AEM started using SFU Groups for access management on Wednesday, December 11.
If you lost access, please reach out to your site owner.

Setting the News Page Properties

This section covers how to set the Page Properties of an News Page.

Setting the page properties

  1. In the WCM, double-click the news page to open it in an Editing Window.

  2. Update the byline (CLF4 only): Double-click the byline to edit it. You can also choose to delete this text component. If you delete it by accident, add a new text component and add byline to the CSS Class field.
  3. (Optional) Add an image: Locate an image for your news story from the Content Finder. Double-click the large grey area labeled "Double-click to select an image". Otherwise, If you do not wish to include an image in your news story page, right-click and choose Delete.

    Next, drag the image from the Content Finder into the area labeled "Drop an image or click to upload".

  4. (Optional) Set the Category tag: In the Sidekick, open up the Page Properties dialogue box. In the Tags field, begin typing a keyword, e.g., "Community". Select the keyword from the drop-down list. Click OK.
    Note: Stories can be tagged with an unlimited number of categories but only the first category will be displayed the “category” component.

  5. Set the date: Double click the Date Stamp component, then choose Manual or Dynamic. For more information on the component's fields, see the Date Stamp component page.

  6. Add the description: Double-click the Text component containing the latin placeholder text. Add a description of the news story. In CLF4, the first paragraph will you the intro CSS Class style.

  7. Set the Teaser: The page teaser will be a short description displayed on the News listing page. If this description is not set, AEM will display the contents of the first Text component on the page. To add a teaser, go to Page Properties and type in the text in the Description area in the Basic tab under More Titles and Description.

  8. Choose a thumbnail:  Click on the magnifying glass of the Thumbnail field of Page Properties to open up the navigation of the DAM.

    Navigate to and choose an image that you wish to appear beside the Teaser text on the News Display page, then click OK. If you do not wish to use a thumbnail, leave this field blank. The appropriate size for Thumbnails is 115 x 115 px.

  9. Choose an image:  Click on the Image tab of the Page Properties menu, next to Basic.
    Next, click and drag an image from the Content Finder to the image field, and drop it. This image field can be left blank for pages that are not "Featured" in the Carousel component (if your site uses one) or homepage Features section. For more information about ways to display news pages, visit News and Events Display Options. The image must be 490px wide by 277px high; it will be resized to fit the 230px by 130px feature area. If the story will never appear in the Carousel, it can be 230px by 130px. When finished, click OK.

Setting the sharing properties

Setting the sharing properties for a news article allows you to specify a title, a description and an image for Facebook and Twitter posts.

1. Find the Sharing Feature

Open up the Page Properties dialogue box in the Sidekick and click on the Sharing tab.

2. Set the Sharing Properties for Facebook and Twitter Posts

Type in a title and a description accordingly and choose an image in the DAM by clicking on the magifying glass. Additionally, for Twitter, your Twitter username is required.

In CLF4, if fields in the Sharing tab are left blank, social media link previews will be generated using content from the More Titles and Descriptions section.