
  • 2022-2025
  • Latin American Nikkei Japanese in Japanese Society: languages, migration, otherness, and plurilingual pedagogy. Principal Investigator, Steve Marshall; Co-Investigators, Mariko Himeta (Daito Bunka University), Satoko Shao-Kobayashi (Chiba University). SFU Faculty of Education FIRE (Funds for International Research in Education) Award, $7,000
  • 2021-2024
  • Integrating Critical Media Literacies in Plurilingual & Pluricultural Teacher Education. Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator, Angel Lin. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, $200,000
  • 2018
  • Impact Assessment: Academic performance of FAL-Required students. Carried out in collaboration with SFU’s Institutional Research and Planning Group to compare students required to take Foundations of Academic Literacy (FAL X99) and those exempt (2007-2018). We compared 6-year retention rates (16,241 students), 2-year retention rates (28,599 students), GPA performance on lower division writing-intensive courses (84,847 students), and upper division writing intensive courses (50,189 students), focusing on 4 modes of assessment.
  • 2016–2017
  • Plurilingualism as an asset for learning across the disciplines in Canadian higher education. Principal Investigator, Steve Marshall; Co-Investigator, Danièle Moore
    SFU VPR Bridging Grant, $10,000 
  • 2010–2013
  • A qualitative study of academic literacies and multilingual first year students in an English-medium university: Social and demographic change, multiliteracies, and institutional response
    Principal Investigator, Steve Marshall; Co-Investigator, Danièle Moore
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, $57,525
  • 2009–2010
  • A qualitative study of the multiple literacies of multilingual undergraduate students in higher education: From the social to the academic.
    SSHRC 4a Simon Fraser University Vice President Research Grant, $9,719.98
  • 2006–2008
    Foundational academic literacy development: A pilot study of learner contexts and perceptions of progress
    President’s Research Grant, Simon Fraser University, $10,000
  • 2006–2008
  • Writing through transitions: Understanding the needs of learners writing in English as an additional language at SFU
    Learning and Instructional Development Centre, Simon Fraser University, $6,000