Teaching Assistant/Marker Positions

Application Period: 

Appointment Period:

Contact Van Truong,, if you have any questions.

No postings at this time

All courses will be held on the SFU Burnaby Campus except where indicated otherwise: Sry = Surrey Campus, OL = Online Course, B = Blended Course.

Marker positions and TA positions for online (OL) courses are very limited. Students are strongly encouraged to apply to TA in-person courses or be willing to decline this portion of their funding if an OL position is not availible. 

All successful applicants must demonstrate completion of the required safety training prior to the start of the course. Safety training requirements for each course are listed in the complete qualifications for TA/Marker positions document. Retraining is not required if certification is still valid.

Pay rates for teaching assistants and markers

Salary per Base Unit (BU) = $1219

Scholarship per base unit (does not include prep units which are typically 0.17):

  • Master's (GTA1) = $181
  • PhD (GTA2) = $411

Undergraduate and non-student TAs and Markers do not recieve scholarship pay.

Sample salary calculations for 5.17 BU Teaching Assistant Position

Master's: (5.17*1219)+(5*181) = $7207

PhD: (5.17*1219)+(5*411) = $8357

Undergraduate and non-student: (5.17*1219) = $6302

Forms and required training

Teaching assistant/marker appointment priorities

Priority for appointment/reappointment as a Teaching Assistant is in accordance with Article XIII of the Collective Agreement with the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU).

Priority for appointment/reappointment as a Tutor-Marker is in accordance with Article XV of the Collective Agreement with the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU).

There is substantial pedagogical value of teaching to the TA. Accordingly the department expects that its graduate students, and in particular PhD candidates, will normally TA.

In allocating Teaching Assistant/Tutor-Marker positions, the department will also take into account the following:

  • Instructor requests;
  • Applicant’s preferences;
  • Amount of financial support offered on admission to the graduate program as determined by the DGS admission letter;
  • Suitability for particular courses (e.g. discipline of prior degree(s), publications, experience);
  • Employment evaluations (Student evaluations and Instructor evaluations conducted at the end of every term);
  • Number of base units already received to ensure sufficient teaching-related experience in her/his field of study

If an assignment within a priority group requires a selection between applicants, the graduate student without financial support from merit based scholarships or merit based fellowships during the semester of appointment with a value equal to at least a 5.17 appointment, will have priority for the appointment.

Equity: Simon Fraser University is committed to the principle of equity in employment.

Privacy: The information submitted with your application is collected under the authority of the university Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s.27(4)(a)), applicable federal and provincial employment regulations and requirements, the University's non-academic employment policies and applicable collective agreements. The information is related directly to and needed by the University to initiate the employment application process. The information will be used to contact references supplied by you, evaluate your qualifications and complete the employment process by making a hiring decision. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the Executive Director, Human Resources, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC V5A 1S6. Telephone 778-782-3237.