Robotics for hip surgery

Job Description:
This co-op position is related to a collaborative project between Menvra Research Group at SFU and the Surgical Solution Lab within the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, and it is focused in research and development for image-guided medical devices in close collaboration with the Department of Orthopaedics at UBC and Vancouver General Hospital.

The co-op student will work in a project that involves many aspects of biomedical engineering skills including design/development/calibration of a robotic tracker arm, integration with image analysis software, and conducting lab experiments on cadaveric specimens for validation and refinement of the mechanical and electromechanical medical devices related to orthopaedic surgery.

Specific tasks may include:
- Design and development of mechanical/electromechanical parts/assemblies
- Developing software in MATLAB programming environment
- Conducting validation tests
- Performing data analysis

Desired skills:
- Proficiency in MATLAB programming language
- Proficiency in SolidWorks
- Willingness to learn
- Strong work ethics

The ideal candidate is required to have high hands on skills in both electro-mechanical systems, and Object-Oriented programming in Matlab environment. To meet the tight deadlines for the project, the candidate is required to possess strong work ethic, and be highly self-motivated. The student would be situated at the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (VGH campus).  

Prerequisite:  1) at least 100 credit hours; and 2) CGPA>2.8.

Notes: Minimum honorarium is provided (exception: NSERC URSA);