What happens after I submit a Webform?

Once a confidential inquiry has been submitted to the Bullying & Harassment Central Hub, the Anti-Bullying Specialist will determine if your experience meets the scope and jurisdiction for action under GP 47, explore support options with you, and confirm next steps, which could include submitting a report under SFU GP 47 or submitting an anonymous allegation to the University.

If you are a unionized employee or connected to an employee association, you are encouraged to contact your representative before submitting a report.

A Report under SFU GP 47

Once a Report is submitted by the Bullying & Harassment Central Hub to the University, it is directed to the Responsible Office for action. The identity of the Respondent (the person who the complaint is about) determines the Responsible Office:

If the Respondent is 

The Responsible Office is

A student

Office of Student Support, Rights, and Responsibilities

A staff member

Human Resources

A faculty member

Faculty Relations

Any other member of the University Community 

Office of the General Counsel

All follow-up will be conducted by the Responsible Office. The following flowcharts outline what happens once your report is submitted: