Financing Urban Growth: The Use of Development Cost Charges and Community Amenity Contributions
This course is a comprehensive, detailed, and practical examination of the economic, legal, planning, and political dimensions of development levies, negotiated community contributions, and density bonusing as means of creating community amenities and infrastructure.
Location: Vancouver
Duration: 1 day
Tuition: $449
Upcoming Offerings
- Thu, Nov 7, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time (class/lecture)
Jay Wollenberg
What you will learn
After completing this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Explain the B.C. legal framework for Development Cost Charges (DCCs), Amenity Cost Charges (ACCs), Community Amenity Contributions (CACs,) density bonusing and inclusionary zoning, heritage building preservation, and other means of obtaining contributions from urban development for infrastructure or amenities.
- Discuss the pros and cons of current approaches and practices in BC communities, from the perspectives of local government, developers, land owners, and the community.
- Consider and discuss the municipal fiscal rationale for contributions from development projects and compare with the use of property taxes to fund infrastructure and amenities.
- Recognize the urban land economics foundation for development contributions and the potential market impacts of DCCs and ACCs, including potential impacts on housing prices and affordability.
- Discuss the principles for sound design and effective implementation of CAC and ACC plans.
- Understand the implications for municipalities: pros and cons of using these tools to obtain community amenities and infrastructure.
- Understand the implications for land owners: effect on land value.
- Understand the implications for developers: land acquisition costs, impact on profitability, impact on ability to acquire/assemble land.
- Understand the implications for provincial legislation: is there a better way to achieve community amenities and infrastructure?
- Review actual approaches used in communities in B.C. Discuss pros and cons of different approaches.
How you will learn and be evaluated
- Lectures
- Small group discussions
- Case study analysis
You will be evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis on:
- Attendance. You need to attend at least 75% of classes to pass the course.
Who should take this course?
- Planners, architects and landscape architects
- Engineers, developers, builders and real-estate professionals
- Elected officials
- Transportation professionals
- Staff of non-profit organizations
- Local, provincial and federal government administrators and project managers
- Lawyers, financiers and community advocates
Learning Materials
No textbook is required. We will provide all course materials online.
Technical Requirements
For online courses, you will need a computer with audio and microphone that is connected to the internet. Canvas is the online system that will be used for the course. For more information and online support, visit Online Learning.
Professional Development Credits
AIBC CES participants, PIBC members and BCSLA members may self-report for continuing education learning unit consideration.