Champions for a Healthy Campus Community

SFU Health Promotion has lead work to enhance student well-being at SFU since 2012. Part of this has focused on inspiring people and programs at SFU to take action and become engaged through the Healthy Campus Community initiative. As a team instrumental to developing the Okanagan Charter, implementing the National Standard of Canada for Mental-Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students, and advancing goals of the Scarborough Charter, SFU Health Promotion believes in continuous learning and evolvement. 

As of 2023, we are no longer formally recognizing Champions for a Healthy Campus Community and are instead prioritizing our work to the SFU community.

We will continue to work collaboratively with partners across our campus community to advance student well-being. We encourage you to check the Health Promotion website and ways to Take Action as we share opportunities for engagement and ongoing health promoting practice at SFU.

Explore the legacy of previously recognized Champions for a Healthy Campus Community and learn more about health promoting change across the SFU community.

If you or a person, program, or group you know is making positive contributions to the Healthy Campus Community initiative and you would like more support or to explore your ideas further, we encourage you to get in touch with the SFU Health Promotion team at

Contact us by emailing