DLC Members

DLC Members are eligible to apply for funding to support their research activities. SFU Researchers conducting research related to the mission of the Centre are encouraged to become DLC Members by submitting a CV (maximum 4 pages) to

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To search for a DLC member by name, department, or reaserch area please visit our Researcher Directory. 

John Alderete

Professor | Department of Linguistics

PhD (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Research Interests: Phonology, morphology, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, fieldwork and language documentation

Curriculum Vitae (February 2023)

Robert Anderson

Professor Emeritus | School of Communication

PhD (University of Chicago)

Myanmar, India

Research Interests: sustainable development and environment history, agriculture and forestry, role of science and technology in developing nations

Curriculum Vitae (November 2020)

Nadine Attewell

Associate Professor | Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

PhD (Cornell University)


Research Interests: empire, intimacy, and Asian and Asian diasporic life

Curriculum Vitae (September 2021)

Cornel Bogle

Assistant Professor | Department of English

PhD (University of the West Indies, Mona)

Asia, Carribean

Research Interests: Caribbean, Black, and diasporic literatures and cultures

Curriculum Vitae (November 2024)

Nicolas Bommarito

Associate Professor | Department of Philosophy

PhD (Brown University)


Research Interests: nomative ethics, moral psychology, Buddhist philosophy, Asian philosophy, ancient philosophy

Curriculum Vitae (February 2024)

Jeremy Brown

Professor | Department of History

PhD (University of California San Diego)


Research Interests: Modern China

Curriculum Vitae (September 2022)

Darren Byler

Assistant Professor | School for International Studies

PhD (University of Washington)

China, Central Asia, Southeast Asia

Research Interests: Political and economic anthropology; Critical studies of race, ethnicity and masculinity; Political economy of information; Biometric surveillance and digital media; Urban technologies and infrastructures; Comparative state violence and critical terrorism studies; Culture, economics and politics of Muslim societies

Curriculum Vitae (September 2021)

Daniel Chang

Term Lecturer | Faculty of Education

PhD (Simon Fraser University)

Asia, Taiwan

Research Interests: multilingual international students, writing instructions and pedagogy, writing and learning technology, augmentation

Curriculum Vitae (June 2023)

Habib Chaudhury

Professor | Department of Gerontology

PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Hong Kong, Singapore

Research Interests: Aging and the Built Environment; Long-Term Care; Dementia-Friendly Community; Age-friendly Community

Curriculum Vitae (January 2018)

Christopher Chong

Assistant Professor | School for the Contemporary Arts

M.F.A., Film (York University)


Research Interests: social and natural sciences with transnational circuits of globalization and manufactured cultures and landscapes

Luke Clossey

Associate Professor | Department of History

PhD (University of California Berkeley)


Research Interests: Global Comparative, Early modern world

Paul Crowe

Associate Professor | Department of Humanities

PhD (University of British Columbia)

China, Japan, India

Research Interests: Chinese culture and intellectual history from tenth to thirteenth century texts concerning inner alchemy in China

Parin Dossa

Professor Emeritus | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (University of British Columbia)


Research Interests: Migration, gender and health, critical feminist anthropology, transnational aging, politics of disablement, structural violence, storytelling and witnessing, Muslim women

Curriculum Vitae (February 2023)

May Farrales

Assistant Professor| Department of Geography and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

PhD (University of British Columbia)

The Philippines, East and Southeast Asia

Research Interests: gender and sexuality studies, transnationalism, women and immigration

Curriculum Vitae (October 2023)

Carman Fung

Lecturer | Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

PhD (University of Melbourne)

People's Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

Research Interests: gender and sexuality studies, queer Asia studies, intra-Asian cultural studies, globalization and transnational media

Curriculum Vitae (September 2022)

Zhipeng Gao

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (York University)


Research Interests: Chinese immigrants in Canada

Curriculum Vitae (August 2019)

Andrea Geiger

Professor Emerita | Department of History

PhD (University of Washington)

Asia Pacific, Japan

Research Interests: Trans-Pacific & borderlands history, race, contact relations, migration, legal history

Bascom Guffin

Lecturer | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (University of California Davis)


Research Interests: human senses, urban religious practices, and the role of technology in everyday life

Curriculum Vitae (January 2018)

Chung-hye Han

Professor | Department of Linguistics

PhD (University of Pennsylvania)

Research Interests: Syntax, semantics, experimental syntax, Tree Adjoining Grammar, clause structure, syntactic dependencies, anaphoric dependencies, Korean, Japanese

Curriculum Vitae (January 2022)

Huamei Han

Associate Professor | Faculty of Education

PhD (University of Toronto)


Research Interests: language learning, multilingualism, and socioeconomic inclusion of linguistically marginalized individuals and groups in globalization

John Harriss

Professor Emeritus | School for International Studies

PhD (University of East Anglia)

India, South Asia

Research Interests: Political economy of development; Indian politics; political participation and civil society in India; social policy in India and other ‘emerging economies’; institutional theories; agrarian change (especially in South India)

Michael J. Hathaway

Professor | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (University of Michigan)

Southwest China, Japan, Asia

Research Interests: China; social studies of science; globalization; Indigeneity; postcolonial theory; history and anthropology; social movements (Indigenous, social justice and environmental); gender studies; critical studies of development; critical studies of race and racial formation; multispecies ethnography, more-than-human studies

Curriculum Vitae (January 2022)

Lillian Mei Hung

Postdoctoral Fellow | Department of Gerontology

PhD (University of British Columbia)

Hong Kong

Research Interests: person-centred care

Curriculum Vitae (April 2019)

Daniel Akihiro Iwama

Lecturer | Department of Indigenous Studies

PhD (University of California Los Angeles)


Research Interests: global Indigeneity, planning history & theory, land-use planniing, and social movements

Curriculum Vitae (November 2023)

Nicole Jackson

Associate Professor | School for International Studies

PhD (London School of Economics)

Russia, Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)

Research Interests: security management in Central Asia; authoritarianism in Central Asia

Janice Jeong

Assistant Professor | Department of History

PhD (Duke University)

East Asia, China

Research Interests: mobility, religious networks, and politics, and their intersections across time

Curriculum Vitae (November 2023)

Dal Yong Jin

Professor | School of Communication

PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Korea, Asia

Research Interests: globalization and media, transnational cultural studies, cultural industries and policies; Korean cinema; digital games and social media platforms, political economy of media and culture, science journalism/communication

Curriculum Vitae (February 2024)

Tsuyoshi Kawasaki

Professor | Department of Political Science

PhD (Princeton University)

Asia, Japan

Research interests: International Relations; Comparative Politics

Shuyu Kong

Professor | Department of Humanities

PhD (University of British Columbia)

China, Asia Pacific

Research Interests: Chinese literary, cultural studies, Asian Diaspora studies, diasporic media and literature

Curriculum Vitae (March 2018)

Joanne Leow

Associate Professor, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Transnational and Decolonial Digital Humanities | Department of English

PhD (University of Toronto)

Southeast Asia, Singapore

Research Interests: intersections of spatial theory, decolonial theory, postcolonial studies, transnational and diasporic texts, and the environmental humanities

Curriculum Vitae (December 2024)

Helen Hok-Sze Leung

Professor | Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Asia Pacific

Research Interests: Queer and Trans Cinema, Film Sound, Sinophone Media, Transpacific Cultural Studies, Film Location & Film Policies in BC

Curriculum Vitae (January 2018)

Ching-Chiu Lin

Assistant Professor | Faculty of Education

PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Asia, Taiwan

Research Interests: educational research, digital storytelling, community arts education, and visual research methodologies

Curriculum Vitae (September 2022)

Qiu Lin

Assistant Professor | Department of Philosophy

PhD (Duke University)


Research Interests: History and Philosophy of Science, Early Modern Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy (esp. Chinese Islamic Philosophy)

Curriculum Vitae (January 2025)

Sharon Luk

Associate Professor, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair of Geographies of Racialization | Department of Geography

PhD (University of Southern California)

Asia, China

Research Interests: history of knowledge production that defines Western civilization in contradistinction from “the Orient"

Curriculum Vitae (February 2023)

Atiya Mahmood

Associate Professor | Department of Gerontology

PhD (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

South Asia

Research Interests: health and built environment with focus on housing for older adults, neighbourhood environment, mobility and active living, socio-cultural factors in homecare and gerontechnology

Anushay Malik

Term Lecturer | School for International Studies

PhD (School of Oriental and African Studies)

South Asia

Curriculum Vitae (November 2021)

Maureen Maloney

Professor | School of Public Policy

LL.B. (Warwick University), LL.M. (University of Toronto)

South-East Asia, Iraq, China, Brazil, Guatemala and South Africa

Research Interests: international governance, dispute resolution and human rights

Janice Matsumura

Professor | Department of History

PhD (York University)

Japan, Asia

Research Interests: Japanese psychiatric profession, Japanese thought control/internal security system

Curriculum Vitae (February 2024)

Kirsten McAllister

Associate Professor | School of Communication

PhD (Carleton University)

Japan, Asia

Research Interests: Visual culture, Cultural memory, Political violence, Photography, memorials, multi-media art, interviews, field work, Asylum and displaced populations, Japanese/Asian Canadian cultural studies

Curriculum Vitae (January 2020)

Tamir Moustafa

Professor | School for International Studies

PhD (University of Washington)


Research Interests: Law and society; Religion and politics

Curriculum Vitae (September 2022)

Shivaji Mukherjee

Assistant Professor & Somjee Chair in Indian Political Development | Department of Political Science

PhD (Yale University)

South Asia, India

Research interests: South Asian politics; colonial legacies; civil war and political violence; qualitative and mixed methods; ethnic violence

Curriculum Vitae (October 2023)

Murray Munro

Professor | Department of Linguistics

PhD (University of Alberta)

Research Interests: communication skills of immigrant groups in Canada; research on acquisition of tone by speakers of Asia

Curriculum Vitae (February 2018)

Melek Ortabasi

Associate Professor | World Languages and Literatures

PhD (University of Washington)


Research Interests: Children’s literature and World literature, Translation theory and practice, Cultural studies and intellectual history of 20th-century Japan, Crosscultural influences between European and Japanese literature and critical theory, Comparative folklore studies, Film and popular culture in contemporary Japan


Irene Pang

Assistant Professor | School for International Studies

PhD (Brown University)

China, India

Research Interests: political sociology; development; citizenship; labor; civil society; dynamics of capitalism

Curriculum Vitae (January 2019)

Stacy Pigg

Professor | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (Cornell University)

South Asia

Research Interests: theory/ethnography in anthropology; medicine and science in postcolonial social relations; sexuality, medicine and reproduction

Curriculum Vitae (December 2018)

Cindy Patton

Professor | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (University of Massachusetts)


Research Interests: Social study of medicine; continental theory; research design; and bioethics

Curriculum Vitae (August 2018)

Simone Rapisarda

Associate Professor | School for the Contemporary Arts

M.F.A., Film and Video (York University)


Research Interests: emerging approaches to experimental, collaborative, and ethnographic process-driven filmmaking

Curriculum Vitae (February 2023)

Vaibhav Saria

Assistant Professor | Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

PhD (Johns Hopkins University)

South Asia

Research Interests: Medical Anthropology, Global Health, Kinship, Psychoanalysis, HIV/AIDS, Children/Childhood Studies

Hitoshi Shigeoka

Associate Professor | Department of Economics

PhD (Columbia University)


Research Interests: health (Primary), labor, public, and behavioral economics

Curriculum Vitae (February 2024)

Rupak Shrestha

Assistant Professor | School for International Studies and Global Asia Program

PhD (University of Colorado)

South Asia, Nepal

Research Interests: migration; refugees; indigeneity; security and surveillance; political geography; borders and belonging; global Asia

Curriculum Vitae (December 2023)

Andrew Sixsmith

Professor | Department of Gerontology

PhD (King's College London)

Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore

Research Interests: technology for independent living; theories and methods in aging and understanding the innovation process

Curriculum Vitae (September 2018)

Naoko Takei

Senior Lecturer | World Languages and Literatures

PhD (Simon Fraser University)


Research Interests: Japanese language

Curriculum Vitae (February 2019)

Rosalie L. Tung

Professor | Beedie School of Business

PhD (University of British Columbia)

Asia Pacific

Research Interests: Comparative and Cross-cultural Management, Strategies for International Business, International Human Resources Management, Asia-Pacific Business, International Business Negotiations

Jan W. Walls

Professor Emeritus | Department of Humanities

PhD (Indiana University)

Asia Pacific

Research Interests: East Asian languages and cultures, East-West intercultural communication, and the theory and practice of cross-cultural translation

Curriculum Vitae (January 2020)

Jennifer Wang

Associate Professor | Department of Philosophy

PhD (Rutgers University)


Research Interests: classical Chinese philosophy, metaphysics (esp. modality), philosophy of logic, epistemology, and early modern philosophy

Curriculum Vitae (March 2024)

Yue Wang

Associate Professor | Department of Linguistics

PhD (Cornell University)

Research Interests: Phonetics, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Cognitive Science

Jie Yang

Professor | Department of Sociology and Anthropology

PhD (University of Toronto)


Research Interests: linguistic/psychological anthropology, mental health, psychotherapy, psychologization, therapeutic governance

Curriculum Vitae (October 2019)

Siyuan Yin

Assistant Professor | School of Communication

PhD (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

China, Canada

Research Interests: Cultural studies, feminisms, migrant labor, social movements, alternative media, global digital media, political economy of communication

Curriculum Vitae (November 2023)

Habiba Zaman

Professor | Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

PhD (University of Manitoba)

South Asia, Bangladesh, the Philipines

Research Interests: immigrants and settlement in Canada, global south and social justice movements, labour mobility, race, gender and class

David Zandvliet

Associate Professor | Faculty of Education

PhD (Curtin University of Technology, Australia)

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan

Research Interests: science, technology and environmental education with expertise centred on the assessment of physical and/or psychosocial learning environments

Curriculum Vitae (Feb 2023)

Yuezhi Zhao

Professor | School of Communication

PhD (Simon Fraser University)


Research Interests: Political economy of global communication; media & democracy; communication industries in China

Yushu Zhu

Assistant Professor | Urban Studies Program

PhD (University of Illinois)

China, Canada

Research Interests: urban housing; home and belonging; migration; neighbourhood engagement; social capital; public opinion research

Curriculum Vitae (August 2020)