Register Now for ACT's Focus on Research Conference!
February 08, 2025
There's still time to register for Autism Community Training's upcoming research conference: Sensory Features and Anxiety in Autism: Implications for Families and Practitioners. The conference runs in-person and online from April 27th to 28th and features presentations from ADDL collaborators Dr. Elina Birmingham, Dr. Nichole Scheerer, and Siamak Arzanpour. Our lab director, Dr. Grace Iarocci, will also be moderating a panel discussion.
Event Details:
Why Focus on Anxiety and Sensory Differences in Autism?
Processing everyday sensory information can be difficult for autistic people. Any of their senses may be over- or under-sensitive, or both, at different times. These sensory differences can affect how they feel and act, and can have a profound effect on a person’s life.
While this conference will feature recent research, it will focus on the experience and perspectives of autistic people, in particular, on how future research could better inform the services and resources available to support them.
The conference will include:
1. Two keynotes presentations by internationally recognized autism researchers/clinicians: Dr. Connor Kearns & Dr. Tiffany Woynaroski
2. Research presentations by Patrick Dwyer, Elina Birmingham and Siamak Anzapour, and Nichole Sheerer.
3. Three panel presentations, featuring people with lived experience, researchers, and a range of community-based professionals.
Online Attendance: https://www.actcommunity.ca/.../for2023-sensory-features.../