Undergraduates! Fulfill your major and minor breadth requirements while earning a certificate.
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Charles Chang Certificate for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Open to students in any faculty at Simon Fraser University, the Charles Chang Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship develops future entrepreneurs using the power of learning by doing. As students taking the Certificate learn and apply market-based approaches to innovation and venture development, they also cultivate connections between peers, […]
Technology Entrepreneurship @ SFU If you’re curious about becoming an entrepreneur or already know you want to be one, Technology Entrepreneurship @SFU (TechE@SFU) is for you. TechE@SFU is an exciting entrepreneurial opportunity for you to collaborate with senior undergraduate students from other faculties on real-world problems, develop creative solutions, and build your own high-impact start-up. […]
BUS 477 – Startup Experience (4) One of the Capstone courses in the Certificate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Prerequisites: BUS 338, BUS 360W (or another upper division Writing (W) course); 60 units. Recommended: BUS 314, BUS 361. This experiential course will expose students to the planning and development process of creating a startup. Emphasis is placed on integrating and applying all of […]
Are you a student entrepreneur, changemaker or team ready to commit to your start-up full-time for a semester? Entrepreneurship Coop (eCoop) allows you to receive a paid salary while working full-time on your very own start-up—complete with dedicated mentorship and space from the Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship. Great business ideas don’t just happen after graduation. […]
BUS 238 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3) One of the 4 core courses in the Certificate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Breadth-Social Sciences. Prerequisite: 12 Units. In this transformative class, students learn to break out of their comfort zones, work in interdisciplinary teams and work on projects that are important to them and their community. Students […]
BUS 338 – Foundations of Innovation (3) BUS 338 builds on the principles learned in BUS 238. Work with real start-ups and community partners to help identify areas of improvement in their businesses through marketing, research, customer discovery, business strategy, and more! An introduction to the theory and practice of the management of technological innovation. The internal […]
"While also participating in the Business of Design Cohort, I was also a SIAT student first, and so I completed several upper-division design courses that involve an entrepreneurial and problem-solving mindset as well. Going into the 2nd half of my 4th year I discovered the Certificate of Entrepreneurship and realized that many of my upper-division classes qualified as a part of the certificate."
"BUS 238 was my first introduction to entrepreneurship. I came in as an engineering student and realized that, wow, there’s this whole other world where I can develop things people need and use."