimbra.
38. Marinho L, Cardoso HFV, Almeida D, Santos A. “Is the sternum reliable for stature estimation?”. Poster presentation. 9th National Meeting of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Braga.
37. Simões RJ, Caldas IM, Cardoso HFV. “Observer error tests for the ASUDAS classification system using the anterior dentition”. Poster presentation. 9th National Meeting of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Braga.
36. Campanacho V, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. “The influence of physical activity on the rate of degenerative change of the pubic symphysis”. Poster presentation. 9th National Meeting of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Braga.
35. Conceição E, Cardoso HFV. “Skeletal maturation at the knee as an indicator of age”. Poster presentation. 9th National Meeting of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Braga.
34. Simões RJ, Caldas IM, Cardoso HFV. “The importance of the anterior dentition for human identification”. Oral presentation. 9th National Meeting of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Braga.
33. Cardoso HFV, Puentes K, Monge A, Santos A, Magalhães T. “Utilidade da Datação por Radiocarbono de Restos Humanos Esqueletizados, Quando Existe Dúvida Quanto à sua Modernidade”. Oral presentation. 9th National Meeting of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Braga.
32. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L, Santos A, Magalhães T. “On the Non‐Equivalence of Living, Cadaver and Forensic Stature”. Oral presentation. 2010 Meeting of the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe, Copenhagen.
31. Conceição E, Cardoso HFV. “Reliability of Skeletal Maturation of the Knee for Age Estimates in Skeletal Remains” Poster presentation. 2010 Meeting of the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe, Copenhagen.
30. Andrade M, Cardoso HFV. “Can we combine dental and skeletal when assessing biological age?” Oral presentation. 13th Meeting of the German Group of Forensic Age Diagnostics, Berlin.
29. Garcia S, Pereira MJ, Cardoso HFV. Ecology for Human Growth in Medieval and Modern Ages. Insights from Biopolitics. Oral presentation. 7th Pan-European Conference, SGIR, Stockolm.
28. Taveira F, Stasuyk M, Caldas IM, Cardoso HFV, Afonso A, Magalhães T. “Forensic age estimation of living people: a preliminary analysis”. Poster presentation. 5th Triennial meeting of the European Academy of Forensic Science, Glasgow.
27. Caldas IM, Cardoso HFV, Taveira F, Afonso A, Magalhães T. “Testing the measurement of open apices in teeth as an estimate of age in Portuguese children”. Poster presentation. 5th Triennial meeting of the European Academy of Forensic Science, Glasgow.
26. Cardoso HFV, Campanacho V, Conceição E, Gomes E. “Musculoskeletal markers in the toes: population data from early twentieth century Lisbon, Portugal” Poster presentation. Workshop in Musculoskeletal Stress Markers (MSM): Limitations and Achievements in the Reconstruction of Past Activity Patterns. Coimbra.
25. Cardoso, HFV, Faria F, Andrade M. “Does the timing of basilar suture closure provide reliable information for age estimation of unidentified human skeletal remains in a forensic context?” Oral presentation. 21th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Lisbon.
24. Conceição EN, Cardoso HFV. “Estimating age at death from the size of the growing epiphyses and metaphyses of the femur and tibia at the knee”. Poster presentation. 21th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Lisbon.
23. Faria F, Cardoso HFV, Andrade M. “Estimating age at death in adults from degenerative changes in the sternal end of the clavicle – preliminary results using a Bayesian approach”. Poster presentation. 21th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Lisbon.
22. Simões R, Caldas IM, Cardoso HFV, Afonso A. “The anatomy of anterior maxillary teeth: its relevance for human identification”. Poster presentation. 21th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Lisbon.
21. Caldas I, Cardoso HFV, Taveira F, Júlio P, Stasuyk M, Ribeiro C, Afonso A, Magalhães T. “Forensic age estimate of living people in the National Institute of Legal Medicine ‐ Northern branch, Portugal: a preliminary analysis”. Poster presentation. 21th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Lisbon.
20. Cardoso HFV, Dias R, Garcia C, Pinto M, Ribeiro T, Coelho L, Sérgio C, Santos A. “Importância da Botânica Forense na Estimativa do Intervalo Post‐mortem e no Estabelecimento da Identidade em Restos Humanos Esqueletizados: a Propósito de um Caso.” Poster presentation. Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal, Tomar.
19. Albanese J, Cardoso HFV, Saunders SR. “An Approach for Developing Sample Specific Metric Sex Determination Methods”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Hamilton, Ontario.
18. Cardoso HFV. “Testing DeVito and Saunders’ (1990) Discriminant Functions for Sex Determination from Deciduous Teeth: Sexual Dimorphism in Mortality (or Social?) Bias”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Hamilton, Ontario.
17. Cardoso HFV, Matos VMJ. “Breve Perfil Epidemiológico da Colecção de Esqueletos Humanos Identificados do Museu Bocage (Museu Nacional de História Natural, Lisboa) e sua Relevância para Estudos Paleopatológicos e Paleoepidemiológicos”. Oral presentation. Primeiras Jornadas Portuguesas de Paleopatologia, Coimbra.
16. Costa T, Santos L, Taveira F, Dias R, Assunção L, Cardoso HFV, Santos, A. “A importância do exame do corpo no local no diagnóstico diferencial da etiologia da morte: A propósito de um caso”. Poster presentation. Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal, Guimarães.
15. Cardoso HFV, Ríos L, Albanese J, Bogin B. “Estatura, proporciones corporales y edad de muerte: una aproximación osteológica”. Poster presentation. IX Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología: Investigaciones histórico‐médicas sobre salud y enfermedad en el pasado, Morella (Els Ports, Castelló).
14. Cardoso HFV. “Socioeconomic differences in tooth calcification and age estimation of immature human skeletal remains in forensic practice”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe, Macerata.
13. Cardoso HFV. “A Same‐sample approach for determining the sex of immature skeletal remains using permanent tooth measurements”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Peterborough, Ontario.
12. Cardoso HFV. “Environmental insults on dental vs skeletal development: preliminary results from a study of a modern subadult skeletal sample”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, London, Ontario.
11. Cardoso HFV. “Auxological approaches to the study of skeletal populations: an example using a modern documented skeletal collection” Poster presentation. 10th International Congress of Auxology: Human Growth in Sickness and in Health, Florence.
10. Cardoso HFV. “A methodology for the development of univariate sectioning points for skeletal sex determination and their uses in fieldwork”. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Ottawa, Ontario.
9. Cardoso HFV & Lopes LA. “Skeletal markers of occupational stress in the toes: report on an adult skeleton from Alcabideche (Cascais, Portugal)”. Poster presentation. 14th European Meeting of Paleopathology, Coimbra.
8. Cardoso HFV & Neto JL. “Estudo preliminar das relíquias de S. Vicente”. Oral presentation. Colóquio “ As Escalas de Lisboa”, Lisbon.
7. Soares A & Cardoso HFV. “Intervenção arqueológica de emergência em Algodres (Concelho de Fornos de Algodres): resultados preliminares. Oral presentation. Quarto Encontro de Arquelogia Urbana, Amadora.
6. Wasterlain SN, Cardoso HFV & Cunha E. “Sex determination of Portuguese femur and humerus by discriminant functions.” Poster presentation. 69th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio, Texas.
5. Cardoso HFV, Wasterlain SN & Cunha E. “Limb proportions in modern Portuguese of known sex and age skeletal samples.” Poster presentation. 69th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio, Texas.
4. Cardoso HFV. “Cálculo de funções discriminantes para a diagnose sexual do fémur.” Oral presentation. Congresso “Práticas e Terrenos da Antropologia em Portugal”, Lisbon.
3. Cardoso HFV & Cunha E. “Sexual dimorphism in upper limb skeletal proportions: why is there sexual dimorphism in the brachial index?” Oral presentation. VIème Colloque de la Société de Biométrie Humaine. “Biométrie des Ceintures et des Membres.”, Paris.
2. Lopes LA & Cardoso HFV. “Possível caso de osteomielite em fémur e tíbia proveniente dos carneiros da 2ª capela da epístola do convento do carmo de Lisboa (Séc. XV‐XIX?).” Poster presentation. 3º Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Vila Real.
1. Cardoso HFV & Cunha E. “On the applicability of some femur measurements for sex diagnosis.” Poster presentation. XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Antropología Biológica, Santiago de Compostela.