Oct 3 - Alisa Stanton






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Graduate Student Well-being: Enhancing Well-being for Graduate Students and TA/TM's


Learn about the resources available to support graduate student well-being at SFU, and learn concrete skills for enhancing your well-being and resilience. We will also share some skills for how you can support well-being through your role as a TA/TM.


Alisa Stanton has a Masters in Public Health and has been working as a Health Promotion Specialist at SFU since 2011. She has partnered in creating the award winning Healthy Campus Community initiative and Well-being in Learning Environments project, that focus on making Simon Fraser University a healthier place for students, staff and faculty. Recognizing the unique needs of graduate students, she has worked with graduate studies in the development of the TA/TM Well-being Project that focuses on enhancing graduate student experience and improving conditions for well-being within labs and tutorials.


Recommended Resources

Mental Health at SFU: https://www.sfu.ca/students/health/support/mental-health.html

TA/TM Well-being Project: http://www.sfu.ca/healthycampuscommunity/projects/learning-environments/ta-tm-well-being.html