
Reports and Outcomes

The Canada’s World team developed many reports and resources to inform the new story for Canada’s role in the world. These include:

Guides and Handbooks

In addition to these resources, the Canada’s World team also produced a number of guides and handbooks to help facilitate their dialogue events, including:

Learning Resources

Explore these tools to test your knowledge of Canada and see how you can contribute to Canada's role in the international arena.

  • Stories and tips from Canadians making changes in the international arena

Social Media

In order to engage with Canadians across the country, Canada’s World used a number of social media channels, including:


  • Lead by Example - Produced by Mergenta Vision, the Canada's World Lead by Example video briefly outlines Canada's role in the world and how it can be improved upon based on the Canada's World findings.
  • Canada's World: Democracy in the Making - the story of Canada's World as a three-year citizens' dialogue project that engaged nontraditional voices across the nation in Canadian foreign policy (aussi en français).