Policy Number
Document links and description
AD 3.01
Petty Cash
- Used only for payment of minor expenses for which it would not be practicable to issue cheques. The purchase of materials and services which do not exceed $50.00 per transaction may be made from the Petty Cash fund.
AD 3.02
Business and Travel Expenses
- Can be found at the bottom of the policy page.
- Covers the reimbursement of travel and business expenses incurred on university business by Board members, all employees of the university and also extends to other individuals associated with the university and/ or working on behalf of the university.
AD 3.03 |
Direct Acquisition of Goods and Services
- There are some types of acquisitions for which a Purchase Order is neither required nor appropriate. Generally, such acquisitions involve things obtainable from one source, at a fixed price and for which no discount or tax advantage is available.
AD 3.05 |
Credit and Collection
- Outlines the terms for payment of amounts owing to the University and the steps to be taken in the collection of overdue accounts.
AD 3.11 |
Independent Contractor Policy
- Provides guidance on the appropriate methods of payment for services provided to the University and whether or not an employer/ employee relationship exists in connection with the provision of those services.
AD 3.12 |
Supplementary Course Fee
Mandatory Supplementary Course Fee Form
- Sets out the definistion of credit instruction to be covered by tuition fees and mandatory supplementary course fees and the process by which such fees will be introduced or changed, published and collected.
AD 3.14 |
Indemnity Approval Policy
- To descrbe the process required by the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations to enable to University to provide an indemnity to another party.
AD 3.15 |
Investment Management Operating Procedures |
GP 20 |
Endowment Management Policy
- A financial vehicle which is designed for the collection and use if economically valuable assets in perpetuity. Assets may include real property, shares or cash.
GP 37 |
Conflict of Interest |
GP 38 |
Sustainability |
B10.05 |
Budget Policy Objectives |
B 10.09 |
Investment Governance Policy
Investment Management Operating Procedures (IMOP)
B 10.11 |
Signing Authorizations
Summary of the Signing Resolutions
AD 11.01 |
Purchasing Policy |
AD 11.21 |
Ethical Procurement |
R 10.01 |
External Research Grants and Contracts
R 50.02 |
Personnel Funded from Research Grants
- Appendices A, B & C: Sample Employment in RTF format