
Leg Compression Therapy

January 19, 2025

Compression therapy is the cornerstone in managing lower leg disorders such as edema, orthostatic intolerance and varicose veins. External mechanical compression improves muscle pump, reduces blood accumulation in the lower extremities, and increases blood return to the heart. Current compression devices have one or a combination of the following disadvantages: hard to wear, inefficacious, bulky, non-portable, and lack of embedded pressure measurement systems.

Aiming at tackling the shortcomings of the current solutions, we are working on smart, portable compression therapy modalities in the MENRVA research group using different technologies, including Dielectric Elastomer Actuators (DEAs), Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), and electric motors.

List of related articles:

1-    Pourazadi, S, Ahmadi, S, and Menon, C (2014) Towards the Development of Active Compression bandages Using Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, No.6, 11pp.

2-    Moein, H, and Menon, C (2014) An active compression bandage based on shape memory alloys: a preliminary investigation, Biomedical Engineering Online, Vol. 13, No.135, 13pp

3-    Rahimi, M, Blaber, AP, Menon, C (2016) Towards the Evaluation of Force-Sensing Resistors for In Situ Measurement of Interface Pressure During Leg Compression Therapy, IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Healthcare Innovations & Point-of-Care Technologies, Mexico, USA.