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Engineering Science Undergraduates
Engineering science combines deep technical knowledge with rich hands-on experience. Our graduates become the next generation of innovation leaders.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some answers to commonly asked questions. If you can't find the answer to your question here, then please connect with FAS Advising.
What classes should I register for?
You should read the SFU Calendar and work through your formal program requirements, which includes a list of all courses needed for your degree. For additional support, you can also consult our 'program requirements' page for specific course sequencing information. After reviewing materials online, it's also recommended to speak with an academic advisor for guidance.
How do I choose which option I should do?
The options do not "fill up" or restrict entry to a particular number of existing engineering students; any option is open to any engineering student (note: the Biomedical and Engineering Physics options are honours only and students must maintain a CGPA of 3.0). All courses are identical for the first two years of courses, regardless of intended option. Once you have completed your first co-op, students are asked to declare an option in which to continue their studies. If you would like to discuss your choice, visit a FAS Advisor.
Students can declare their option via the online form.
What are the grade requirements for each option?
Once a student has been admitted to the Engineering program they are free to choose whichever option she/he pleases, without barriers to entry. Students must in general adhere to SFU's academic policy on continuance and graduation - see details here. Honours options within Engineering Science (e.g. Physics) require a minimum 3.0 CGPA for entry and graduation.
I am a student in another program at SFU. How do I switch into Engineering Science?
Students transferring from other majors/programs in Simon Fraser University should be in strong academic standing, and must apply to the School of Engineering Science for admission. See the internal transfer requirements on our admissions page for more details.
I am a current ENSC student and on a waitlist for an ENSC course. What can I do to get into the class?
There isn’t much you can do to improve your chances over other students. But you may want to attend the class at the beginning of the semester. The waitlist will stop running after the fifth instructional day – after which students visit an advisor to register for a spot if one becomes available. These are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Why is the course schedule on go.sfu.ca different than the one sent out to students by email?
The set up of courses on the Student Information Management System (SIMS) takes place two semesters prior to the semester in which the courses are taken by students. You may be able to see these courses as they are being entered via the Student Information System (SIS). Please note that none of the ENSC courses you see on SIS for future semesters are final until you receive the full course schedule for that semester by email from the Undergraduate Program Assistant. Once you receive the schedule, if you see what you think may be a major problem for a number of students, please inform your UCC student representative. He/she should then contact the Undergraduate Program Assistant giving the course number, the nature of the problem and the number of students affected.
I have the pre-requisites for a course, but I can’t enroll. What do I do?
Note that this problem is best solved by visiting the advising office as soon as possible. Email response times during enrolment can be 2-3 business days.
This could be due to one of several issues, especially if you are a second-degree student. Please see one of advisors or email evidence of your pre-requisite to the advising office.
Students who otherwise meet the prerequisites but are still experiencing problems enrolling should send an email to asadvise@sfu.ca with name, student number, lecture and preferred lab (if applicable). If possible, include the type of error message produced by the SIS Student Information System.
How late in the term can I add/drop/swap a course?
Deadlines for adding and dropping, as well as refunds are available on the SFU Student Services deadlines website.
There is a time conflict with a course class date or exam. Can I still get permission to enroll?
If you believe there is a reasonable solution to the conflict, you should submit the ENSC appeal form at https://coursys.sfu.ca/forms/ensc-time-conflict-request-form/ requesting approval to enroll with a time conflict. Professors may choose to withhold permission for any reason and are not required to accommodate conflicts. If both professors agree to your proposed solution, you will be sent a time conflict agreement for you to accept responsibility for all consequences of the time conflict.
I have three final exams in one day, what do I do?
SFU publishes final exam schedules to help students make course choices that include the implications of their exam workload. If you are not able to take alternate courses, accommodations are usually made by the instructor of the middle exam. If that instructor does not make an accommodation, see an advisor for the department in which the course is offered.
I missed my final exam because I was sick. What do I do?
Please see the SFU examination policy in the current calendar as well as here for information about requesting a make up exam for medical or compassionate reasons (under the "Explanation of Temporary Grades" section).
I am not doing as well as I would like in the program, what should I do?
Engineering Science is a difficult and rigorous program and many students find they have some difficulty along the way. Ensure you are attending classes and asking questions. Other ways to ensure academic succes including:
- Attending your professor’s office hours.
- Seeking help from your peers in class or coonecting with Peer Tutors.
- Attending tutoring workshops (e.g. Math Open Labs)
- Visit an academic advisor for help and support.
- There are also a number of resources and workshops at the Student Learning Commons in the Library.
I’ve heard you can only retake up to five courses in total during your degree, is this true?
Yes. In some cases, permission is granted by the Associate Dean of the Faculty in which you are enrolled to repeat more than five courses. If you are in this situation, you are in danger of failing out of your program and you must see an advisor in person as soon as possible. The student system may allow you to enroll in repeated courses. This does not mean you are approved and you may find there are consequences for ignoring this rule up to and including an inability to graduate from a program that you have otherwise completed. To request approval for six or more total repeats in your program, please submit the Course Duplication Appeal Form at https://coursys.sfu.ca/forms/ensc-course-duplication-appeal-form/.
I want to take a course for the third time, but the system won’t let me. What do I do?
You will need permission from the department that offers the course and usually the program in which you are enrolled. This usually starts with seeing the advisor for that department. If you need a third attempt at a course, you should also talk to an advisor about how you can do better in your courses. If it is an ENSC course that you wish to take for the third and final attempt, please submit the course duplication appeal form at https://coursys.sfu.ca/forms/ensc-course-duplication-appeal-form/.
How do I appeal a grade?
There is a system in place to ensure grades awarded by professors are fair and generally consistent across students and multiple offerings of the same course. To be successful, a student appealing a grade usually requires clear evidence of a mistake or miscalculation. Begin by speaking to your professor about your grade, asking for reasons for the grade, an example of what would have earned a higher grade and advice for how you can improve in the future. If you feel the explanation is not in line with the work you submitted, you may ask them about re-evaluation. If the professor is not open to re-evaluation, consider the procedure outlined here.
We also encourage you to first see the SFU Ombudsperson to see if they believe you have a good case:
Following your discussion with the professor and the ombudsperson, Engineering Science students appeal a grade to the Chair by submitting an appeal form.
How do I appeal to get into a course for which I do not have a pre-requisite?
You may do this following a pre-requisite request using the ENSC Pre-requisite Waiver Request form.
I have not met the admission requirements to get into the program, how do I appeal to get admitted?
In most cases, admissions appeals are not successful. If you are a current SFU student seeking a transfer, you should see an advisor. If you are not yet an SFU student, you should see the Senate Appeal Board page for further information.
Note that there are usually many opportunities in the course of one’s education to be admitted to the program and several pathways designed for people with different profiles. In general, people who have demonstrated they are likely to be successful in the program are able to gain admission. We recommend talking to an advisor if you would like to explore how to be admitted in the future.
I need to repeat courses beyond the normally allowable amount, how do I appeal?
Please submit the Course Duplication Appeal Form.
I would like a degree requirement waived, how do I do this?
In some cases, degree requirements can be waived when a student makes the case that their circumstance is exceptional. You can make a case using the ENSC Appeal Form. It is best to consult an advisor with a draft of your appeal and the documentation you have to support your case first.
How do I make a complaint?
If your complaint is about something happening in a course, or about a TA, you should speak in person with the professor for the course during their office hours.
If your complaint is about a professor or a course, you should contact the undergraduate program director.
If your complaint is about advising services, email the Manager of Student Affairs for the Faculty of Applied Sciences
If you are not sure who should receive your complaint, contact the Manager of Academic and Administrative Services
When I am approaching graduation, what support is provided to help me find a job?
Career and Volunteer Services is here to help students explore their options and create inspiring and hopeful possibilities, aid them in conducting a strategic work search, create effective work search documents, and develop action plans for productive transitions. We provide one-on-one consultations with professional career advisors, career-development related workshops and events, and a full range of online resources. Please explore their website and their career information web resource -- specifically for Biomedical Engineering and Engineering Science students, (OMEP SITE).
What support services are available for students?
SFU’s Student Services offers a range of support. As well as academic advice – including helping you plan your academic program and succeed academically -- you can receive help with health issues or worries, information about financial aid, career advice and other guidance.
SFU International offers a range of programs, events, workshops and general advice for international students to help ease your transition to a new country and make the most of your time at SFU.
The Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) provides disability related information, support and counselling to the SFU community as well as campus visitors. They also act as liaisons between students and faculty in the implementation of disability related services and accommodations.
SFU's Health and Counselling offers a wide range of services to maintain your physical and mental health. Their health clinic (doctors and nurses), counselling, psychiatrist, and health promotion team are here to collectively and positively influence your health and well-being. They also offer weekly events aimed at improving your well-being, including Mindfulness Meditation and free yoga classes.