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If you need any additional clarification or extra time to work on this, please let Saba know by emailing sfatemi@sfu.ca
Final Reflection
Due 2 weeks after the last day of the program
Insights on the Lead Volunteer reflection you will need to write at the end of your program.
Please note that this reflection will be shared with your program’s Program and Volunteer Supervisor, to include in their final report.
Length: This reflection should be at least 1 page in length. We encourage you to add as much detail as possible. This can be written in any format (paragraphs, question & answer, bullet form...).
Method: This reflection is to be submitted below (as an attachment)
File Name: Please use the following format to name your file:
[Program Name]_[Term]_[Your Name].
Example: Book Buddies_Summer 2024_Jane Doe
What should your reflection include?
- Your name
- Name of your program
- Term you volunteered for (Examples: Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Summer 2025..)
- What was your initial expectation of the Lead Volunteer role?
Was it different from your expectations? If so, how?
What were the personal/professional development goals that you had in mind - which skills did you want to work on developing?
Have you been able to work towards developing those skills? If so, how?
Why (in your opinion) was this program an effective embodiment of the SFU Surrey - TD Community Engagement Centre values? (Scroll to the bottom to see them)
Has your Site Supervisor supported your development? If so, how?
What feedback do you have to improve this program? What are some positives that should definitely continue?
How do you see yourself applying the skills you learned in the future? What future opportunities are you hoping to seek out?
Your Feedback About Volunteers
This is optional but highly appreciated on our end!
This can be written in collaboration with the Program & Volunteer Supervisor.
While the program is still fresh in your memory, please take a few minutes to share some comments about your experience with the volunteers you have worked with, as your insights are very valuable to us: