Michelle Amri

Term Assistant Professor


Dr. Michelle Amri’s (BHSc, UWO; MPA, Queen’s; and PhD, U of T) research largely focuses on understanding how equity can be better incorporated in public policymaking. She looks at how relevant actors consider health equity in developing policy (e.g., how health equity is understood and operationalized) and how equity can be improved in policymaking processes (e.g., decolonizing health policymaking). Her work has been published in numerous academic journals (publications are listed here).

Dr. Amri serves on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Association for Global Health, is the co-chair for the Canadian Conference on Global Health, and consults for the World Health Organization. Prior to joining SFU’s School of Public Policy, she was a Takemi Fellow (2021–23) at Harvard University, a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, and taught at the University of Toronto and University of Victoria.

Research Interests

  • Politics of Health, Global Health, Healthy Public Policy, Health Policy, Health Governance, Health Equity, Decolonizing Global Health, Health Systems Research

Selected Publications