DLC Funding

The DLC is proud to support faculty and students organizing Asia related activities, research, and events. We hope that this work will facilitate research collaboration and networking to help build a community of Asia-related scholars across campus and internationally. Some activities funded by the DLC are, for example, research trips, research assistants, reading groups, and lectures. For a full list of eligible expenses, please see our funding policy and evaluation criteria below, or visit our past events page and DLC funded research page to see events and projects we have funded in the past.

Evaluation criteria (Applicable to Small and Major grants)

The following applies to both small and major grants.

  • high level of alignment with DLC and SFU mission;
  • high degree of raising DLC’s profile;
  • potential of high impacts measured by audience (and its engagement), general resources for others to use, potential for publications;
  • greater involvement with local or SFU community; demonstrated commitments from other departments;
  • cost sharing with confirmed funding from other sources;
  • collaboration with other scholars with a potential to build bridges;
  • potential for establishing ongoing relations, where longer term research is justified;
  • specific outcomes that give a sense of the next stage;
  • current event;
  • socially responsible with positive impacts to the overall community;
  • merit based similar to SSHRC;
  • DLC funding as a jump start (seed funding);
  • lower priority to past funded DLC members

DLC supported events should be open to the public for free. The DLC can attempt to arrange a venue for the event at Harbour Centre, organize catering, and support event promotion.

SFU David Lam Centre should be acknowledged at events and in all project publications and promotional materials.

A brief report including income/expenditure statement is due to the DLC within ONE month of the event or project end date.

Small Grants

The DLC offers small grants of up to $3,000 which are ideal for projects like student reading groups, honorarium for visiting speakers, and smaller research projects. Along with funding, we can also provide logistical support, such as working with visitors to assist in expense claims or reimbursement to departmental accounts. Given adequate lead time, we can coordinate events by booking rooms at Harbour Centre; organizing food and drink; preparing event posters; and announcing the event to our networks.

Application Details

Proposals for small grants, offered on a rolling basis, can be sent to We aim to make funding decisions within two weeks.  Proposals requesting support in an amount greater than $3,000 will be referred to the DLC Steering Committee for review.

Major Grants

A large award of up to $7,000 is offered in two annual competitions, one in February and one in October. Our major grants are generally awarded for larger projects (e.g. seed funding), support for major publications, workshops or conferences that involve a number of speakers presenting in-person, research travel, and RA salary. Supervisors can also use this fund to help graduate students carry out major research projects. Like the small grants we can also offer logistical support for events.

Application Details

Upcoming application deadline: February 1, 2025

Please email complete application to If an acknowledgment email is not received within 5 business days, contact