Annual General Meeting

AGM for 2021-2022 and elections for EGSA roles will be held on Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021. Check your email for Zoom link and participate to contribute!

AGM Agenda for 2021-2022

  1.     Introduction to EGSA 
  2.     Major updates: 
    1. EGSA
    2. GSS
    3. TSSU
    4. GPC
    5. Finances 
  3.     Elections

Informal process over Zoom; roles are defined here. Estimated time: 30 min.

  1. Introduce yourself, what you're studying and the position you want to volunteer for.
  2. If there are multiple canditates, then a Zoom poll will have options for each of the canditates. If there is only one volunteer, Zoom poll will have "yes" or "abstain" options.
  3. Continue the election process for all roles.