Engineering Science Undergraduates

Co-operative Work Experience & Education

Your mandatory -- and paid – co-op placement gives you invaluable real-world experience and shows future employers that you have the right hands-on skills.

You’ll be part of one of the best and most diverse co-op programs in Canada. With at least 2000 job postings every year and more than 350 active employers, it’s a proven route to career success. In fact, over 85% of our co-op students find employment within three months of graduation through the network they built via their co-op placements.

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Visit our co-op page to learn more about requirements, how to apply, and contact info.



Any USRA student holders can count their work as Co-op if they wish to do so. To count it as a work term, students need to prove that their work meets the following criteria:

  • Min. 420 hours/term, be paid, supervised, and in a capacity of technical or research work
  • Supervisor completes a check-in and an end-of-term evaluation
  • Student completes learning goals, check-in, work term report, and end-of-term evaluation

Any inquiries about counting USRA as Co-op, please contact your home Coordinator. 



Your mandatory co-op experience will include three work terms in research or industrial facilities, often designing and building real products. After completing your co-op requirements, you’ll return to campus for at least one academic term.

Ideally two of the three mandatory work terms should be completed in industry (ENSC 195, 295, 395) unless a student plans to pursue post-graduate studies. Students may participate in additional work terms but are encouraged to seek diversity in their experience. The three mandatory work terms may include one special co-op term (ENSC 196, 296, 396) this may include self-directed, entrepreneurial, service or research terms – permission of the Engineering Science co-op office is required.

An optional non-technical work term (ENSC 194) is also available through the Engineering Science co-op also available and is often completed after the first two study terms. ENSC 194 does not count toward the mandatory three-course requirement.

The engineering science co-op program can also seek opportunities for students wishing to complete their thesis requirements in an industrial setting.


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