Graduate Student Supervision

Senior Supervisor, SFU (from 2007)

Heyl, Rebecca (PhD, current), Art Education

Fox, Lisa (PhD, current), Ecology in Education

Di Nardo, Jenna-Leigh (PhD, current), Performance & Legal Education

Patterson, Misty  (PhD, current), Arts in Organization

Milne, Maggie (PhD, current), Artists Studio

Goerzen, Christy (PhD, current), Theatre Admin and Mentorship

Johnsey, Sharon (PhD, current), Theatre

Lau, Amy  (PhD, current), Art & Decolonizing

Jemmott, Kessey (PhD, current), Memoire Stories from Trinidad

Minhas, Simrat (EDD Educational Practice, current), Stories of Nursing Selves

Reid, Matt (MA, current), STUDIO SOUND

Lin, Ming-Yu (PhD, 2024), Improvisation

Newman, Amy (EDD Educational Practice, 2023), A Stone Sings in the Stream: Sounding Timbral Lines in Principaling

McCabe, Kate (EDD Educational Practice, 2023), Walking Backward Out into the Wild

Friessen, Megan (MA, 2023), Dance Education

Hardern, Erica (MA, 2023), Partnered Flow Arts and the Cultivation of Empathy in Primary Aged Children

Morin Beaulieu, Audrey (MA, 2022), Collective and Individual Selves in the Making: Identity Inquiries through self-Directed and In-Class Art Explorations

Anderson, Sheinagh (PhD, 2021), To Come to Know Who Rides Upon Your Tongue Sound sSādhanā: Cultivating sSelf Through sSwara A Practice-based Spiritual Inquiry

Newman, Tim (PhD, 2021), All about Timmerman: An autobiographical mapping of benchmarks of artistic exploration, intellectual awareness and evolving identity from early childhood through to senior adulthood

Kelley, Leah (EdD Educational Practices, 2021), The Person Who Arrives: Storying Connections between Disability Studies and Educational Practice

Usher, Donna (MA, 2021), Where Teachers Teach: Portraits of Art Educators and their Classrooms

Nicole Armos (MA, 2020), Listening for Listening in Art and Inquiry

Elena Hadjipieri (PhD, 2019), Dia Rhythm and Light, Colour, Form and "Icon(ograph)ical" voyage in ways of reading Byzantine Ecclesial Monuments

Sylvia Richardson (PhD, 2019), Carbon Butterfly: Alchemizing Trauma through Creative Intention, Storytelling and Art

Angela Lundin Donahue (MA, 2019), Finding Wonderland: Artistic Identity as a Way of Being

Edmund Kilpatrick (MA, 2018), Art as a Means to Located and Disrupt Embodied Prejudice with Emotional Sensations on the Body: The artful and transformative telling of stories of stigma and HIV

Meghan Parker (MA, 2017), Art Teacher in Process: An Illustrated Exploration of Art, Education and What Matters

Amy Thomasson (MA, 2017), The Gardener, The Actor, and the Educator: Six Lessons Towards Creating and Cultivating Spaces of Vulnerability Between Theatre for Young Audiences and Education

Thea Rutherford (MA, 2016), 'Meandering into Meaning': A Teacher's Reflection on the Pedagogy of Wandering

Annabella Cant (PhD, 2016), Unswaddling Pedagogy: Imagining a new beginning to the practice of Imaginative Education

Marlowe Irvine (PhD, 2014), While I Am My Hair My Hair is Me: An Aesthetic Narrative Interplay of Teacher Identity

Eric Weiden (MA, 2014), Listening In Towards Sound: Creating Soundscapes to Sound our Presence

Jasmine Scarfe (MA, 2014), Navigating the Space Between: A Search for the Role of a Creative Facilitator in Arts Education

Amanda Waldrop (MA, 2012), Curiouser and Curiouser: Inviting Performance

Sylvia Richardson (MA, 2011), Flesh Mapping: Cartography of Struggle, Renewal and Hope in Education

Carla Glenn (PhD, 2009), Spectacle, Shock, and Surfacing (Considering the practice of installation art to make meaning of everyday life in a technologically driven visual culture world (Nominated for Dean's Convocation Medal)

Rebecca Christofferson (MA, 2009), Dancing in the Belly: Perfomative Inquiry in Pregnancy

Doctoral Committee Member, SFU and UBC (from 2002)

Sandeep Kaur Glover (PhD, current), Decolonizing and Arts-based Approaches in Investigating Identity, Healing and Justice across Generations

Marlies Grindlay (PhD, current), TBA

Jesse Lipps (PhD, current), TBA

Janet Payne (PhD, 2023 Education (UPEI)), Woven Threads of Synchronicity within the Stories of Wise Women: A Narrative Inquiry

Lena Richardson (PhD, 2023), Do I Dare to Know Myself as a River? An Inquiry into Motherlines and Embodiment

Astrid Pedneault, (PhD, 2023), Moving Towards Children: A Life Narrative of Learning From and With Children

Ian Delong, (PhD, 2018), Divine Resonances: A Spiritual Inquiry Guided by the Archetypal Insights Inspired Through Song

Julia Lane, (PhD, 2016), Impossibility Aside: Clowning and the Scholarly Context

Susanna Ruebsaat (PhD, 2014), Mourning the Dream/Amor Fati: A Mythopoetic Inquiry–Looking Through a Spiral Lens

Kerri Mesner (UBC PhD, 2014), Wrestling with the Angels of Ambiguity: Scholarship in the In-Between: Queer Theology/Performative Autoethnography

Kirsten Frantzich (PhD, 2013), Theatre of the Psyche: The Emergence of Embodied Theatre Ecology & the Stage as Home(be)coming

Karen Kurnedy (PhD, 2013), Uncovering the Essence of What Animates us Beneath the Dance: Investigating the Lived Experiences of Bodily Perceptions Generated While Dancing

Vandy Britton (PhD, 2013), Appreciating Autism: Stories of my Son

Cheryl Kay (PhD, 2012), Photopoetic Moments of Wonder: Photography as an Artistic Reflective Practice in Secondary Dance Education

Erica Grimm-Vance (PhD, 2012), The Aesthetics of Attentiveness: A Philosophy for Artists and Educators

Daniela Elza (PhD, 2011), Pedagogy of Imagination: philo-poesis, non-verifiable truths, and other existent.ial celebrations (Awarded Dean's Convocation Medal)

Kathryn Rickets (PhD, 2011), The Suitcase, the Map and the Compass: An Expedition into Embodied Poetic Narrative and its Application towards Fostering Optimal Learning Spaces (Awarded Dean's Convocation Medal)

Brent Cameron (UBC PhD, 2010), SelfDesign: An inquiry into SelfDesign as Authentic Learning and Co-inspiration

Lorna Ramsay (PhD, 2010), Pedagogy of Embodied Voice: Reflective Arts Performance in Special Needs and Teacher Education

Jenny Peterson (UBC PhD, 2007), Digital Making and (My) In/art/iculate Spaces

Luanne Armstrong (UBC PhD, 2006), The Ecology of Identity: Memoir and the construction of narrative

Karen Cooper (UBC PhD, 2006), The Knife's Edge: Empathy in Poetry, Science Writing, and Sacrifice

Madeline Sonik (UBC PhD, 2006), Creative Writing Practice and Pedagogy: A Jungian Approach

Annie Smith (UBC PhD, 2006), Elasticity, Community and Hope: Understanding from Participatory Theatre Performance

Steven Noble (UBC PhD, 2006), Rural Adult Popular Education Performatively Iquiring into Psychiatric Experiences

Monique Giard (UBC PhD, 2005), Mitakuye Oyas'in: Performing trauma to strength

Marcia Braundy (UBC PhD, 2005), Men & Women and Tools: Reflections on Male Resistance to Women in Trades & Technology

Veronica Gaylie (UBC PhD, 2003), Solo Space: Poetic Literacy in Schooling and Research

Emi Garzitto (UBC PhD, 2003), Running with the Souls of our Feet: Embracing our Conflicts and our Ecstasies

Kadi Purru (UBC PhD, 2003), Acknowledging Home(s) and Belonging(s): Border Writing

Hartej Gill (UBC PhD, 2003), Im-person-ating Identity in Spaces of Difference

Munir Vellani (UBC PhD, 2002), Pirbhai's Blessings: A narrative quest towards a pedagogy

Master Committee Member, SFU and UBC (from 1999)

Veis Vokhani (MA 2024), Personal to the universal: Exploring pathways of identity through artistic inquiry

Monica Martens (MA 2023 U of Manitoba), Unravelling the Seams: Text(iles) of Compassionate Un/settling

Maria Dimas (MA 2015), Pedagogy of Distance: Touch in Education

Sheinagh Anderson (MA 2015), Artistic Sadhana: A Praxis of Embodied Awakening

Claire Carolan (MA, 2014), An Autoethnographic Study of Technical Theatre Arts and Design in the Academy

Julianne Hoyak (MEd, 2014) - senior supervisor

Shawna Burns (MEd, 2014)

Krista Little (MA, 2011), The Fertility of Artistic Expression as a Two-Way Offering: Releasing the Prolific Self

Eva Ziltener (UBC MA, 2011), Playing with Possibilities: Drama in the Elementary Core French Classroom

Don Hauka (MA, 2010), Drinks at Plato's: A screenplay

Karen Kurnedy (MA, 2009), A Choreographer's Process: A Personal Story

Kathryn Ricketts (UBC MA, 2007), Articulating Praxis, Exploring Identity and Place Through Movement

Patti Fraser (UBC MA, 2007), Tranformations: Rupture of the Ordinary Mentoring the Imagination through Story—Youth and Elder Digital Media Production

Lisa Nicholson (UBC MA, 2007), Mentoring & Ethics

Beverly Machelle (UBC MA, 2007), Behind the Buckskin Curtain: Aboriginal youth participation in spirtual ceremonies combined with drama activities

Krista Ediger (UBC MA, 2006), Living and Reliving the Tension in One Teacher's Life

Danielle Arsenault (UBC MA, 2004), When Abortion Delivers Voice

Douglas Hagerman (UBC MA, 2004), Interrogating Masculinity: an Arts-based inquiry

Sean Cook (UBC MA, 2004), School Inc.: An Ethnographic Performance of the Effects of Corporate Sponsorship on the Curriculum of Public Education in British Columbia

Marianna Terrett (UBC MA, 2004), Older Women's Narration of their Experience(s) of Creating Voice Presented through Ethnoperformance

Galene Powell (UBC MA, 2003), Painting Cranes against a Gray Sky

Andrea Superstein (UBC MA, 2003), Democracy Through Drama

David Beare (UBC MA, 2002), Therapeutic Theatre: A Performative Inquiry into the Creative Play Process as Optimum Teenage Development

Monique Giard (UBC MA, 2002), Performative Pedagogy: Writing choreographically a dance space of imaginings

Veronica Gaylie (UBC MA, 2001), Poetry Protests

Faith Shields (UBC MA, 2001), Acts of Observance: Mending the Broken Spirit, Nuturing the Unrepentant Heart

William Taylor (UBC MA, 1999), In Search of Play: A Perfomance Kit

MEd Reader for Comprehensive Exams (71 Students)

  • MEP Burnaby Cohort (2011): 21
  • MEd Arts Education Prince George Cohort (2011): 15
  • MEP Price George Cohort (2010): 17
  • MEP Surrey Cohort (2009): 18

Internal Examiner for SFU Doctoral and MA Defenses

Bergonzoni, Carolina (PhD, 2022), A Ravine of in-betweens: The Body, Dance, and Writing into the Excess, Education

Sawkins, Tanis (EdD, 2021), Reimagining an Employment Program for Migrant Women: From Holistic Classroom Practice to Arts-informed Program Evaluation, Education

Yang Nuri (MA, 2020), Finding my Voice through the Arts: Becoming Wide Awake to the Rhythms of my own Drum

Jing Li (PhD, 2020), Community in the Making: Weaving Places of Learning, Cultural Production, and Community Building within a Community Festival Space in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside

Kymberley Rae Stewart (PhD, 2014), Teaching the Media with Mouse Woman: Adventures in Imaginative Education

Lorraine White-Wilkinson (MA, 2013), Dancing into Voice: Articulating and Engaging Embodied Knowing

External Reader/Examiner for Other Universities

Nina Dahl-Tallgren (PhD, 2024), Towards a Performative Pedagogy: An Educational Design Study of three Theatre-in-Education Programmes, Åbo Akademi University

Rayne Stroebel (PhD, 2022), Storying Elderliness in Hengberg–a Critical, Rhizo-linguistic Narrative Journey, Social Sciences, Stirling University, Scotland

Nicole “Chinook” McLean (PhD, 2021), Creating Transformative Space in our Classroom using Circles, Restorative Practices in Education and Student Voice, Stirling University, Scotland

Bonnie Nish (PhD, 2020), Promise of Returning Home after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Language & Literacy, University of British Columbia

Meghan Hyslop (PhD, 2019), Natural Clowning as Inquiry: An Ecology and Performance Towards a Scholarship of Feeling, Concordia University

Simon Dennan (PhD, 2018), We Chant Down Babylon: Re-imagining Oceania through Community Reggae Arts for Transformative Education, University of Auckland

Anne Daniel (PhD, 2017), An Integral View of Mindfulness Practices and the Perception of Challenge within a School Based Setting

Donald MacKenzie (PhD, 2015), The Freudian Palimpsest of Monty and John: Towards a Playful Education

Neeranjini Rajoo (MEd, 2014), From Human to Human[e]: An Educator's Reflexive Narrative Journeying

Kirsten Frantzich (PhD, 2013), Theatre of the Psyche: The emergence of Embodied Theatre Ecology & the Stage as Home(be)coming

Chair for SFU Doctoral Defenses

Tejinder Thindal (PhD, 2019), Springsteen, a three-minute song, a life of learning

Carolina Rojas (PhD, 2018), Now(here): Exploring the Experiences of Displacement and Relocation of the 1.5 Generation Colombian Refugees Living in the Lower Mainland through Narrative Inquiry

Sean Park (PhD, 2014), Embodied Inner Work: An Educator's Journey of Body-Mind-Heart Integration

Randolph Hymen (PhD, 2012), Daggering inna di Dancehall: Kierkegaard's Conceptualization of Subjectivity and Nietzsche's Dionysus in Relation to Jamaican Dance

Jan MacLean (PhD, 2007), Re-Drawing the Line: Whole Inclusion Through the Arts

Jana Milloy (PhD, 2007), Persuasions of the Wild—Writing the Moment: A Phenomenology

Supervision of Research Assistants / Postdoctoral Fellows / Research Associates

Heini Haapaniemi /Visiting Doctoral Student Finland (2024/02/28 – 2024/09/10)

Laurel Hart/Postdoctoral Fellow (2022/01/15 – 2024/12/30), Mitacs Environment Project with Families and Babies

Marlies Grindlay/Research Associate (2020/04/01 – 2021/10/01), SSHRC IDG, Performing Mentorship

Laurel Hart/Postdoctoral Fellow (2018/07/17–2019/12/31), SSHRC Partnership Grant Co-supervisor with Dr. Claudia Mitchell, McGill University

Jennifer Spiegel/Research Associate (2018/04/01–2021/04/01), CIHR Operating Grant, Social Circus & Health Equity

Patricia Fraser/Research Associate (2015/06/14–2018/02/28), SSHRC Partnerhsip Grant, Art for Social Change

Nicole Armos/Internship/Research Assistant (2018/06/01–2018/09/30), Mitacs Accelerate & Vancouver Foundation 2017 Neighbourhood Small Grants Program Evaluation

Edmund Kilpatrick/Cohort Site Assistant (2016/09/01–2018/07/01), SSHRC Partnerhsip Grant, Art for Social Change