Academic Support

The ISC offers a variety of resources for Indigenous students to support academic success. This includes connecting with an academic advisor; accessing tutoring; and writing, learning, and research support.

Academic Advising

Drop-in academic advising hours are available for currently enrolled Indigenous students on Tuesdays or you can contact Jeremiah ( to book an appointment. 

This undergraduate service is a great option if you are: 

  • A newly admitted student;

  • Undeclared with fewer than 60 units; 

  • Wanting to declare, or wanting to change your major; or 

  • Experiencing academic difficulty.

If you have more than 60 units and are declared, you should visit your departmental advisor. Please visit the academic advising website for more information.

More Information

Academic Advising Drop-in Hours

Thursdays from 2:00pm to 3:00pm
AQ 2002, Burnaby Campus & Zoom

Mondays (bi-weekly) from 2:00pm to 3:00pm
SRYC 5300, Surrey Campus & Zoom

Jeremiah Carag, Academic Advisor
Academic Advising

Writing, Learning, and Research Support

Are you looking for a place to get some work done, access academic support as needed, AND socialize with peers? That's the sort of environment that Julia, Ruth and Ashley are creating in their Thursday Library Drop-in. Ruth specializes in learning supports, Ashley specializes in research support, and Julia specializes in writing support. At least one of them will always be available during the drop-ins and happy to chat about your academic assignments. 

Library & SLC Drop-in and Workshop Hours

Tuesdays from 11:30pm to 1:30pm
AQ 2002, Burnaby Campus

Thursdays (bi-weekly) from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
SRYC 5300, Surrey Campus or Zoom


Ashley Edwards, Librarian
Indigenous Curriculum Resource Centre

Julia Lane, Writing Services Coordinator
Student Learning Commons

Ruth Silverman, Learning Services Coordinator
Student Learning Commons

Cynthia Wright, Coordinator & Learning Specialist
Student Learning Commons
Surrey Campus

Chloe Riley, Undergraduate Engagement and Student Success Librarian
SFU Library

Indigenous Graduate Services

A member from Graduate studies is available to support Indigenous students transition into graduate studies and enhance current Indigenous graduate students holistic academic path through mentorship, workshops and as a resource mediator. 

Dorothy Cucw-la7 Christian, Associate Director of Indigenous Policy & Pedagogy holds weekly office hours for Indigenous MA & PhD students at the ISC. She is available to discuss any number of concerns that graduate students may have. These could include:

  • overall program questions
  • supervisory committee
  • funding
  • Indigenizing their defence(s)
  • Indigenizing their writing process

Dorothy is also open to meeting with undergraduate students who are considering graduate level studies.

Learn More

Graduate Studies Drop-in

Wednesdays (monthly) from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in MBC 1142, Burnaby Campus

Dorothy Cucw-la7 Christian, Associate Director 
Indigenous Policy & Pedagogy
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Tutoring Support

Get connected with the ISC Tutoring Program to be paired with a tutor for extra assistance with coursework.
For additional questions about the Tutoring Program contact

Learn more