Access to Reports

Instructors get automatic access to the course survey reports through the CES Portal for courses they have taught and had a course survey for. Departments (including administrative staff and senior management) get access to these reports as well. Please refer to CES Reports for more information on the types of reports we offer and who gets to view them.

Please note that access to CES reports was limited to instructors from Summer 2020 to Summer 2022, and CES did not run during the Spring of 2020. As a result, departments do not have access to course reports through the course survey portal for the period of Spring 2020 - Summer 2022. Beginning in Fall 2022, access to course reports has resumed for Departments/Schools and Faculties for Fall 2022 onward.

Who gets to view CES reports?

Following SFU's Data Security Standard, CES reports are available to employees with a need to access this information to fulfill their role responsibilities at the university.

In addition to instructor use, CES reports are typically needed within Departments and Schools by Managers of Academic and Administrative Services, Program Assistants, Chairs, Directors, and their Associates. Deans, Associate Deans, and administrative staff in faculties will likely also require access. Here are some examples of who can access these reports and why. 

Managers of Academic and Administrative Services determine and update who gets to view reports within their unit. These report viewers are updated every semester. For more information on how to do so, please refer to our guide on Assigning Report Viewers.

When will Report Viewers get access to this term's CES response reports?

Reports will be available to departments for viewing at the end of the semester after the final grade release deadline.

If you need reports from before Fall 2020, they can be requested by emailing with the course name, instructor name, and term.