What was a highlight or favourite moment from your time at SFU?
My favorite moment at SFU was during my final year, working on my capstone project. Weeks before our presentation, our team got together in the lab from morning and stayed up until midnight trying to get our prototype to work. In the end, we managed to get our system working and had a successful presentation. This project was a significant learning experience, in terms of building a technical product from scratch while keeping in mind the user and business needs.
How has your experience at SFU prepared you for your career path?
My experience at SFU gave me both theoretical knowledge and most importantly, practical knowledge through course projects and school clubs. Through the MSE program, I had the opportunity to complete 16 months of co-op that gave me industry experience and helped me identify my career interests. My co-op experience helped me improve my software engineering knowledge, which will be extremely useful as I enter full-time work after graduation.
What advice would you like to share to students in their first year?
I would recommend students to explore as much as possible by researching and working on projects to identify their specific interests. I would recommend participating in student clubs that will help students get hands-on experience, improve their resume, increase their network, and make new friends. Finally, make sure to enjoy yourself as much as you can during your degree.
What are your current plans?
I’m currently travelling and visiting my family back home in India. I’m also currently interviewing for positions in software engineering and hope to get a software engineering job ideally in hardware applications. I’m hoping to study further and complete my master’s in robotics engineering a few years down the lane.