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BISC Graduate Courses
The following is a list of graduate courses offered in the Department of Biological Sciences. Not all courses are offered in all years or in every semester. BISC 601 and 602 are designed for students undertaking the Master of Pest Management degree. They may be taken for credit for the MSc or PhD degree in the Faculty of Science, subject to prior approval by the student's supervisory committee and the program director.
BISC 601 - Agriculture, Horticulture and Urban Pest Management (2)
A broad range of agricultural pests and their management, with emphasis on insects, crop diseases, and weeds in greenhouses, orchards and field crops. Pest problems in urban environments, including stored products in and near buildings.
BISC 602 - Forest Pest Management (2)
Management of insect, microbial, vertebrate and plant pests of forests and forest products, including seed orchards, nurseries, dryland sorting areas. Emphasis is placed on diagnosis, decision-making, interactions and techniques for forest pest management.
BISC 650 - Environmental Risk Assessment (3)
This course emphasizes recent development in quantitative human health risk assessment and ecological effects based risk assessment of environmental chemicals. Prerequisite: BISC 313.
BISC 651 - Toxicity Tests I: Ecological Effects Based Tests (3)
This course provides the basic concepts and practical experience for the application of ecologically-based toxicity tests. Prerequisite: BISC 313.
BISC 652 - ET Tests II: Mammalian Toxicity Tests (3)
The main focus of this course is on laboratory testing procedures currently employed in the toxicological evaluation of chemicals. Prerequisite: BISC 313 or permission of the department.
BISC 654 - Food and Drug Toxicology (3)
Investigates those toxic compounds in the environment which are added to, contaminate, or supplement one's diet. Prerequisite: BISC 313 or equivalent.
BISC 655 - Environmental Toxicology Seminar (3)
A structured series of seminars on the recent developments of environmental toxicology.
BISC 656 - Master of Environmental Toxicology Project (6)
One term experience in a university or commercial laboratory according to student's interests. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the environmental toxicology program.
BISC 657 - Co-Op Practicum I (0)
First work experience for MET students. Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
BISC 658 - Co-op Practicum II (0)
Second work experience for MET students. Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
BISC 800 - Skills for the Successful Scientist (1)
Introduction to methods of writing research articles, preparing posters, scientific talks and curricular vitae, time management and scientific ethics. The student-supervisor relationship and conflict resolution are also discussed. Master of Science students enrolled in the MSc program are required to complete the course when first offered.
BISC 806 - Evolutionary Theory (3)
A consideration of recent advances and current controversies in our understanding of the development, diversification and adaptation of life through natural selection.
BISC 807 - Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology (3)
This course considers what physiology has to offer behavioral and evolutionary ecology (and vice versa), with a focus on whole organism or 'integrative physiology.'.
BISC 812 - Marine Research Techniques: Scientific Diving (3)
An introduction to the use of diving in marine/freshwater research, related underwater methodology, diving competency and current issues in marine biological research and scientific diving.
BISC 820 - Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis (3)
A survey of the diverse molecular mechanisms used by selected bacteria, viruses, fungi, and prions to colonize the human host and cause disease. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in microbiology or permission of the instructor.
BISC 821 - Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium (1)
Seminars providing a rigorous introduction to recent research in Cell Biology. Papers will be selected along a particular theme, but wth a strong emphasis on the experimental basis of our knowledge about cellular mechanisms. The course may be taken up to 3 times to a maximum of 3 credits.
BISC 827 - Seminar in Evolutionary, Behavioural and Conservation Ecology (1)
Interactive discussions of current issues and cutting-edge methods in evolutionary, behavioral and conservation ecology.
BISC 830 - Community Ecology and Macroecology (3)
Interspecific interactions, community assembly, and diversity estimation in ecology.
BISC 831 - Research Seminars in Biological Sciences (1)
Advanced research seminars on a variety of current, cutting-edge biological topics.
BISC 832 - Research Seminars in Biological Sciences (1)
Advanced research seminars on a variety of current, cutting-edge biological topics.
BISC 833 - Research Seminars in Biological Sciences (1)
Advanced research seminars on a variety of current, cutting-edge biological topics.
BISC 834 - Essential Cell Biology (3)
Review of basic processes in cell biology including, but not limited to, cell adhesion/migration, cytoskeleton, endo/exocytosis, intracellular trafficking, signal transduction, ion homeostasis, energy generation, protein processing/apoptosis, post-translation modifications, genomics. A review of each topic will be followed by an introduction to cutting-edge work in this field. Prerequisite: Permission of the course co-ordinator.
BISC 838 - Population Dynamics and Demography (3)
Theory and practice of population modeling and demographic analysis.
BISC 841 - Plant diseases and plant biotechnology (3)
An examination of the major factors that lead to development of plant diseases, control practices and the applications of plant biotechnology to disease management.
BISC 844 - Biological Controls (3)
Principles, theory, and practice of the use of living organisms in the natural regulation and the control of organisms.
BISC 846 - Insecticide Chemistry and Toxicology (3)
The chemistry of insecticides, with emphasis on their toxicology, metabolism and molecular mechanism of action.
BISC 847 - Pest Management in Practice (3)
Status and special problems of research development and implementation of pest management programs in different kinds of ecosystems; consideration of factors such as management systems, economics, communication, legal and social constraints, and ethics in the practice of pest management.
BISC 849 - Master of Pest Management Thesis (18)
An independent research thesis based on laboratory or field-based research and focused on some aspect of pest management. The research may be supervised by any faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences.
BISC 852 - Ecological and Molecular Interactions between Insect Vectors and Parasites (3)
Interactions between parasites and their arthropod vectors. Emphasis is placed on recent advances in our understanding of the interactions, including aspects that can be exploited to reduce parasite transmission.
BISC 854 - Ecotoxicology (3)
The proposed course will detail the physiochemical factors that influence contaminant behavior in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Prerequisite: BISC 101, 312, CHEM 102, and 103. Recommended: BISC 414.
BISC 855 - Biochemical Toxicology (3)
This course examines the biodynamics and actions of toxicants on several key biological systems within living organisms at the biochemical and molecular levels. Prerequisite: BISC 313.
BISC 859 - Special Topics I (3)
Selected topics in biological science. The content of this course varies from term to term.
BISC 869 - Special Topics II (3)
BISC 879 - Special Topics III (3)
BISC 880 - Special Topics in Behavioral Ecology (3)
A consideration of advanced special topics in the field of behavioral ecology.
BISC 881 - Special Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology (3)
A student participation seminar course focusing on recent literature on selected topics in cellular, developmental, and molecular biology. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
BISC 883 - Special Topics in Environmental Toxicology (3)
Special topics course with emphasis on recent developments in environmental toxicology.
BISC 884 - Special Topics in Pest Ecology and Management (3)
A course that provides graduate students with an in-depth analysis of a topic in pest ecology and management. The course content will change from year to year to reflect student interests and topical research, and can be taught by any faculty member of the Department of Biological Sciences.
BISC 885 - Special Topics in Animal Physiology (3)
Special topics in comparative vertebrate and invertebrate functional mechanisms and adaptations. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in animal physiology.
BISC 886 - Special Topics in Marine and Aquatic Biology (3)
Special topics course emphasizing recent developments in the area of aquatic and marine biology.
BISC 887 - Special Topics in Plant Biology (3)
Advanced treatment of selected topics or specialized areas in plant biology. The special topics to be discussed will vary from term to term.
BISC 888 - Directed Readings in Biology (1)
Programs of directed readings and critical discussions offered by staff members to individual students. A formal description of the study program is required (forms available from the graduate secretary). These forms must be approved by the departmental graduate studies committee at the beginning of the term, prior to enrolment.
BISC 889 - Directed Readings in Biology (2)
Intended to cover the same ground as a normal graduate course, it may be given to one or two students when a lecture/seminar is inappropriate.
BISC 890 - Directed Readings in Biology (3)
Programs of directed readings and critical discussions offered by staff members to individual students. A formal description of the study program is required (forms available from the graduate secretary). These forms must be approved by the departmental graduate studies committee at the beginning of the term, prior to enrolment.
BISC 892 - PhD Graduate Candidacy Exam (0)
Oral presentation and defence of a written PhD research proposal. All PhD students enrolled in the BISC PhD graduate program must take BISC 892.
BISC 898 - MSc Thesis (18)
BISC 899 - PhD Thesis (6)