Scholarship & Awards
SFU Undergraduate Awards & Financial Aid
Students at the university have access to a wide range of initiatives to help them fund their SFU education, including scholarships and awards, student loans and bursaries and the Work Study program. For general information on fees and available financial awards, visit SFU Financial Aid and Awards.
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (Research Assistant)
Our undergraduate students can apply for summer jobs working with Mechatronic Systems Engineering faculty on real research. These positions are sponsored by NSERC, a Federal Government agency that supports university students in the pursuit of discovery research while fostering innovation.
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) are aimed at stimulating your interest in research in engineering and the natural sciences. If you would like to gain research work experience that complements your studies in an academic setting, these awards can provide you with a funded position in SFU Engineering Science. These positions can also give you real advantages for future awards: 70% of past USRA students went on to win NSERC Graduate Awards that paid for their graduate education.
For more information, please visit this page.
Triple A Award in Mechatronics
Two awards, valued at a minimum of $1000 each, will be granted annually to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at SFU Surrey. The awards go to students in good academic standing with demonstrated leadership skills and/or service to the community.
Applications must include a resume outlining the candidate's leadership activities and volunteer service as well as letter(s) of recommendation confirming these activities.
Preference is given to students enrolled in the Mechatronics program at SFU Surrey, but if no suitable candidate is identified, the award may be disbursed to any student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at SFU Surrey who is in good academic standing with demonstrated leadership skills and/or service to the community. The award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee.
Get in Touch
Our friendly advisors are available to talk to you via phone or email about any questions you have about which programs might be best for you.