Researcher Directory
This directory serves as a single portal to all Simon Fraser University scholars with research interests related to Asia, whether in its geographic context or in relation to diasporic, social, economic, political and cultural contexts. Since the institution has no department dedicated exclusively to the study of Asia, related research is currently conducted by a number of scholars across four faculties and twenty-one departments, centres and schools.
It is hoped that this resource will help foster research connections within the university and between SFU and other research institutions. If you are an SFU scholar currently conducting research in a field related to Asia, and your name is not listed on this page, please contact David Lam Centre at
We also welcome updates on research and fieldwork, lectures, conferences, publications, new courses, project summaries and notes, news of partnerships, as well as notice of SFU faculty terms as visiting scholars and funding opportunities for faculty and students.
Items should be no more than 50-75 words and sent to Associated longer documents can be submitted using Word format.
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Archaeology, Department of
Galdikas, Birute Indonesia
Yang, Dongya China
Beedie School of Business
Abramson, Neil Asia, China
Francis, June China
Gedajlovic, Eric East Asia
Gupta, Sudheer Africa, India
Jula, Payman Asia, United States
Kozhikode, Rajiv Asia Pacific, India
Li, Jing China
Shapiro, Daniel Asia, China
Soh, Pek-Hooi China
Tung, Rosalie Asia Pacific
The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development
McNeill, Lucie China
Contemporary Arts, School for the
Rapisarda, Simone Asia
Yoon, Jin-me Korea
Communication, School of
Anderson, Robert Asia, India
Jin, Dal Asia, Korea
McAllister, Kirsten Japan
Yin, Siyuan China
Zhao, Yuezhi China
Economics, Department of
Karaivanov, Alexander Thailand
Shigeoka, Hitoshi Japan
Education, Faculty of
Bai, Heesoon China, Japan
Han, Huamei Africa, China
Ilieva, Rumi China
Lin, Ching-Chiu Asia, Taiwan
MacKinnon, Allan Southeast Asia
Zandvliet, David Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan
English, Department of
Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies, Department of
Attewell, Nadine Asia
Farrales, May Asia, the Philippines
Fung, Carman Asia
Leung, Helen Hong Kong
Zaman, Habiba Bangladesh
Geography, Department of
Farrales, May Asia, the Philippines
Hayter, Roger BC, Canada, Japan
Luk, Sharon Asia, China
Gerontology, Department of
Chaudhury, Habib Hong Kong
Koehn, Sharon China, South Asia
Mahmood, Atiya South Asia
Sixsmith, Andrew Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore
Health Sciences, Faculty of
Venners, Scott China
History, Department of
Brown, Jeremy China
Clossey, Luke China
Geiger, Andrea Japan, Asia Pacific
Jeong, Janice East Asia, China, Taiwan
Maclean, Derryl Central Asia, South Asia
Matsumura, Janice Japan
Ray, Bidisha South Asia
Humanities, Department of
Crowe, Paul China
Kong, Shuyu China
Walls, Jan Asia Pacific, China
Indigenous Studies, Department of
Iwama, Daniel Japan
International Studies, School for
Byler, Darren China, Southeast Asia, Central Asia
Gibson, Christopher South Asia, Southeast Asia
Harriss, John India, South Asia
Howard, Michael Southeast Asia
Jackson, Nicole Central Asia, Russia
Malik, Anushay South Asia
Moustafa, Tamir Malaysia, Southeast Asia
Pang, Irene Asia, China, India
Salimjan, Guldana East and Central Asia
Shrestha, Rupak Asia, Nepal, India, South Asia
Language Training Institute
Takei, Naoko Asia, Japan
Linguistics, Department of
Alderete, John Asia
Han, Chung-hye East Asia, Japan, Korea
Munro, Murray Asia
Wang, Yue East Asia
Philosophy, Department of
Bommarito, Nicolas Asia
Wang, Jennifer East Asia, China
Political Science, Department of
Kawasaki, Tsuyoshi Japan
Meyer, Peggy East Asia, Russia
Mukherjee, Shivaji South Asia
Psychology, Department of
Bowman, Marilyn Asia
Public Policy, School of
Maloney, Maureen China, Southeast Asia
Richards, John Bangladesh
Resource and Environmental Management, School of
Maloney, Maureen China, Southeast Asia
Richards, John Bangladesh
Sociology and Anthropology, Department of
Dossa, Parin India
Froschauer, Karl East Asia
Gao, Zhipeng Asia, China
Guffin, Bascom South Asia, India
Hathaway, Michael China
Patton, Cynthia East Asia, Taiwan
Pigg, Stacy Nepal
Yang, Jie China
World Literature Program
Ortabasi, Melek Japan