Chronic Diseases Group

Chronic Diseases: From Biology to Populations

Research Group and Graduate Training Stream


Research Group:

With the growing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, there is increasing attention to the challenges we face as individuals and communities attempting to provide for the health and welfare of our peoples. Multi-disciplinary knowledge creation and exchange are essential weapons against these growing epidemics of chronic diseases.

We are developing a networked research community centered on an innovative and multidisciplinary training program for highly-qualified graduate students in chronic diseases research. This innovative program is intended to help students consider chronic disease as part of a complex health system, from individual physiology to the broader scope of community health and disease treatment.

Graduate Training Stream:

The Chronic Diseases (CD) Training Program is for thesis- or coursework-based MSc and thesis-based PhD graduate students. The program itself will create a community of diverse graduate students whose training will be enhanced through interactions with each other and with multiple faculty members associated with the stream and its courses. Though each student will have a focused area of study that will complement his or her graduate research topic, core courses to be taken by all CD Stream students will ensure that students learn across disciplines, across scientific methods, and across diseases in addition to becoming expert in their thesis topic. Each student will have a specific graduate supervisor, a research home, and a supervisory committee. In addition, chronic diseases stream students will have collegial relationships with other CD faculty members and students. These ties will be forged through shared experiences of core courses and a journal club. In addition, the Chronic Diseases research group will hold a bi-weekly presentation meeting, at which members of the associated laboratories will rotate as presenters.

Group Members

Graduate and Post-doctoral Positions Available Within the Group

See individual member lab websites for postings.