Job Title and Department Affiliation

Your job title in SFU Mail is obtained from your SFU Directory settings ( Please note that changes in the SFU Directory Service may take up to two hours to appear in SFU Mail. Your department affliation is obtained from Human Resources.

Update Your Job Title

To update your job title that is displayed in SFU Mail,  follow the steps below:

1. Type into your browser's address bar. If you are logged in as a guest, login with your staff/faculty/sponsored account for full access by clicking the Login button.

2. Once you are logged in, click [Edit My Entry ] in the top right hand corner of the screen.  

3. In the Title field, enter your job title, then press Save Changes.

Please note: these changes will take effect in other SFU services, such as SharePoint.

4. You can then log into OWA to view the change to your job title by finding a message sent you sent in your message list. Click on your profile photo. Your job title will be displayed both under your display name and under the Work section.

Update Your Department Affiliation

The department affiliation of your staff/faculty account in SFU Mail (viewable in the Global Address List) comes from data managed by Human Resources. If you feel that this needs to be corrected, please contact your department's technical support staff, or contact IT Services for options.