Thesis Defence at ASB Meeting Rooms
Preparing for Your Thesis Defence
- We suggest you check the room & its layout, to ensure it fits your defence plan. Check Room Types Here
- Please feel free to book the room for your defence practice
- Please consider if your defence is an all in-person or a HYBRID ZOOM meeting
- Please check location of:
- Outlets
- Screens
- Microphones
- If your defence is a hybrid Zoom meeting:
- Room’s PC will be one of meeting participants (As room microphones will be used)
- Please bring your laptop, and make sure that the Zoom invite is handy
- You can sign out a clicker at our reception, along with a keyboard and mouse
- Decide, if you would like to use a podium
- Ensure its location works for you
- Make a note if anything else you need to make your presentation more engaging!
- Please reach out to our reception staff if you need to re-arrange tables, or you need extra tables or chairs.
On the Day of your defence
- Feel free to book the room at least one hour prior to the meeting, to have enough time for all preparations
- For in-person defence:
- You can project your presentation either with:
- Your laptop
- USB drive
- From the cloud
- For hybrid Zoom meeting:
- Make sure that room PC is participating in the meeting
- Check that audio source is the meeting room’s system
- Login with your laptop
- Then share your screen