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Engineering Science Graduates
Engineering Graduate Forms
Use the navigation boxes below to jump to a specific form on this page. Questions about the forms can be directed to our graduate program assitant at enscgsec@sfu.ca.
Forms Submission Procedures
- Request Submission: Student submits a request form
- Academic Unit Approval: ENSC Graduate Program Chair signs the form
- Graduate Studies (GS) Office Approval: GS office processes the form and adds to student’s record
Students are always encouraged to visit Graduate Studies (GS) website to learn how to manage your program. In case of any information inconsistency, GS' version will be used for final decision.
Student requests: please allow at least 3 business days of turnaround time for processing. Any forms requiring signatures, please follow the signature convention. Signing in a wrong format will result a longer processing time.
Please rename the completed form to the following naming convention:
Forms - All ENSC Students
The Academic Progress Report (APR) is an interactive course mapping tool designed to help current graduate students understand their degree and program requirements.
As you progress through your academic program, the APR will show which program requirements have been satisfied and which are still outstanding. The APR only captures the requirements that are based on courses. The APR does not guarantee that your degree/program will be awarded once all of the program requirements have become satisfied. The report assumes that you will successfully complete any course(s) in which you are currently enrolled (in-progress).
Accessing APR
The report cannot be run for exchange students, visiting students, qualifying students, or non-degree students. If you have completed or been withdrawn from your program, no report will be available for the program.
- Log into go.sfu.ca
- Click the 'other academic...' drop-down and find 'Academic Requirements'
The Academic Progress Report has two sections of requirements: requirements specific to your program and university minimum requirements.
The minimum University requirements listed on the report are based on the Graduate General Regulations and the student's degree level (i.e. Master, PhD, Certificate, Graduate Diploma).
When you enroll in capstone courses (e.g. thesis, project, extended essays), the requirement will display 'Satisfied' even though the course is still in progress. Please keep in mind that in order to graduate, you will need to receive a 'S' grade.
If you are approved for an exception for your program requirements, this will be recorded on your academic progress report. If you have had an exception approved but do not see it on your report, please contact the graduate program assistant.
From time to time, students find it necessary to interrupt their studies. In this case, they must apply for a leave of absence. Students in their first term should apply for an admission deferral rather than a leave of absence. A retroactive request for a leave of absence normally will not be allowed.
Submit a leave of absence form to the Graduate Program Assistant at enscgsec@sfu.ca to request on leave.
For program transfer, please see the information on Graduate Studies website and submit the program transfer form. Once the transferral is completed, you will need to submit the advanced credit form to transfer the previously taken courses to the new program, if applicable.
If a student completed graduate courses prior to being admitted at Simon Fraser University, they may apply to receive advance credit.
To receive advance credit, the following conditions apply:
- The courses must not have been applied toward the requirements for a previously completed credential, unless this is permitted in the Senate approved program requirements.
- The courses must have been completed within three years of starting the Simon Fraser University program.
- The minimum grade required is a B, although the grade achieved will not be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
- Application for advance credit must be approved by the graduate program committee and the dean of graduate studies, either before admission or within the first year of enrollment.
The advance credit form should be submitted to the Graduate Program Assistant at enscgsec@sfu.ca.
Submit the course add/drop form if you are:
- enrolling to an undergraduate course
- auditing a course
- enrolling after week 2 (non-ENSC courses)
- enrolling after week 5 (all courses)
Submit the form with the course instructor’s signature, your supervisor’s signature (MASc and PhDs only), and the FAS advisor’s signature for undergraduate course.
Enrollment period closes on at the end of week 2, that is also the last day students can self-enroll to classes through goSFU. To enroll in an ENSC course that does not require any permission before week 5, contact the Graduate Program Assistant.
The course add/drop form should be submitted to the Graduate Program Assistant at enscgsec@sfu.ca.
See the course audit policy if you are planning to audit a course >
Review the graduation checklist for instructions on applying to graduate. Students should apply for graduation in your last term. Don't wait until you have received your grades or have defended your thesis before submitting your application.
- If you are completing your final courses in December or April, apply during the Fall or Spring term, respectively. Your convocation ceremony will take place in June.
- If you are completing your final courses in August, apply during the Summer term. Your convocation ceremony will take place in October.
ENSC 891/892 are elective courses. Students interested in learning a specific engineering area that the School does not offered as a course should approach ENSC faculty members with matching interests. Availability of the courses may depend on faculty member's interests and schedule, as well as student's prior academic performance. Students who find a faculty member willing to be their Directed Studies supervisor should register for the course ENSC 891/892-3 Directed Studies I/II.
If you have secured a supervisor, please fill out the
- ENSC Directed Studies 891/892 form, and
- Course Proposal
Send them to enscgsec@sfu.ca to apply for directed studies. Your application will be reviewed by the Graduate Program Chair for approval. Guidelines of the course can be found here: Directed Studies Guidelines.
Directed Studies Restrictions
- MEng students can take Directed Studies twice and count towards program requirements.
- MASc students can only take either one of Directed Studies or Industrial Internship.
- PhD students can take Directed Studies course twice and count towards program requirements; or at most one Directed Studies if completing Industrial Internship.
Master of Engineering (MEng) Students
ENSC 897 is an elective course. Students interested in doing a project should approach ENSC faculty members with matching interests. Availability of projects may depend on faculty member's interests and schedule, as well as student's prior academic performance. Students who find a faculty member willing to be their MEng project supervisor should register for the course ENSC 897-6 MEng Project. At the completion of the course, the student should submit a MEng project report and give an oral presentation to the supervisory committee that includes at least two faculty members.
To enroll in MEng Project, please follow the steps below:
- MEng students must reach out to ENSC faculty and secure at least one member to supervise your project.
- Student should discuss with the supervisor to plan the course outline (the outline does not need to be submitted).
- Student contact enscgsec@sfu.ca and copy the supervisor in the email to request enrollment.
- The Graduate Program Assistant will enroll you to ENSC 897.
- The Graduate Program Assistant will provide the MEng Project result form to the supervisor.
- At the end of the term, the Graduate Program Assistant will reach out to the supervisor for the result form.
Please note that MEng project is not submitted to the library. Once the above steps are completed, the course is completed. Students who cannot complete the project in one term shall contact the Graduate Program Assistant to enroll in ENSC 896 in the subsequent terms. Students need to pay 50% of the tuition for the ENSC 896 credits. This course is graded base on Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory performance.
Please note that this is an elective course and is 0 unit.
Students in the ENSC 870 course option of the MEng program develop a portfolio of their MEng graduate work. This includes a brief report submitted to the Graduate Program Committee that describes the work undertaken in each course and how the overall set of courses contributes to their areas of expertise and future careers. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Students may only register for the ENSC 870-0 during their final term.
Students who wish to enroll in this course should contact Graduate Program Assistant at enscgsec@sfu.ca.
MASc & PhD Students
According to General Graduate Regulations 1.6, when a graduate student has been admitted, the graduate program committee will exercise general supervision and provide academic advice for the student through the chair of the graduate program committee or a faculty member designated by the chair, until a supervisor has been appointed, normally no later than the student's second term if appropriate.
In MASc program and PhD program, a supervisory committee must be established. The minimum composition for the supervisory committee consists of
- A supervisor, or two (2) co-supervisors*
- At least one committee member**
* A co-supervision arrangement may be created when two individuals exercise the degree of supervision and support of a supervisor. When a co-supervision arrangement is created, all documentation must be approved by both co-supervisors. Appointment as co-supervisor recognizes a significant contribution of time, expertise or financial resources. The supervision of the student remains a joint responsibility of the co-supervisors. See more on GGR 1.6.5.
**The committee member must be a faculty member, adjunct professor or research associate at Simon Fraser University. A suitably qualified individual may be eligible to serve as an additional committee member (i.e. you must have an internal committee member to include an external committee member). If you are including an external to the committee, submit a short CV of the external along with the form.
Submit the appropriate forms as needed to enscgsec@sfu.ca.
The Graduate Progress Report (GPR) is an annual review completed by all graduate students in a research-based program.
The GPR is a collaborative record of a student’s progress in the program allowing for input from the student, supervisory committee, and Graduate Program Chair.
The report is generated every Fall term and is completed through goSFU. You will receive an email when your portion of the Graduate Progress Report is available.
You will need to complete at least 2 terms in SFU before you can fill out your first goSFU-generated GPR.
For requests related to the Graduate Progress Report (GPR), please to email gpr@sfu.ca or connect through the GS ticket system.
Completing more than one GPR in a year
Students admitted in Summer and Fall term will receive their first report next year Fall. Therefore, students are strongly suggested to complete the GPR in PDF format out of cycle. Supervisors can also complete this form if they would like to have a more frequent evaluation with students. This GPR is kept internal to the School of Engineering Science and will not have a record on goSFU.
Graduate General Regulations for GPR
For Master’s and Doctoral students in research-based programs, the supervisory committee shall report on the student’s progress at least once each year. This report will be sent, in writing, to the graduate program committee with a copy to the student. The evaluation of student progress in course work will rely in part on their maintenance of a CGPA of 3.0, as required by General Graduate Regulations 1.5.4.
In accordance to General Graduate Regulations 1.8.2, if an unsatisfactory performance is identified through GPR, your supervisor shall make a written report to the graduate program committee (GPC). A meeting to review the case will be set up by the GPC, and you have the right to attend the meeting along with a support person and submit any materials relevant to the case.
Complete the following steps to schedule the Phd Qualifying Exam. Note: eligibility for the President PhD Scholarship depends on the successful outcome of the PhD Qualifying Exam.
- Contact the Graduate Program Assistant at enscgsec@sfu.ca to be enrolled in ENSC 880.
- Establish a date and time for the PhD Qualifying Examination with Supervisory Committee.
- Email the Graduate Program Assistant to notify your date and time of the exam. If the exam is hosted in-person, request a room booking from the Graduate Program Assistant.
- The Graduate Program Assistant will provide a PhD Qualifying Examination Results form to the Supervisor.
- Submit the proposal to the committee two weeks before the presentation.
- After the exam, the supervisory committee will fill out the PhD Qualifying Examination Results Form. The Supervisor will submit the form to the graduate program assistant.