

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Barha, C. K., Falck, R. S., Best, J. R., Nagamatsu, L. S., Hsiung, G-Y. R., Sheel, A. W., Hsu, C. L., Kramer, A. F., Voss, M. W., Erickson, K. I., Davis, J. C., Boyd, L., Crockett, R. A., ten Brinke, L. F., Singer, J., Galea, L. A. M., Jacova, C., Bullock, A., Grant, S., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2022). Reshaping the path of mild cognitive impairment by refining exercise prescription: A study protocol of a randomized controlled trial to understand the “What”, “For Whom”, and “How” of exercise to promote cognitive function. Trials, 23, 766.

Basta, N., Sohel, N., Sulis, G., Wolfson, C., Maimon, G., Griffith, L., Kirkland, S., McMillan, J., Thompson M, Raina P; for the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Research Team (Wister, A. & 17 others). (2022). Factors associated with willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine among 23,819 adults aged 50 years or older: An analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. American Journal of Epidemiology. 191(6):987-998. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwac029. PMID: 35166332; PMCID: PMC8903402.

Beauchamp, M., Joshi, D., McMillan, J., Erbas, Oz U., Griffith, L., Basta, N., Kirkland, S., Wolfson, C., Raina, P. & Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Team Wister, A. and 17 others). (2022). Assessment of Functional Mobility After COVID-19 in Adults Aged 50 Years or Older in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jan 4;5(1):e2146168. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.46168. Erratum in: JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Feb 1;5(2):e220927. PMID: 35019980; PMCID: PMC8756318.

Beringer, R., Gill, P., Gutman, G., & de Vries, B. (2022). Finding positives amidst the negatives: A thematic analysis of the impact of the COVID-9 pandemic on Canadians 55+. OBM Geriatrics, 6(4) doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr22o4213.

Best, J. R., & Cosco, T. D. (2022). An analysis of dynamic, bidirectional associations between memory and verbal fluency with depression in middle- and older-aged adults: A cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 318, 400-408.

Best, J. R., Wang, M., Lee, T., Russell, J. A. & DeMarco, M., on behalf of the ARBs CORONA I investigators (2022). Early increases in anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody isotypes associated with organ dysfunction and mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Intensive Care Medicine, 48, 616-618. 

Canham, S. L., Mahmood, A., Walsh, C. A., Sussman, T., Bourgeois Guérin, V., Chaudhury, H., Colgan, S., Dunn, J. R., Henwood, B., Nixon, L., Somers, J. M., & Yan, A. (2022). Aging in the right place: Building capacity for promising practices that support older people experiencing homelessness in Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. Social Science Protocols, 113.

Chaudhury, H., & Xu, M. (2022). The Role of the Built Environment on the Quality of Life for Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities in Asia: A Scoping Review, Innovation in Aging, 6(5), https://

Cosco, T. D., Randa, C., Hopper, S., Wagner, K., Pickering, J., & Best, J. R. (2022). Ageing and mental health in Canada: Perspectives from law, policy, and longitudinal research. Journal of Population Ageing, 15, 863-878.

De Rubeis, V., Anderson, L., Khattar, J., de Groh, M., Jiang, Y., Oz, U., Basta, N., Kirkland, S., Wolfson, C., Griffith, Raina, P. & Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Team (Wister, A. & 19 others). (2022). Stressors and perceived consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults: a cross-sectional study using data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. CMAJ Open. 10 (3): E721-E730. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20210313.

De Vries, B., Gutman, G., Soheilipour, S., Gahagan, J., Humble, A., Mock, S., & Chamberland, L. (2022). Advance care planning among older LGBT Canadians: Heteronormative influences. Sexualities, 25(1-2), 79-98.

Dube, D., Sussman, T., Brotman, S., de Vries, B. & Gutman, G. (2022). Advance care planning among older gay men living with HIV in Montreal, Canada: Challenges to thinking and talking about future care. Journal of Homosexuality, 69(4),756-772.

Falck, R. S., Best, J. R., Barha, C. K., Davis, J. C., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2022). Do the relationships of physical activity and total sleep time with cognitive function vary by age and biological sex? A cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Maturitas, 166, 41-49.

Falck, R. S., Hsu, C. L., Boa Sorte Silva, N. C., Li, L. C., Best, J. R., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2022). The independent associations of physical activity and sleep with neural activity during an inhibitory task: Cross-sectional results from the MONITOR-OA study. Journal of Sleep Research, e13692, 1-12.

Gaber, S. N., Thalén, L., Malinowsky, C. W., Margot-Cattin, I., Seetharaman, K., Chaudhury, H., Cutchin, M., Wallcook, S., Kottorp, A., Brorsson, A., Biglieri, S., & Nygard, L. (2022). Social citizenship through out-of-home participation among older adults with and without Dementia. Journal of Applied Gerontology. doi:10.1177/07334648221112425.

Gan, D., Wister, A., & Best, J. (2022). Environmental influences on life satisfaction and depressive symptoms among older adults with multimorbidity: Path analysis through loneliness in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, The Gerontologist, Volume 62, Issue 6, August 2022, Pages 855–864,

Gill, P., Gutman, G., Karbakhsh, M., Beringer, R., & de Vries, B. (2022) COVID-19 pandemic experiences across the shelter-care continuum in older adults (2022). Journal of Aging and Environment, published online 19 December.

Griffith, L., McMillan, J., Hogan, D., Pourfarzaneh, S., Anderson, L., Kirkland, S., Basta, N., van den Heuvel, E., Raina, P. The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Team (Wister, A. & 17 others) (2022). Frailty and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on community-living middle-aged and older adults: an analysis of data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), Age and Ageing, Volume 51, Issue 12: 1-12, December 2022, afac289,

Gutman, G., Karbakhsh, M., & Stewart, H. G. (2022). Abuse of marginalized older adults during COVID-19: Proxy findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. GEROPSYCH: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiarty, published online August 26, 2022. https:// a000301.

Kadowaki, L., & Wister, A. (2022). Older adults and social isolation and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review of patterns, effects, and interventions. Canadian Journal on Aging. Nov 8:1-18. doi: 10.1017/S0714980822000459. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36345649.

Kervin, L., Chamberlain, S., Wister, A., & Cosco, T. (2022). Commentary: (Older) Adults Without Advocates: Support for Alternative Terminology to Elder Orphan in Research and Clinical Contexts Journal of the American Medical Association.

Li, L., Lee, Y., & Lai, D. (2022). Mental health of employed family caregivers: A gender-based analysis on the role of workplace support. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. https://doi. org/10.1177/00914150221077948.

Li, L., Wister, A., & Mitchell, B. (2022). Examination of the Healthy Caregiver Effect among older adults: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Gerontology. https://doi. org/10.1159/000526251.

Liu-Ambrose, T., Falck, R. S., Dao, E., Best, J. R., Davis, J. C., Bennett, K., Hall, P. A., Hsiung, G-Y., R., Middleton, L. E., Goldsmith, C. H., Graf, P., & Eng, J. J. (2022). Effect of exercise training or complex mental and social activities on cognitive function in adults with chronic stroke: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 3, e2236510.

Mahmood, A., Patille, R., Lam, E., Mora, D. J., Gurung, S., Weldrick, R., Chaudhury, H., & Canham, S. (2022). Aging in the right place for older adults experiencing housing security: An environmental assessment of temporary housing program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 14857. doi:

McMillan, J. M., Hogan, D. B., Zimmer, C., Sohel, N., Wolfson, C., Kirkland, S., Griffith, L. E., Basta, N. E., & Raina, P; Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Team (Wister A + 17 others). (2022). Predictors of reported alcohol intake during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada among middle-aged and older adults: results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Canadian Journal of Public Health. 11:1–13. doi: 10.17269/s41997-022-00661-5.

Ng, T. K. S., Han, M. F. Y., Loh, P. Y., Kua, E. H., Yu, J., Best, J. R., & Mahendran, R. (2022). Differential associations between simple physical performance tests with global and specific cognitive functions in cognitively normal and mild cognitive impairment: A cross-sectional cohort study of Asian community-dwelling older adults. BMC Geriatrics, 22, 798.

O’Connor, D., Sakamoto, M., Seetharaman, K., Chaudhury, H., & Phinney, A. (2022). Conceptualizing citizenship in dementia: A scoping review of the literature. Dementia. doi:10.1177/14713012221111014.

Peters, S., Cosco, T., Mackey, D., Sarohia, G., Leong, J., & Wister, A. (2022). Do current measurement instruments of physical resilience in aging tell the whole story? A scoping review. Physiotherapy Canada.

Pickering, J., Crooks, V. A., Snyder, J., & Milner, T. (2022). Relational, community-based and practical: Support systems used by Canadian spousal caregivers living seasonally in the United States. Health & Social Care in the Community.

Raina, P., Wolfson, C., Griffith, L., Kirkland, S., McMillan, J., Bast, N., Joshi, D., Erbas Oz, U., Sohel1, N., Maimon, G., Thompson, M., & CLSA team (Wister, A. and 17 others). (2022). A longitudinal analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of middle-aged and older adults from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Nature Aging. 1, 1137–1147.

Sakib, M. N., Ramezan, R., Thompson, M. E., Best, J. R., & Hall, P. A. (2022). Cognitive function is associated with multiple indices of adiposity in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Psychosomatic Medicine, 84, 773-784.

Teo, K., Churchill, R., Riadi, I., Kervin. L., Wister, A., & Cosco, T. (2022). Help-seeking behaviors among older adults: A scoping review. Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Whitmore, C., Fisher, K., McAiney, C., Ploeg, J., Griffith, L., Phillips, S., Wister, A., & Markle-Reid, M. (2022). Self-Reported health and the well-being paradox among community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study using baseline data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). BMC Geriatrics. 22 (112),

Wister, A., Klasa, K., & Linkov, L. (2022). A unified model of resilience and aging: Applications to COVID-19. Frontiers in Public Health. 886: 1-14,

Wister, A., Li, L., Cosco, T., Best, J., & Kim, B. (2022). Multimorbidity and depression, anxiety and comprehensive impact during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Clinical Gerontologist. https://doi 10.1080/07317115.2022.2094742.

Wister, A., Li, L., Cosco, T., McMillan, J., Griffith, L., & on behalf of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Team. (2022). Multimorbidity resilience and COVID-19 pandemic self-reported impact and worry among older adults: A study based on the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). BMC Geriatrics. 22:92. https//

Wister, A., Li, L., Levasseur, M., Kadowaki, L., & Pickering, J. (2022). The effects of loneliness on depressive symptoms among older adults during COVID-19: Longitudinal analyses of the CLSA. Journal of Aging and Health. https://doi. org/10.1177/08982643221129686.

Wister, A., Li, L., & Mitchell, B. (2022). A study of social isolation, multimorbidity and multiple role demands among middle-age adults based on the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 94 (3).

Wister, A., Li, L., Mitchell, B., Wolfson, C., McMillan, J., Griffith, L., Kirkland, S., Raina, P., & on behalf of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Team. (2022). Levels of depression and anxiety among informal caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study based on the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Journal of Gerontology, Series B. gbac03.,

Wister, A., Li, L., Whitmore, C., Ferris, J., Klasa, K., & Linkov, I. (2022). A longitudinal analysis of health behaviors and multimorbidity resilience using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Frontiers in Public Health. 1-18,

Wister, A., O’Dea, E., Fyffe, I., & Cosco, T. (2022). Technological interventions to reduce loneliness and social isolation among community-living older adults: A scoping review. Gerontechnology. 20(2):1-16.

Yan, E., Lai, D. W. L., Cheng, S-T., Kwok, T., Leung, E., Vivian, W., Fong, D., Chaudhury, H., Pillemer, K., & Lachs, M. Resident-to-resident aggression in long-term care facilities: Prevalence and risk factors. (2022). Journal of American Geriatric Society, 1- 4. doi:10.1111/jgs.18175.


Wister, A. V., & Kadowaki, L. for the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Forum of Ministers Responsible for Seniors. (2022). Social Isolation Among Older Adults During the Pandemic. Employment and Social Development Canada.