Econ 809 - Spring 2005 


- Course Description and Outline

Problem Sets and Exams

 Problem Set 1 - (Due February 8)
 Problem Set 2 - (Due February 24)
 Problem Set 3 - (Due March 29)
 Problem Set 4 - (Due April 14)
 Midterm (Spring 2004)
 Final (Spring 2004)


1.)  Harald Uhlig's toolkit of MATLAB programs. Run the readme.m file to see what's there. -

2.)  The program bigshow.m takes AR and MA coefficients as input, and then plots a simulated time path, an impluse
      response function, and the spectral density.  It calls the programs ss.m, tf.m, impulse.m, dimpulse.m, shownew.m. and freq.m

3.)  The program ex2.m solves the simple job search model in question #4 in problem set 1. It calls the program valit.m.
       (These programs were written by Pierre Olivier-Weill, a Stanford graduate student.)

4.)  Giordani's and Soderlind's robust control programs, needed for problem set 1.  Test1.m solves the simple new
      Keynesian macro model discussed in their paper.  It calls the input programs: Svensson.m, Var1SimPs.m,
      ComAlgS.m, ComAlgSR.m, qzswitch.m, and reorder.m.

5.)  Fackler and Miranda's toolkit of MATLAB programs. Run the Contents.m file (in the demos subdirectory) to see
      what's there. --

6.)  The file epdata.m contains Mehra and Prescott's (1985, JME) data.  The program hanjanbnd.m uses this
       data to compute and plot Hansen-Jagannathan bounds.  These are used to answer question 5 in problem set 3.
       Note, hanjanbnd.m calls the program PTIME.M to do some data manipulations, so you need to download this too.

 7.)  The program bewley99v2.m computes equilibrium mean asset holdings for Aiyagari's (1994) model.  It calls aiyagari2.m.


Numerical  Methods

The first paper shows how to solve linear Rational Expectations models by converting them to a standard eigenvalue problem.  Esistence and uniqueness are related to having the
'right number' of unstable eigenvalues.  Uhlig's paper shows how to linearize nonlinear Euler equations, and applies a method of undetermined coefficients to solve them.
McGrattan uses projection methods to solve functional equations.  Sims et al. argue that first-order (ie, linear) approximation methods often produce misleading results,
especially when computing welfare and asset prices.  Finally, Giordani and Soderlind show how to apply standard methods to the robust control models of Hansen and Sargent.
The paper by Villaverde et al. contains a detailed comparison of several alternative solution strategies for a standard stochastic growth model.  It concludes that 2nd-order
perturbation methods clearly dominated first-order linear approximations. Projection methods are even better, but can be much more difficult to implement.

Blanchard & Kahn (1980), "Solution of Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations"Econometrica
Uhlig (1999),  "A Toolkit for Analyzing Nonlinear Dynamic Stochastic Models Easily", book chapter
McGrattan (1998), "Application of Weighted Residual Methods to Dynamic Economic Models",  working paper (book chpt).
Sims et al. (2003),  "Calculating and Using Second-Order Accurate Solutions of Discrete Time Dynamic Equilibrium Models"
Giordani & Soderlind (2004),  "Solution of Macromodels with Hansen-Sargent Robust Policies"JEDC
Villaverde et. al. (2003),  "Comparing Solution Methods for Dynamic Equilibrium Economies",  working paper

Search and Matching

The first paper surverys the influential Mortensen-Pissarides search model of equilibrium unemployment. It points to several empirical shortcomings of the model, and argues that
the source of the problem lies in the Nash Bargaining wage setting assumption. Ljungqvist and Sargent try to explain the persistently high European unemployment rate.  They
note that generous welfare and unemployment insurance is not enough, since these same policies were in place during the 1960s, when European unemployment was much lower.
They argue that it is the combination of a generous welfare system and aggregate shocks that is to blame for high European unemployment rates.  Moen extends the Mortensen-
Pissarides model by introducing competitive wage setting, and argues that the resulting equilibrium is efficient.  Lagos derives a matching function from more primative assumptions
and warns that conventional matching functions may be subject to the Lucas Critique. Finally, Rupert et al discuss how the matching framework can be applied to various issues in
monetary theory.

Shimer (2004),  "The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium Unemployment and Vacancies", forthcoming American Econ. Review
Ljungqvist & Sargent (1998),  "The European Unemployment Dilemma", Journal of Political Economy
Moen (1997),  "Competitive Search Equilibrium", Journal of Political Economy
Lagos (2000), "An Alternative Approach to Search Frictions", Journal of Political Economy
Mortensen & Wright (2002), "Competitive Pricing and Efficiency in Search Equilibrium", International Economic Review

Asset  Pricing

The Lucas paper develops a model that links stock returns to the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution in consumption.  Hansen and Jagannathan develop a nonparametric
methodology that illustrates the empirical failures of early attempts to implement Lucas' model.  Constantinides and Duffie show how introducing a particular form of
idiosyncratic risk can greatly improve the performance of the model.  Brav et al. provide some empirical evidence in support of the Contantinides and Duffie model.

Lucas (1978),  "Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy"Econometrica
Hansen & Jagannathan (1991),  "Implications of Security Market Data for Models of Dynamic Economies"J. Polit. Econ.
Constantinides & Duffie (1996),  "Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers"Journal of Political Economy
Brav, Constantinides & Geczy (2002), "Asset Pricing with Heterogenous Consumers and Limited Participation: Empirical
                                                 Evidence",  Journal of Political Economy
Incomplete  Markets

These first few papers analyze situations where markets for risk-sharing and consumption smoothing are exogenously shut down, without asking why.  Chamberlain and Wilson
analyze the behavior of an individual who faces an exogensouly imposed borrowing constraint.  They show that if the interest rate is greater than or equal to the rate of time preference
the agent's wealth will diverge to infinity with probability one.  By accumulating a 'war chest',  the agent can eventually guarantee himself that the borrowing constraint will never bind.
Aiyagari embeds Chamberlain and Wilson's borrowing constrained agent into a market setting.  He shows that in equilibrium interest rates must be below the rate of time preference.
Krusell and Smith incorporate aggregate shocks into Aiyagari's model.  They show that wealth heterogeneity has only minor effects on macroeconomic aggregates.

Aiyagari (1994),  "Uninsured Idiosyncratic Risk and Aggregate Saving", Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chamberlain & Wilson (2000),  "Optimal Intertemporal Consumption under Uncertainty"Review of Economic Dynamics
Krusell & Smith (1998),  "Income and Wealth Heterogeneity in the Macroeconomy"Journal of Political Economy

These papers discuss how incentive and commitment problems can produce endogenously incomplete markets.  Lucas provides an intuitive discussion of the tension between efficiency
and income distribution.  He notes that in many settings efficient allocation mechanisms may lead ex post to an ever widening income distribution.  He also highlights the
difficulties (due to limited commitment) that can arise when attempting to decentralize these allocations.

Lucas (1992),  "On Efficiency and Distribution", Economic Journal
Atkeson (1991),  "International Lending with Moral Hazard and Risk of Repudiation"Econometrica
Kocherlakota (1996),  "Implications of Efficient Risk Sharing without Commitment"Review of Economic Studies
Cooley et al. (2004), "Aggregate Consequences of Limited Contract Enforceability", Journal of Political Economy
Cole & Kocherlakota (2001),  "Efficient Allocations with Hidden Income and Hidden Storage"Review of Econ. Studies
Krueger & Uhlig (2003),  "Competitive Risk-Sharing Contracts with One-Sided Commitment",  working paper
Albanesi & Sleet (2003),  "Dynamic Optimal Taxation with Private Information", working paper
Hopenhayn & Nicolini (1997),  "Optimal Unemployment Insurance", Journal of Political Economy
Kocherlakota (2004),  "The Impact of Hidden Savings on Optimal Unemployment Insurance", Review of Econ. Dynamics
Marcet & Marimon (1998),  "Recursive Contracts",  working paper
Alvarez & Jermann (2000),  "Efficiency, Equilibrium, and Asset Pricing with Risk of Default"Econometrica
Kehoe & Perri (2002),  "International Business Cycles with Endogenous Incomplete Markets"Econometrica
Bond & Park (2003),  "Gradualism in Trade Agreements with Asymmetric Countries"Review of Economic Studies


Albanesi et al point out that it is not necessarily the case that standard Barro-Gordon type models are subject to a time inconsistency problem.  They derive a reduced form
Barro-Gordon model from first principles, and note that in addition to the usual benefit of surprise inflation (due to the fact that monopoly distortions lead to inefficiently low
output), there are also efficiency costs of inflation, and for reasonable parameter values it can easily be the case that the costs of inflation exceed the benefits. When this is the
case, there is no time consistency problem.  Alvarez Kehoe and Neumeyer show that optimal monetary and fiscal policies are time consistent if and only if the Friedman Rule is
optimal under commitment.

Albanesi et al. (2003), "How Severe is the Time-Inconsistency Problem in Monetary Policy?", Quarterly Review (Minn. Fed)
Chang (1998),  "Credible Monetary Policy in an Infinite Horizon Model: Recursive Approaches", Journal of Econ. Theory
Judd et al. (2003),  "Computing Supergame Equilibria"Econometrica
Alvarez, Kehoe & Neumeyer (2003),  "The Time Consistency of Monetary and Fiscal Policies",  working paper