Oct 11 - Vincent McCurley: Experiments in Immersive Realities at the NFB

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Experiments in Immersive Realities at the NFB

Presentation Overview

The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is widely known for its award-winning documentaries and animations, but you may not know about its history of innovation and research. We'll look at several projects and the role research played in influencing their art and vice versa.

Vincent McCurley is a Creative Technologist at the National Film Board of Canada's Digital Studio, which creates socially-relevant interactive works that explore the creative application of technology and platform to story and form.

His work includes mixed-reality experiences, 360-video, interactive installations, apps, and websites.

URL: https://www.nfb.ca/interactive/


Cardboard Crash, a virtual reality experiment that examines the ethics of artificial intelligence in self-driving cars.