Cards List

Cards List is only available in CLF4 and displays your content in a card view that contains an image, page title, date (optional) and call to action.

The following options are available:

  1. Image - Select where the image should be pulled from, the Thumbnail Field or Image Tab.
  2. Show Date - Select "Yes/No" to show the date, works with News Page.
  3. Featured - Select "Yes/No" to feature the card. The Featured option will increase the font size of the title and is only recommended for a single card.

Card List Layouts

Not featured, no date
Not featured, with a date
Featured, no date
Featured, with a date

CSS Classes

The Cards List will display content in one column by default. To display cards in multiple columns add col-2 or col-3 to the CSS Class field. In mobile view, all cards will display in 1 column.

Pleae note that the height of cards in each row will be equal and based on the longest item in that row.

  • If placed in a 33% or 25% column, cards will always stack (2-col or 3-col CSS Class will be ignored)
  • If placed in a 67% or 50% column, cards can be shown in maximum 2 columns