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Mechatronic Systems Engineering Undergraduates
Mechatronic Systems Engineering students integrates cyber and physical realms, turning theory into practice with hands-on experiences to create technology for social good.
Undergraduate Program Policies
All SFU Mechatronics Systems Engineering undergraduate students must be fully aware of the specific policies of their chosen degree path. Please check the relevant links below to ensure you understand these policies. Also check the Undergraduate Degree Program Requirements page for further essential information.
The number of courses a student may repeat in a degree program is limited to five. Courses taken at SFU for which you have already received transfer credit from another institution will count within this limit of five repeats. This limit can only be extended by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
Students intending to enroll in a sixth or subsequent repeat course should seek advice from their major department advisor or an Academic Advisor before submitting their extension request to their dean.
Any request to enroll in an individual course for the third time must be approved by the UCC Chair. No fourth attempts of an individual course will be approved. Approved course withdrawals will not be counted as repeats for the purposes of this policy.
Students can only duplicate a specific Special Topics course when the course topic is deemed to be the same as the one for which the student has already received credit.
MSE students can simultaneously register for a course that they obtained a D and any course that requires that course as a prerequisite. This policy does not apply to students who got F.
MSE students must seek UCC approval by way of submitting an enrollment request through Coursys.
If you are planning to drop any courses, please check the strict policies and deadline information below.
University deadlines and penalties will apply to all course drops. For further information, visit SFU’s main deadlines page.
The sole exception to these is requests from students who receive co-op placements after the first penalty period takes effect – provided these students have their drops arranged through the Co-op Office.
Be advised that if you choose to take a course in addition to co-op and then decide to drop it later in the semester, all deadline and penalty policies will apply.
Aside from the above co-op related scenario, students will arrange their own course drops up to and including week five of any given semester.
From week six, you are required to use one of the following two procedures:
- Contact the Registrar’s Office to arrange a course drop under extenuating circumstances.
- Complete a Request for Undergraduate Course Change form (available from the Undergraduate Program Assistant at MSE office). This must be signed-off by the course instructor and the MSE Director. This form is used only to backdate a drop because of an administrative error or to drop a course for which no tuition penalty should be assessed because another course has been substituted for it (added after the end of week two of classes) by the student.
Students seeking co-op should follow the Co-op office guidelines and advice prior to registration. Under a normal situation, the students register to the applicable MSE co-op course in goSFU.
As a general rule, MSE students should not take any other course while on Co-op term. A special permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis upon submission of request (MSE Co-op Appeal Form) through Coursys. In such cases, seek endorsement from the co-op supervisor and the instructor of the course and attach the document with your appeal.
There are cases when a student is unable to manage their own registration in SIMS. Therefore, the student must seek assistance or permission from the School by completing the online MSE Co-op Appeal Form through Coursys.
MSE Appeal Form
The MSE Co-op Appeal Form is applicable to any of the following purposes:
- Request to take one (1) course with a Co-op
- Request to waive one (1) Co-op
- Request for late enrollment (Note: A late fee may be assessed.)
- Request for a self-directed Co-op
- Others (e.g. requisite issues, etc)
Capstone & Co-op
You can not take Capstone (MSE 410 or MSE 411) while on a Co-op term.
To enroll in Capstone you are required to have completed two Co-op terms. A special permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis upon submission of a request to take Capstone having only completed one Co-op term (MSE Appeal Form) through Coursys. The typical criteria for a successful exemption are:
- Must have completed one industrial Co-op term (MSE 293). A special Co-op term (MSE 294) will not be accepted.
- The student must have been actively seeking a second Co-op term.
- The student could not take a second Co-op term due to extenuating circumstances.
- Additional flexibility may be offered to students on the TechE program.
The final decision will be at the discretion of the UCC Chair.