How to support the SFU Food Pantry

Supporting the SFU Food Pantry not only tackles food insecurity on the front lines, it also addresses the systemic causes of this complex issue.

Thank you for caring so deeply about our students, staff, and communities.

These programs have both developed through ongoing partnership with community members and organizations. It was the Burnaby community who brought this issue to our attention and catalyzed action. But it’s your ongoing support that powers these programs and enables us to make the case for deeper, ongoing support.

Make a tax-deductible donation, online.

This is the best way to support The Pantry because it gives us the flexibility to direct funds to our operating costs and/or direct purchase of food, depending on what opportunities are currently available. For example, our current year’s operating budget was $10,000, thanks to United Way of British Columbia. This enabled us to run the Pantry, which allowed us to partner with the Greater Vancouver Food Bank to provide over $75,000 in food to SFU students and staff.

We are working hard to permanently establish programs like the SFU Food Pantry, but until we do, your donations can make the difference between a week or a month where we are open every Wednesday, and a week or a month where we are… well… not.

Thank you for ensuring that SFU students and staff have a place to go for emergency food.

Contribute fresh, healthy food to the Community Free Fridge

We are grateful for your donations of healthy, fresh food. The best way to make this kind of contribution is to bring it down to one of the Community Free Fridges, take a picture of your generous deed, and then tag us on Instagram so our followers knows there’s more food available.

To learn more about what can be donated to a fridge, click here.

Please note: managing donated food is very labour intensive – if the food you’re contributing is not fresh, safe, or edible, your lovely intention is working against you (and us).

Volunteer with us  

We are always looking for volunteers. Whether you are staff, faculty, or student, your efforts are always needed (and we’re always grateful for them).

What’s in it for you?

The warm fuzzies, for one thing. But you will also get a glimpse into the way our food systems work—and don’t work—a ground level view into the inequities in the food system, food distribution and food waste, culturally appropriate foods, and more. And if you’re a student, our positions qualify for Co-Curricular Record Credit.

Many of our volunteers have been international students who have gained valuable experience practicing and refining their English and increasing their confidence in working with their peer group. We do provide reference letters, and many volunteers have gone on to work placements in public health, communications, government, and other research opportunities.

Interested? Fill out our application form.