Graduate Student Supervision

Senior Supervisor

Completed PhD

Lacerda-Vandenborn, Elisa (2020). Apoema: Exploring a communally constituted conception of selfhood approach to child welfare through an Indigenous Family Group Conferencing program. PhD dissertation. (SSHRC funded).

Kavin, Danielle (2018).

Beatch, Michelle (2018). Buddhist understanding and skillful means: Adding depth and meaning to K-12 teachers’ practice of mindfulness. PhD dissertation. (SSHRC funded)

Hammerman, Hilla (2018). The contributions of theory of mind and temperament to children’s teaching abilities. PhD dissertation.

Reeves, Jocelyn (2009). The impact of dialogue group participation on teachers’ relational pedagogy and climate in their classrooms. PhD dissertation.

Kurytnik, Karen (2008). Resilience in adolescents adopted from Romanian orphanages: A multiple case study analysis. PhD dissertation. (SSHRC funded)

Audet, Karyn (2008). Mitigating effects of the home environment on inattention and overactivity in children adopted from Romanian orphanages: A longitudinal study. PhD dissertation. (SSHRC funded)

Completed MA

Stewart, Arlette (2019). Parents’ perspectives on bullying: How do they understand and respond to their children’s victimization in elementary school? MA thesis.

Graham, Kirsten (2018). Survival mode: Mothers’ perceptions of implementing physician’s recommendations for paediatric sleep-care. MA thesis.

Mozaffari, Zahra (2018). The impact of early adversity on mental health in young adulthood: Findings from the Romanian Adoption Project. MA thesis.

Chan, Dawn (2016). Associations among teacher-student interpersonal relationships and students intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and academic achievement: A cross-cultural study. MA thesis.

Bay, Lisa (2015, MA),  Filtering ourselves: Associations between early adolescent self-perceptions and Instagram activity

Cullingworth, Erin (2014, MA), Caring for adolescent students: A ground theory study of teacher-student relationships in secondary schools. Recipient of the Canadian Association for Educational Psychology G.M. Dunlop Award for best MA thesis.

Chitnev, Veta (2014, MA), A comparison of adjustment to university between immigrant and non-immigrant students

Lorraine Wood-Gaines (2014, M.Ed.), Comprehensive exam

Lepine, Hailey (2012, M.Ed.), Comprehensive exam

Chan, Angus (2012, M.Ed.), Comprehensive exam

Madu, Rachel (2012, MA), Will you stay or will you go?: The present day relationships of adults who grew up in foster care in British Columbia

Nikkel, Laura (2010, MA), Goodness of fit between child and teacher characteristics: Implications for teachers’ perceptions of children’s school adjustment

MacInnes, Lindsey (2009, MA), Parenting self-efficacy and stress in mothers and fathers of children with Down syndrome

Reeves, Jocelyn (2009), The impact of dialogue group participation on teachers’ relational pedagogy and climate in their classrooms

Kurytnik, Karen (2008), Resilience in adolescents adopted from Romanian orphanages: A multiple case study analysis

Audet, Karyn (2008), Mitigating effects of the home environment on inattention and overactivity in children adopted from Romanian orphanages: A longitudinal study

Ionita, Gabriela (2008, MA), Opportunities for play in six neighborhoods: Associations with kindergarten children’s social competence

Chow, Bob (2006, MA), Conceptual overlap between theories of attachment and motivation

Beatch, Michelle (2006, MA), Taking ownership: The implementation of a non-Aboriginal program for on-reserve children

Cournoyer, Louise (2005, MA), The experience of parents in forming a relationship with their older adopted children from Russia or other former Soviet Union countries

Jeffrey, Kathleen (2004, MA), Mother’s mediational style and the effects on language development in 3 to 5 year-olds

Fernyhough, Lynda (2003, MA), The quality and stability of attachment and its relation toindiscriminate friendliness in children adopted to Canada from Romanian orphanages – eight years later

Kurytnik, Karen (2003, MA), A longitudinal study of the intellectual and academic development of children adopted from Romanian orphanages

Audet, Karyn (2003, MA), Attentional and self-regulatory difficulties of Romanian orphans ten years after being adopted to Canada: A longitudinal study

Loewen, Daniel (2002, M.Ed.), An inquiry into educator’s understanding of peer rejection (M.Ed. project)

Warford, Linda (2002, MA), Peer relationships of Romanian orphans 10 years after adoption in Canada: A longitudinal study

Stuart, Victoria (1999, MA), Cooperative Group Work On and Off the Computer

Hall, J. (1998, M.Ed.) A review of the Primary Program: Strong foundations, appropriate practice and future directions (M.Ed. project)

Watt, Sylvia (1998, MA), An examination of Contextual Supervision in a preschool practicum setting

Andison, C. (1998, MA), Learning disabilities and peer victimization in schools

Schwartz, D. (1998, MA), Relations between girls' weight control attitudes and behavior and those of their friends: A study of peer influence

Geary, L. (1997, MA), Relations between dimensions of temperament and styles of play in five and six-year-olds.

de la Ronde, M. (1996, MA), The roles of achievement, age, and social status in students' preference for service delivery

Meltzer, G. (1995, M.Ed.), You want to build a house?: The effects of incorporating "loose parts" into a preschooler's dramatic play centre (M.Ed. project)

Completed M.Ed.

Ciara Chin (2020). Extended essays.

Alisa Ip (2020). Extended essays.

Mariah McKenzie (2019). Extended essays..

Jessica O’Keefe (2019). Extended essays..

Jessica Genick (2019). Comprehensive exam.

Annelise Olivares (2018). Comprehensive exam.

Jennifer Hughes (2016). Comprehensive exam.

Lorraine Wood-Gaines (2014). Comprehensive exam.

Jung, Stephanie (2013). Comprehensive exam.

Lepine, Hailey (2012). Comprehensive exam.

Chan, Angus (2012). Comprehensive exam.

Loewen, Daniel (2002). An inquiry into educator’s understanding of peer rejection. MEd project.

Hall, J. (1998). A review of the Primary Program: Strong foundations, appropriate practice and future directions. MEd project.

Meltzer, G. (1995). You want to build a house?: The effects of incorporating "loose parts" into a preschooler's dramatic play centre. MEd project.

Committee Member - Completed Thesis

  • Doctoral: 4
  • Masters: 18

Thesis Examiner

Doctoral: 25

  • Education, Simon Fraser University: 9
  • Psychology, Simon Fraser University: 9
  • Education, McGill University: 1
  • Psychology, University of Ottawa: 1
  • Psychology, Victoria University, Australia: 1
  • Psychology, University of Toronto: 1
  • Education, University of British Columbia: 3

Masters: 16

  • Education, Simon Fraser University: 9
  • Psychology, Simon Fraser University: 6
  • Education, Trinity Western University: 1