Refereed Publications

This page contains a list of refereed publications in reverse chronological order, organized by refereed articles, book chapters, and paper proceedings.

Refereed Articles


92. Murray NJ, Spake L, Cervantes M, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. (2024). New More Generic and Inclusive Regression Formulae for the Estimation of Stature from Long Bone Lengths in Children. Forensic Sciences 4(1): 62–75. (open access)


91. Albanese J, Dagdag A, Skalic C, Osley S, Cardoso HFV. The fall and rise of identified reference collection: It is possible and necessary to transition from a typological conceptualization of variation to effective utilization of collections. Forensic sciences 2(2): 438-454. (pdf)

90. Spake L, Hoppa RD, Blau S, Cardoso HFV. Biological mortality bias in diaphyseal growth of contemporary children: Implications for paleoauxology. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 178: 89-107. (pdf)

89. Cervantes M, Cardoso HFV. Commentary on: Andrews SE, Roberts G, set P, Warburton F, Gilbert FJ. Third molar development in a London population of White British and black British or other Black ethnicity. Journal of Forensic Science 67: 229-42. (pdf)


88. Rodriguez B, Cucina A, Veja E, Hoyos R, Cardoso HFV. A critical test of twelve methods for estimating age using radiographic staging of developing teeth on a sample of 6‑ to 15‑year‑old children from Mérida, Yucatán (México). International Journal of Legal Medicine. (free pdf)

87. Smith D, Humphrey L, Cardoso HFV. Age Estimation of Immature Human Skeletal Remains from Mandibular and Cranial Bone Dimensions in the Postnatal Period. Forensic Science International. (pdf)

86. Spake L, Meyers J, Cardoso HFV. Juvenile Body Mass Estimation From The Femur Using Postmortem Computed Tomography Data. Human Biology. (free pdf)

85. Lamer M, Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Testing the Cross-applicability of Juvenile Sex Estimation from Diaphyseal Dimensions. Forensic Science International. (pdf)

84. Cardoso HFV. An ethical, cultural and historical framework for cemetery-derived skeletal reference collections. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. (pdf)

83. Spake L, Hoppa R, Blau S, Cardoso HFV. Lack of biological mortality bias in the timing of dental formation in contemporary children: implications for the study of past populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. (link)

82. Nelson J, Harrington L, Holland E, Cardoso HFV. Does age estimated from teeth forming in different early life periods show a differential discrepancy with known age? American Journal of Human Biology. (link)

81. Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. Socioeconomic differences in permanent dental root mineralization of Portuguese girls and boys from Porto, Portugal. Anthropologischer Anzeiger. (link)

80. Spake L, Blau S, Cardoso HFV. The impact of forensic mortality bias in juvenile age estimation. European Journal of Anatomy. (open access pdf)


79. Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Interpolation of the Maresh diaphyseal length data for use in quantitative analyses of growth. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. (link)

78. Gooderham E, Marinho L, Spake L, Fisk S, Prates C, Sousa S, Oliveira C, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. Severe skeletal lesions, osteopenia and growth deficit in a child with pulmonary tuberculosis (mid-20th century, Portugal). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 30: 47-56. (link)

77. Vanderbyl G, Albanese A, Cardoso HFV. Structural violence and the nature of cemetery-based skeletal reference collections: Exploring the relationship between social inequalities and the incorporation of unclaimed remains in a Portuguese cemetery collection. Human Remains and Violence 6: 81-103. (open access pdf)

76. Rios L, Cardoso HFV. Comment on ‘Krapina atlases suggest a high prevalence of anatomical variations in the first cervical vertebra of Neanderthals’. Journal of Anatomy. (early view)

75. Spake L, Meyers J, Blau S, Cardoso HFV, Lottering N. A simple and software-independent protocol for the measurement of post-cranial bones in anthropological contexts using thin-slab maximum intensity projection. Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging 20: 200354. (link)

74. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L, Caldas I, Puentes K, Andrade M, Toso A, Assis S, Magalhaes T. Historic, Demographic, Curatorial and Legal Aspects of the BoneMedLeg Human Skeletal Reference Collection (Portugal). Anthropologischer Anzeiger. (link)


73. Jayaraman J, Wong HM, Roberts GJ, King NK, Cardoso HFV, Velusamy P, Vergara RG, Yanagita K, Jorns TP. Age estimation in three distinct east Asian population groups using southern Han Chinese dental reference dataset. BMC Oral Health 19(1):242. (link)

72. Cardoso, HFV. “A response to: “A critical review of sub-adult age estimation in biological anthropology” by Corron, Marchal, Condemi and Adalian (2018)". Forensic Science International. (link)

71. Campanacho V, Chamberlain A, Cardoso HFV. Postnatal Maturation of the Sternum in a Portuguese Skeletal Sample: A Variable Ossification Process. Homo – Journal of Comparative Human Biology. (link)

70. Fisk S, Berna F, Merrett D, Cardoso HFV. Post-mortem gross composition changes and differential weathering of immature and mature bone in an experimental burial environment. Journal of Archaeological Science – Reports. (link)

69. Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Commentary on: Stephan CN, Ross AH. A Code of Practice for the Establishment and Use of Authentic Human Skeleton Collections in Forensic Anthropology. Journal of Forensic Sciences(link)

68. Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Reply to Letter to the Editor — A Code of Practice for the Establishment and Use of Authentic Human Skeleton Collections in Forensic Anthropology. Journal of Forensic Sciences 64(5):1576-1578.2019. (link)

67. Gooderham E, Matias A, Liberato M, Santos H, Walshaw S, Albanese J, Cardoso HFV. Linear and Appositional Growth in Children as Indicators of Social and Economic Change during the Medieval Islamic to Christian transition in Santarém, Portugal. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology(link)

66. Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Indirect Evidence for Biological Mortality Bias from Two Temporo-Spatially Distant Samples of Children. Anthropologischer Anzeiger. (open access pdf)

65. Cardoso HFV, Spake L, Wasterlain S, Ferreira MT. The impact of social experiences of physical and structural violence on the growth of African enslaved children recovered from Lagos, Portugal (15th to 17th centuries). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 168: 209-221. (link)


64. Cardoso HFV, Meyers J, Liversidge H. A Reappraisal of Developing Deciduous Tooth Length as an Estimate of Age in Human Immature Skeletal Remains. Journal of Forensic Sciences 64: 385-392. (pdf)

63. Teixeira V, Henriques A, Cardoso HFV, Azevedo A. The Impact of Growth Deficit in Height and Leg Length on the Risk of Obesity in the Adult: A Study of Long‐term Consequences of Stunting in a Portuguese Cohort. Public Health Nutrition 221: 1819-1826. (link)

62. Cardoso HFV, Caldas IM, Andrade M. Dental and skeletal maturation as simultaneous and separate predictors of chronological age in the living: Assessing the likelihood/probability of having attained 16 years of age in males. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 50: 371-374. (link)

61. Spake L, Cardoso HFV. Are we using the appropriate reference samples to develop juvenile age estimation methods based on bone size? An exploration of growth differences between average children and those who become victims of homicide. Forensic Science International 282:1-12. (link)


60. Cardoso HFV, Spake L, Humphrey L. Age estimation of immature human skeletal remains from the size of the scapular and pelvic girdle bones in the postnatal period. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163: 772-783. (pdf)

59. Rosas A, Ríos L, Estalrrich A, Liversidge H, García-Tabernero A, Huguet R, Cardoso HFV, Bastir M, Lalueza-Fox C, Rasilla M, Dean C. The growth pattern of Neandertals, reconstructed from a juvenile skeleton from El Sidrón (Spain). Science 357: 1282-1287. (link)

58. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L. Lost and then found: The Mendes Correia collection of identified human skeletons curated at the University of Porto, Portugal. Antropologia Portuguesa 32/33: 29-46. (pdf)


57. Cardoso HFV, Vandergugten J, Humphrey L. Age estimation of immature human skeletal remains from the metaphyseal and epiphyseal widths of the long bones in the post-natal period. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 162: 19-35. (pdf)

56. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L. Lost and then found: The Mendes Correia collection of identified human skeletons curated at the University of Porto, Portugal. Antropologia Portuguesa [S.l.], v. 32, out. 2016. (link)

55. Caldas I, Cardoso HFV. Response to ‘‘Demirjian’s method is unsuitable for dental age estimation’’. Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology 12:534–535. (free pdf)

54. Carneiro JL, Caldas IM, Afonso A, Cardoso HFV. Examining the socioeconomic effects on third molar maturation in a Portuguese sample of children, adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Legal Medicine 131:235- 242. (link)

53. Marinho L, Cardoso HFV. Comparing Known and Reconstructed Circumstances of Death Involving Blunt Force Trauma Mechanism through a Retrospective Analysis of 21 Skeletonized Individuals. Journal of Forensic Sciences 61:1416-1430. (link)

52. Cardoso HFV, Spake L, Liversidge H. A Reappraisal of Developing Permanent Tooth Length as an Estimate of Age in Human Immature Skeletal Remains. Journal of Forensic Sciences 61: 1180-1189. (pdf)

51. Albanese J, Tuck A, Gomes J, Cardoso HFV. An Alternative Approach for Estimating Stature from Long Bones That Is Not Population or Group-Specific. Forensic Science International 259: 59-68. (link)

50. Cardoso HFV, Marinho L, Albanese J. The Relationship between Cadaver, Living and Forensic Stature: A Review of Current Knowledge and a Test using a Sample of Adult Portuguese Males. Forensic Science International 258:55-63. (pdf)


49. Tuttosi P, Cardoso HFV. An Assessment of Sexual Dimorphism and Sex Estimation using Cervical Dental Measurements in a Northwest Coast population. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 3: 306–312. (pdf)

48. Carneiro J, Caldas I, Afonso A, Cardoso HFV. Enough is enough? Is Demirjian's method really useful for age estimation in a forensic context? Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology 11:216–221. (pdf)

47. Wilson LAB, Ives R, Cardoso HFV, Humphrey LT. Shape, size and maturity trajectories of the human ilium and interpopulation differences in the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156:19–34. (pdf)

46. Andrade M, Cardoso HFV. Ageing Living Individuals from Longitudinal Data of Dental and Skeletal Maturation: A First Attempt. Applied Mathematical Sciences 9(78): 3855-3866. (pdf)


45. Cardoso HFV, Abrantes J, Humphrey L. Age estimation of immature human skeletal remains from the diaphyseal length of the long bones in the post-natal period. International Journal of Legal Medicine 128:809–824. (pdf)

44. Amoroso A, Garcia S, Cardoso HFV. Age at Death and Linear Enamel Hypoplasias Testing the Effects of Childhood Stress and Adult Socioeconomic Circumstances in Premature Mortality. American Journal of Human Biology 26: 461-468. (pdf)

43. Simões R, Cardoso HFV, Caldas I. Prevalence of talon cusps in a Portuguese population: Forensic identification significance of a rare trait. Dental Research Journal 11: 45-48. (pdf)

42. Rios L, Muñoz A, Cardoso HFV, Pastor F. Short Communication: Traits Unique to Genus Homo within Primates at the Cervical Spine (C2-C7). Annals of Anatomy 196: 167-173. (pdf)

41. Cardoso HFV, Pereira V, Rios L. Chronology of fusion of the primary and secondary ossification centers in the human sacrum and age estimation in child and adolescent skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153: 214-225. (pdf)


40. Coelho L, Cardoso HFV. Timing of blunt force injuries in long bones: The effects of the environment, PMI length and human surrogate model. Forensic Sciences International 233: 230–237. (pdf)

39. Cardoso HFV, Gomes J, Campanacho V, Marinho L. Age Estimation of Immature Human Skeletal Remains Using the Early Postnatal Development of the Occipital Bone. International Journal of Legal Medicine 127: 997-1004. (pdf)

38. Cardoso HFV, Campanacho V, Gomes J, Marinho L. Short Report: Dry Bone Observations on the Timing of Ischiopubic Fusion at the Ramus. Homo – Journal of Comparative Human Biology 64: 454-462. (pdf)

37. Puentes K, Cardoso HFV. Reliability of cut mark analysis in human costal cartilage: the effects of blade penetration angle and intra- and inter-individual differences. Forensic Sciences International 231: 244-248. (pdf)


36. Campanacho V, Santos AL, Cardoso HFV. Assessing the Influence of Occupational Activity on the Rate of Degenerative Change of the Pubic Symphysis in Portuguese Males from the 19th -20th Century. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 148: 371-378. (pdf)

35. Marinho L, Almeida D, Santos A, Cardoso HFV. Is the length of the sternum reliable for estimating adult stature? A pilot study using fresh sterna and a test of two methods using dry sterna. Forensic Science International 220: 292.e1-4. (link)

34. Cardoso HFV, Puentes K, Soares A, Santos A, Magalhães T. The value of radiocarbon dating in determining the forensic interest of human skeletal remains found in unusual circumstances. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 19: 97-100. (pdf)

33. Conceição ELN, Garcia S, Padez C, Cardoso HFV. Changes in stature of Portuguese women born between 1966 and 1982, according to educational level. Antropologia Portuguesa 29: 81-96. (pdf)


32. Gonçalves D, Campanacho V, Cardoso HFV. Reliability of the Lateral Angle of the Internal Auditory Canal for Sex Determination of Subadult Skeletal Remains. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 18: 121-124. (pdf)

31. Conceição ELN, Cardoso HFV. Environmental Effects on Skeletal Versus Dental Development II: Further Testing of a Basic Assumption in Human Osteological Research. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144: 463-470. (pdf)

30. Wilson LAB, Cardoso HFV, Humphrey LT. On the reliability of a geometric morphometric approach to sex determination: a blind test of six criteria of the juvenile ilium. Forensic Science International 206: 35-42. (pdf)

29. Cardoso HFV, Rios L. Age Estimation from Stages of Epiphyseal Union in the Presacral Vertebrae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144:238–247. (pdf)

28. Susman RL, Patel BA, Cardoso HFV, Francis MJ. Epiphyseal fusion pattern and developmental morphology of the Olduvai Hominid 8 foot: evidence of adolescence. Journal of Human Evolution 60: 58-69. (pdf)


27. Cardoso HFV. Testing Discriminant Functions for Sex Determination from Deciduous Teeth. Journal of Forensic Sciences 55: 1557-1560. (pdf)

26. Cardoso HFV; Santos A; Dias R; Garcia C; Pinto M; Sérgio C; Magalhães T. Establishing a minimum post-mortem interval of human remains in an advanced state of skeletonization using the growth rate of bryophytes and of plant roots. International Journal of Legal Medicine 124: 451-456. (pdf)

25. Cardoso HFV; Severino RSS. The Chronology of Epiphyseal Union in the Hand and Foot from Dry Bone Observations. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 20: 737–746. (pdf)

24. Cardoso HFV, Heuzé Y, Júlio P. Secular change in the timing of dental root maturation in Portuguese boys and girls. American Journal of Human Biology 22: 791-800. (pdf)

23. Cardoso HFV, Caninas M. Secular trends in social class differences of height, weight and BMI of Portuguese of boys from two schools in Lisbon, Portugal (1910-2000). Economics and Human Biology 8: 111-120. (pdf)


22. Rios L, Cardoso, HFV. Age estimation from stages of union of the vertebral epiphyses of the ribs. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140: 265-274. (pdf)

21. Cardoso HFV, Gomes JEA. Trends in Stature of Peoples Who Inhabited the Modern Portuguese Territory from the Mesolithic to the Late 20th Century. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 19: 711-725. (pdf)

20. Cardoso, HFV. Accuracy of Developing Tooth Length as an Estimate of Age in Human Skeletal Remains: The Permanent Dentition. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 30: 127-133. (pdf)

19. Cardoso HFV, Garcia S. The Not-so-Dark Ages: Ecology for Human Growth in Medieval and Early Twentieth Century Portugal as Inferred from Skeletal Growth Profiles. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 136-147. (pdf)

18. Cardoso, HFV. A Test of Three Methods for Estimating Stature from Immature Skeletal Remains Using Long Bone Lengths. Journal of Forensic Sciences 54: 13-19. (pdf)


17. Cardoso HFV, Padez C. Changes in height, weight, BMI and in the prevalence of obesity among 9 to 11 year-old affluent Portuguese schoolboys, between 1960 and 2000. Annals of Human Biology 35: 624-638. (link)

16. Cardoso, HFV. Age Estimation of Adolescent and Young Adult Male and Female Skeletons II: Epiphyseal Union at the Upper Limb and Scapular Girdle in a Modern Portuguese Skeletal Sample. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 137: 97-105. (pdf)

15. Cardoso HFV, Saunders SR. Two Arch Criteria of the Ilium for Sex Determination of Immature Skeletal Remains: A Test of their Accuracy and an Assessment of Intra- and Inter-observer Error. Forensic Science International 178: 24-29. (pdf)

14. Cardoso, HFV. Secular changes in body height and weight of Portuguese boys over one century. American Journal of Human Biology 20: 270-277. (pdf)

13. Cardoso, HFV. Epiphyseal Union at the Lower Limb and Hipbone in a Modern Portuguese Skeletal Sample and Age Estimation in Adolescent and Young Adult Male and Female Skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135: 161-170. (pdf)

12. Heuzé, Y; Cardoso, HFV. Testing the quality of non-adult Bayesian dental age assessment methods to juvenile skeletal remains: the Lisbon collection children and secular trend effects. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135: 275–283. (pdf)

11. Cardoso, HFV. Sample-specific (Universal) Approaches for Determining the Sex of Immature Human Skeletal Remains using Permanent Tooth Dimensions. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 158-168. (pdf)


10. Cardoso, HFV. Accuracy of Developing Tooth Length as an Estimate of Age in Human Skeletal Remains: The Deciduous Dentition. Forensic Sciences International 172: 17‐22. (pdf)

9. Cardoso, HFV. A Test of the Differential Accuracy of the Maxillary versus the Mandibular Dentition in Age Estimations of Immature Skeletal Remains Based on Developing Tooth Length. Journal of Forensic Sciences 52: 434‐437. (pdf)

8. Cardoso, HFV. Environmental Effects on Skeletal versus Dental Development: Using a Documented Subadult Skeletal Sample to Test a Basic Assumption in Human Osteological Research. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132: 223‐233. (pdf)


7. Cardoso, HFV. The Collection of Identified Human Skeletons housed at the Bocage Museum (National Museum of Natural History) in Lisbon, Portugal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129: 173‐176. (pdf)


6. Cardoso, HFV. A quantificação do estatuto socioeconómico em populações históricas e contemporâneas: dificuldades, algumas orientações e importância do conceito na investigação orientada para a saúde. Antropologia Portuguesa 22/23: 247‐272. (pdf)

5. Albanese, J; Cardoso, HFV & Saunders, SR. Universal Methodology for Developing Univariate Sample‐Specific Sex Determination Methods: An Example Using the Epicondylar Breadth of the Humerus. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:143‐152. (pdf)


4. Cardoso, HFV. The Search for a Paradigm in Archaeology: Evolutionary Theory and the “Selectionist” School of Thought. Nexus – The Canadian Student Journal of Anthropology 16: 50‐74. (pdf)

3. Cardoso, HFV. Onde Estão as Crianças? Representatividade de Esqueletos Infantis em Populações Arqueológicas e Implicações para a Paleodemografia. Antropologia Portuguesa 20/21: 235‐364. (pdf)


2. Cardoso, HFV & Lopes, L. Skeletal Markers of Occupational Stress in the Toes: A Case Report from Alcabideche (Cascais, Portugal). Antropologia Portuguesa 19: 19‐28. (pdf)


1. Cardoso HFV & Cunha E. Sexual Dimorphism in Upper Limb Skeletal Proportions. Biometrie Humaine et Anthropologie 18 (1-2): 55-61. (pdf)

Refereed Book Chapters


4. Spake L, Nicholas G, Cardoso HFV. The Digital Lives of Ancestors: Ethical and Intellectual Property Considerations Surrounding the 3-D Recording of Human Remains. In: Meloche C, Spake L, Nichols K (eds). Working with and for Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Remains. Routledge.

3. Tarle L, Nichols G, Cardoso HFV. What Next? Changing Ethical Protocols for Human Remains in Museums. In: Meloche C, Spake L, Nichols K (eds). Working with and for Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Remains. Routledge.


2. Marinho L, Vassalo AR, Cardoso HFV. Secular changes in cranial size and sexual dimorphism of cranial size: A comparative analysis of standard cranial dimensions in two Portuguese identified skeletal collections and implications for sex estimation. In: Henderson C. & Alves-Cardoso F (eds). Identified Skeletal Collections: The testing ground of anthropology? Conference Proceedings of the Panel Session Presented at the 17th World Congress of the IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnographical Sciences), Manchester (UK)

1. Campanacho V, Cardoso HFV. The significance of identified human skeletal collections to further our understanding of the skeletal ageing process in adults. In: Henderson C. & Alves-Cardoso F (eds). Identified Skeletal Collections: The testing ground of anthropology? Conference Proceedings of the Panel Session Presented at the 17th World Congress of the IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnographical Sciences), Manchester (UK).

Refereed Paper Proceedings


1. Andrade M, Cardoso HFV. The problem of age determination in living individuals. AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 1889 (2013); (pdf)