CWSE National Chair Network Funding Announcement

September 15, 2017

If you're organizing a STEM-related conference in Canada, make sure to apply for the NSERC CWSE National Conference Grant! The NSERC CWSE National Conference Grant has been established to provide funding to conference organizers for participant travel or participation costs for people in STEM studies or careers to attend national conferences and workshops in Canada. Applications will be open three times per year for conferences happening within 6 months of the application date.

Eligible activities for consideration include activities to enhance women's participation in STEM, activities to promote women's leadership in STEM, and activities that complement STEM student education. For more details about the application and evaluation process, click here

The current intake period for applications is September 1-15, 2017.

You can download the application form as a PDF here or as a Word document here.

If you have any questions about the funding program, please contact: