Fundamentals of Public Health in Cities

Health is a cornerstone of livability in any town or city.

This course will introduce you to the discipline of public health and its role in shaping, planning and building heathier communities. You will explore the three main branches of the field: infectious disease prevention, environmental health, and health promotion, and how they shape neighbourhood patterns. Using health data, you'll consider the impacts of health inequities on individuals and communities and the resulting policy implications.

You'll also review real-life public health challenges and solutions, and consider the policy dilemmas in everyday life, and most acutely, in public health emergencies.


Location: Online
Duration: 4 evenings
Tuition: $367.50

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Upcoming Offerings

Currently not available for registration.

What you will learn

After completing this course, you’ll be able to do the following:

  • Identify the roles of public health in the contexts of the broader health system and community planning. 
  • Distinguish the three main branches of public health—infectious disease prevention, environmental health, and health promotion—and the tools and policy levers used by each branch.
  • Using health data, explain the implications of health inequities on both individuals and communities.
  • Outline the experiences of the public health emergencies from each of the three branches and contrast their medium- and long-term impacts from a public health perspective.

How you will learn and be evaluated

  • Expect instructor-led presentations and class discussions
  • Prepare to discuss, debate and formulate your own opinions
  • Plan to access online materials and resources

You will be evaluated on:

  • Two assignments (Pass or Fail)

Who should take this course?

This introductory course is for both professionals and engaged citizens with an interest in learning about public health.

Learning Materials

No textbook is required. We will provide all course materials online.

Technical Requirements

For online courses, you will need a computer with audio and microphone that is connected to the internet. Canvas is the online system that will be used for the course. For more information and online support, visit Online Learning.

Professional Development Credits

AIBC CES participants, PIBC members and BCSLA members may self-report for continuing education learning unit consideration.