
BPK students who are officially approved into a BPK major or minor program can book advising appointments and access Zoom drop-in link using the Advisor Link system. Watch this short video tutorial to get started!

Non-BPK major or minor students (including intended), please refer to the Who Should I Contact information below for the Advising resources available to you.

BPK Advising Hours

You can choose a 20 minute in-person/phone/zoom appointment during the following times:

Day Appointments
Monday 10am - 11:40am
Tuesday 10am – 11:40am; 2pm – 3pm
Wednesday 10am – 11:40am
Thursday 10am - 11am; 2pm – 3:40pm

Zoom Drop-in advising for quick (< 10 minutes) questions:

Day Zoom Drop-in
Monday 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Wednesday 3:15pm - 4:15pm

Please have a copy of your Advising Transcript (from GoSFU) for any drop-in or advising appointment. How to get your Advising transcript here.

Sophie Dunbar
Undergraduate Advisor

Office: K9633
Email: Email BPK Advisor

Please make sure to check out the FAQ page first. For any question not covered on FAQ, contact the advisor.

If unavailable for appointments or drop-in advising, please email the advisor through the Advising Contact Form. Please ensure to provide all necessary details required for your inquiry, e.g. full course number, lab or tutorial course numbers (BPK 110, D100/D103), etc.


Approved BPK Majors and Minors Sophie Dunbar
Intended BPK Majors in The Faculty of Science

Maisie Morsara

Aiden Wickey

Intended BPK Majors in another Faculty

Nadia Williams

Claire Wilson

Career Advising

For students who wish to speak to a Career Educators, please contact Career and Volunteer Services. 

Burnaby: Maggie Benston Centre (MBC) 0300
Surrey: Mezzanine level, 2538 
Vancouver: Main level, behind Information Services        

Phone: 778.782.3106 