Mechatronic Systems Engineering Undergraduates

Mechatronic Systems Engineering students integrates cyber and physical realms, turning theory into practice with hands-on experiences to create technology for social good.

Undergraduate Program Requirements

MSE undergraduate students should be familiar with their program requirements - below are program details related to the curriculum, course schedule and sequencing, pre-approved electives, technical electives and concentration options.

MSE Undergraduate Program Curriculum 

The MSE undergraduate program provides a four-year curriculum that details the courses necessary for successful completion of the degree program.

We also offer five-year degree options designed to provide students with a more flexible curriculum, allowing them to reduce their workload. Below is a curriculum table outlining the courses required to successfully complete this program in five years.

NEW!  Fall 2024 Curriculum Reform

The curriculum reform has been designed to provide an improved experience for students in MSE, to provide more industry-ready skills and increase the likelihood that students will graduate in a timely manner as 14 fewer credits are required to graduate.

The main changes to the curriculum, compared to the pre-Fall 2024 curriculum are available here.

Fall 2024 Program Requirements

Pre-Fall 2024 Program Requirements

Important Notes:

  • Mechatronic Systems Engineering students must finish three mandatory co-op terms before graduation.
  • MSE students must complete nine (9) units or three (3) courses of social science and humanity breadth courses (B-Soc and B-Hum) with at least one course in each B-Soc and B-Hum category. Complementary elective course must be selected from pre-Approved Complementary Electives list.
  • MSE 4XX =  Technical Studies Elective  (can be selected from the list of Technical Studies Electives)
  • Pre-Fall 2024 admits must complete six (6) courses from the list of  Technical Studies Electives
  • Starting Fall 2024, new admits must complete four (4) courses from the list of  Technical Studies Electives.
  • Please visit for list of coures offered in a particular semester.  

Check out the course navigator below based on the 4-year curriculum. 


Technical Studies Electives

The School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering has changed the policy with regards to engineering electives. They are divided into two groups: A and B

Group A:

  • MSE 412, MSE 413, MSE 420, MSE 421, MSE 422, MSE 423, MSE 424, MSE 425, MSE 426, MSE 427, MSE 428, MSE 429, MSE 450, MSE 451, MSE 453, MSE 480, MSE 481, MSE 483, MSE 490, MSE 491


  • If any of these courses are taught by sessional lectures who do not have P. Eng., the course is moved to group B.
  • MSE 490, 491 and MSE 492 are counted in group A, if they are taught by MSE P. Eng. Faculty members.
  • MSE 490: ST: Technology Entrepreneurship is counted as a group B course.

Group B:

  • 400-level engineering elective courses that are taught by faculty members who have yet to obtain their professional status; engineering elective courses taught by non-P. Eng. Faculty members; 400 level courses taken at other schools (after appeal to MSE); and Directed Studies (MSE or outside)
  • MSE students must take at least four engineering electives from group A. They can take the other two courses from group B.


The MSE engineering electives will be offered in accordance with the two year plan and the posted course offering maybe subject to change. Please check goSFU to confirm offering and class schedule.

Spring 2025  

  • MSE 413
  • MSE 421
  • MSE 453
  • MSE 480
  • MSE 481
  • MSE 483
  • MSE 490 ST RobustEstimation &Filtering
  • MSE 491 ST-ElectTransportSys (Grp B)

* Fall 2025

  • MSE 460
  • MSE 491 ST Dig Sig Processing



*  SPRING 2026

  • MSE 413
  • MSE 429
  • MSE 453
  • MSE 481
  • MSE 483
  • MSE 490 ST UAV
  • MSE 490 ST PID Cntrl
  • MSE 491 ST Elect Trnsport Sys 
  • MSE 481 ST Adv Elect Circuits

Summer 2025  

  • MSE 426
  • MSE 450
  • MSE 452
  • MSE 454


*  Summer 2026

  • MSE 426
  • MSE 452
  • MSE 454
  • MSE 480


* Course offerings may be subject to change.

For MSE 490, MSE 491 and MSE 492 Special Topic, please refer to the course description including prerequisites by clicking the button below.

Special Topic Courses

Pre-Approved Complementary Study Electives

MSE students must complete 9 units (or 3 courses) of breadth courses (B-Hum and B-Soc) with at least one course in each B-Soc and B-Hum category.  All courses designated as B-Hum or B-Soc from the SFU Certified Breadth List, with the exception of those under the Faculty of Applied Sciences, are valid.

MSE second degree students are considered to have met the comlementary electives requirement of the program.   As per University policy,  students admitted to second degrees are exempt from all of the Breadth requirements, the lower-division W course, and one Q course. The remaining W and Q courses must be a minimum of 3 credits each; the W course must be upper-division and within the major, while the Q course may be upper- or lower-division. Second degree students must meet the FAL and FAN prerequisites in order to enrol in W and Q courses. Second degree students who have met WQB requirements in a first degree at Simon Fraser Unviersity are still required to meet this UD W and Q requirement for the second degree. 

IMPORTANT:   Students are advised to visit the following link for SFU Breadth courses to double check the designation of courses for B-Hum or B-Soc as they might change from time to time:

Agri-Tech Concentration

This concentration is for students who wish to specialize in agriculture technology. Students who choose this concentration will complete three mechatronic systems engineering elective courses and all of:

  • BISC 106 - Biological Systems for Engineers (3)
  • MSE 360 - Introduction to Biosystems Engineering (3)
  • MSE 460 - Precision AgriTech Engineering (3)
  • MSE 480 - Manufacturing Systems (3)
  • SEE 351 - Bioprocess Engineering Systems (3)

How to Apply

To add the Agri-tech concentration, we typically accept students who:

  • Have a CGPA of 2.67 or higher
  • Have no more than 5 repeats
  • Joining the concentration will not significantly delay your expected graduation

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